God's Deacon

Chapter 192 Beauty Dressed as a Man

After Zhong Cheng entered the city, several aggressive British soldiers immediately surged up from both sides, held a long gun and held Zhong Cheng's body, and said harshly, "Come down!" Zhong Cheng did not resist, obediently turned down from the horse, then raised his hands and said, "Guys, if you have something to say, if you have something to say, you are here to negotiate, not to fight." He did not intend to tell his intention to the unknown people in front of him, because he knew that it was useless to say it.

"Nonsense!" A figure who looked like a team leader snorted coldly and stared at Zhong Cheng hatefully. After gritting his teeth for a while, he waved his hand and said, "I know you are here to negotiate!" Come on! Take him to the main hall of the city owner and wait!" With the captain's order, two burly men immediately stepped forward and held Zhong Cheng's hands and escorted him to the center of the city of Tamu City.

Although this practice was a little rude, it helped Zhong Cheng invisibly. He made up his mind and explained everything to the other party as soon as he met the so-called city owner. As for this explanation, you naturally have to think about it carefully, but you can be sure that the city owner allows you to see the old man Gotal.

Under the escort of the Han Dynasty, Zhong Cheng walked west along the main street of Tamu City. Along the way, he saw some of the British people who had been tortured by the war. These people are blind and thin, and obviously have suffered a major blow mentally and physically. Looking at these people who have no relationship with him, he showed such a sad and miserable look, which made Zhong Cheng's heart unable to help twist. So much so that he couldn't help turning his head to lock his eyes on his way forward. Without squint, he was no longer in the mood to pay attention to the people around him.

War is really cruel! Even those ordinary people who do not have a bloody battlefield, don't they live in poverty and spiritually generate income? But no matter how painful and tiring they live, as long as human greedy nature still exists, there will inevitably be war in this world!

Until now, Zhong Cheng has deeply realized why the Inter people hate themselves, the messenger of the State of Jiang, so much. The reason is very simple: the people of Jiang broke everything in their peace and let the convincing and peaceful days be wasted, so they would be angry, so they would resent them, so the defenders would be so Treat Zhong Cheng rudely.

Thinking about these deep problems in his mind, Zhong Cheng unconsciously walked to the door of a mansion. Zhong Cheng looked up at the house and saw a golden plaque hanging above the scarlet gate with the word "City Lord" written on it. Needless to say, this must be the city lord's mansion in the mouth of these soldiers.

Outside the scarlet gate of the city lord's mansion, in addition to two stone lions, there are also two armored Anglo sailors. After seeing Zhong Cheng and his party, the two soldiers habitually crossed the spears in their hands. One of the soldiers asked, "Two, who is this man?"

A soldier holding Zhong Cheng here smiled and said, "This is an envoy specially sent by Jiang Guo. The general said that he should be escorted to the hall of the city owner first and talk about it later."

The soldier guarding the door smiled when he heard this and said, "Haha, is this also the messenger of Jiang Guo? That's weird! Just now, a messenger was sent in the direction of the South Gate, and now there is another one! Haha!"

"Is there also a messenger at the South Gate?" The soldier beside Zhong Cheng was stunned and muttered, "It's strange to send two messengers in one breath!" But after that, he quickly shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'm a small soldier who doesn't care about this problem. I'll give it to you. You take him to listen, and our two brothers will go back and continue to guard the city!" As soon as the soldier finished speaking, he let go of the hand that bound Zhong Cheng. After seeing that the soldier guarded the door held Zhong Cheng, he safely accompanied his companion back the same way.

Zhong Cheng did not intend to resist just now, and it is the same now. After being held, Zhong Cheng did not struggle, which surprised the soldier and couldn't help sighing: "Ha! It's really strange today. What the messenger just said and didn't let others touch him. It doesn't matter what you do.

"Ha ha, you may be wrong. The reason why I don't resist is that I negotiate with sincerity. However, I didn't come here to slaughter people. Therefore, it's not that it doesn't matter. Zhong Cheng smiled and said without humility. Although Zhong Cheng didn't want to resist, the soldier's words just made Zhong Cheng a little angry, so he said so.

Of course, it is definitely not a trivial matter to break out properly. As soon as the guard heard the word negotiation, he hesitated for a moment, then loosened Zhong Cheng's arm, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, saying, "Follow me." His face was gloomy and obviously reluctant to do so, but Zhong Cheng's words had an irresistible power that made him have to let go of holding Zhong Cheng's hand.

Although the guard's face was not good, Zhong Cheng was also happy, so he didn't say anything much. He quietly followed the guard and walked into the city lord's mansion.

The city owner's mansion and Zhong Cheng's imagination are almost the same, which is indeed much more atmospheric than other places. But outside the fortress, he walked in the city master's mansion for a while. After looking at the surrounding scenery and buildings, Zhong Cheng gradually came to the conclusion that the atmosphere of the city's master's mansion was still not as good as that of the Gongsun Mansion of Tianji Kingdom.

Because the roads in the city's mansion are connected, after walking straight along the road for a while, Zhong Cheng was soon taken to a building that is larger than other buildings. Needless to say, just looking at the momentum of the house in front of him, you can know that this is definitely the so-called main hall. After listening, Zhong Cheng found that the main hall was a little bigger and more gorgeous than the main hall in the mansion. I think it's because the owner of the mansion is the city owner and often meets guests, so the reception hall is built so gorgeously.

After the guard brought Zhong Cheng in, he said, "You wait here for a while, and the city owner will come to see you after dealing with the matter. Don't play tricks!" The guard stared at Zhong Cheng fiercely and stared at the interior of the main hall before turning around and leaving.

After the guard left, Zhong Cheng's eyes first fell on the messenger who arrived here first in the main hall. And the messenger, like Zhong Cheng, was looking at him.

When Zhong Cheng saw the messenger of Jiang Guo standing opposite him, his expression was stunned.

Standing opposite Zhong Cheng, there is a handsome man about 17 or 18 years old, wearing a luxurious brocade robe and long black hair! A beautiful man, an absolutely beautiful man, Zhong Cheng has never seen any man's facial features more beautiful than the beautiful man in front of him. He can swear that the beautiful man opposite as a messenger has no red lips, no bulge chest, and a mustache on his mouth, but Zhong Cheng swears that he is definitely a real woman! If the other party is a hypocrite, this realistic visual effect is too shocking! In Zhong Cheng's impression, men who are really more beautiful than beautiful women usually only exist in comics and do not exist in real life.

Why did Jiang Guo send a woman dressed as a man to negotiate in this city, and she is also such a beautiful woman! If it is found, won't it be a big loss? I really don't know what the old man of the general of Nanying is thinking. Shouldn't he want to use beauty tricks?

Just as Zhong Cheng's mind was fanciful, the envoy dressed as a man standing opposite him suddenly coughed a few times, and then said rudely, "Who are you? What are you doing here? You are black, and you should not be an Englishman, right? This sound sounds quite loud. If you listen to the sound alone, no one will know that the person in front of you is a woman.

But this voice is nothing for Zhong Cheng, who has determined that the other party is a woman. After all, there are many ways to change the voice. For example, it is a good way to use miracles to use the left and right vocal cords. Therefore, Zhong Cheng still firmly believes that the messenger dressed as a man on the opposite side is a stunning beauty who is not inferior to Bauhinia and others in appearance.