God's Deacon

Chapter 195 Trapped in the Stone Room

The city owner also did what he said. After Zhong Cheng gave up resistance, he personally escorted the two of them to a more spacious room in the inner hall of the mansion, then closed the door and locked it by the way. With that, the four walls of this room are thick stone walls, and the doors are also made of fine iron. Not to mention ordinary people, even gods like Zhong Cheng and Jiang Lin, it is very difficult to escape from here. And even if they leave this stone room, there will be a city owner pressure in the room not far away. Unless the army of Jiang outside breaks the city, or the city owner is kind and let go, it will be difficult for the two of them to leave this place.

Listening to the sound of the iron gate being locked, Zhong Cheng sighed helplessly. As a result, he still did not explain his intention to the city owner. This is not because he didn't have a chance to say it, but because he subconsciously felt that it was good to play like this, so he was still escorted here by others. As for why he thought so, Zhong Cheng couldn't say.

Like Zhong Cheng, Jiang Lin's expression was also helpless, and in addition to being helpless, her face was also more anxious. As soon as he was locked into the stone room, Jiang Lin immediately put his hands on his back, gritted his silver teeth, and started to and from the room.

Zhong Cheng knows why he is so anxious. I think he is worried that the British people in Tamu City have begun to carry out the sacrificial ceremony and are ready to use the soul to chase the moon bow. From the introduction of Jiang Lin just now, Zhong Cheng has known that this soul chasing the moon bow has the ability to destroy the whole country! If it comes out, there should be no problem to solve the army of Jiang outside the city. If Jiang's army still holds the attitude of besieging the city and cutting off food, everything will be over after the sacrifice ceremony. The war launched by Jiang will eventually come to an end with the defeat of Jiang.

The situation is so serious that it is no wonder that Jiang Lin is so anxious. For him, who was eager to rush back to the army to inform him, being imprisoned here was as painful as asking for his life. From his anxious pace and gloomy face, it is not difficult to see that he has deep feelings for Jiang Guo and attaches great importance to the victory or defeat of this war.

Zhong Cheng already knew that the messenger with the disguised Jiang Lin was actually a woman and a beautiful woman. At this time, he was naturally a little uncomfortable when he saw the beautiful woman, so he comforted him and comforted him, "Brother Jiang, although I know why you are worried, I feel that there are too many worries now. It's no use. Isn't it?"

Jiang Lin stopped, nodded, and said with a wry smile, "Yes! Now it's too late to regret... It's only because I didn't support the general's opinion at that time, which caused our army to fall into such a passive situation now. It is now the seventh day. If you calculate according to the time when the British began the sacrificial ceremony as soon as they fought, the sacrificial ceremony will end in three days, and you can use the moon bow! At that time, with the power of only one arrow, won't tens of thousands of troops in Jiang have to disappear in an instant?

Speaking of this, Jiang Lin's already dark eyes were even more dull. She sighed long, sat close to the chair next to her, then picked up the teapot on the table and poured a cup of tea into her stomach, regardless of whether the tea was poisonous or not. She will be so cheerful not because he pinched it, but because he knew very well that if he wanted to kill them with the strength of the city owner, he had just started it, and there was no need to poison them at all.

After drinking a few cups of tea in a row, Jiang Lin took a few deep breaths, and the gasp in his mouth gradually decreased, and the expression on his face slowly calmed down. He sat on the stool and calmed down for a while, then breathed a sigh of relief, waved to Zhong Cheng, and said, "Don't stand. Come and sit together."

Zhong Cheng nodded and walked over to sit opposite Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin picked up the teapot on the table and poured a cup of tea for Zhong Cheng and asked, "You are the person sent by the general. Tell me, is the general still sticking to his idea of breaking the city in one fell swoop?"

Zhong Cheng didn't seem to deceive the worried woman in front of him, so he nodded slightly and said, "General Jun still insists on his opinion, otherwise he would not have specially sent me to persuade the city lord to surrender."

After listening to this, a happy smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face and praised: "It's worthy of being a great general. It's really far-sighted! After the end of this war, we must praise him!"

Zhong Cheng felt a little strange when he heard this. Because this sounds like praising the subordinates in the record, but in fact, the woman in front of you is absolutely no more than 20 years old, and you can't say anything about Junlang's boss. However, Zhong Cheng just guessed that the woman's identity* must be very big, so he didn't think it was strange. Although he didn't feel strange, Jiang Lin immediately felt strange as soon as he said the words. Li quickly waved his hand and explained, "Well, I mean, we respect the general..." I think it's because I don't know how to explain it, Jiang Lin's words had to stop here.

Zhong Cheng didn't want to embarrass the other party in this regard, so he smiled gently and nodded, "I understand." Then he took the opportunity to change the topic and said, "Brother Jiang, we are trapped here now. The most urgent thing is to find a way to leave quickly!" If our army wins and breaks the city, but we are regarded as hostages, it will not be good!" Of course, the so-called hostage does not refer to him, but to the Jiang neighbor with a background on the opposite side.

"Yes," Jiang Lin dragged his chin and muttered, "As soon as you went to the front line, you were entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the general. I think it's because the general attaches great importance to you! If you are taken hostage, it's really bad!" Zhong Cheng, who heard this, couldn't laugh or cry. How dare Jiang Lin think that the person he was referring to in his words was himself? However, he did not intend to explain anything. After all, Zhong Cheng has not planned to expose the identity of the other party so far.

"So, in order to let our army have no worries," Zhong Cheng looked around and said, "Let's think about whether there is any way to escape from here. Anyway, let's take a look at the situation around first. What does Brother Jiang think?

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "No problem. According to what you said, let's check the four weeks first."

After making up his mind, Zhong Cheng and Jiang Lin immediately stood up and carefully checked the four walls of the room to see if there were any gaps. But the result is quite disappointing. The surrounding stone walls are all as hard as diamond. Even if Zhong Cheng uses such a powerful attack as Xingtianpo, I'm afraid it is impossible to easily break this thick stone wall! If it can't be broken with one blow, it is bound to arouse the vigilance of the guards, and once the guards are alerted, there will be masters like the city owner to suppress the array. As soon as the city owner arrives, unless Zhong Cheng works hard, he will have no chance of winning.

After searching for a long time, it was futile. Zhong Cheng and Jiang Lin couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. They dragged their tired bodies and sat back on the stool again with disappointment. Of course, Jiang Lin was really disappointed, but Zhong Cheng had no reason to be disappointed. After all, he did not come as an envoy.

In fact, in the final analysis, there is no need for Zhong Chengda to be disappointed. As long as he tells the city owner his purpose of coming here, he believes that it is not difficult for the city owner to let him go. But Zhong Cheng has an indescribable sense of disengage in his heart. In his opinion, it is quite humiliating to be bound here by others so simply. Moreover, Zhong Cheng was born as a man who likes to help beautiful women as much as he can, so when he saw the beauty disguised as a man in front of him, Zhong Cheng naturally felt a feeling called Hero Saving Beauty.

At this time, seeing that Jiang Lin was so disappointed, Zhong Cheng once again exerted his gentlemanly demeanor and cheered her softly: "Brother Jiang, don't be disappointed. It's just beginning! Isn't there any gate that hasn't been checked? Maybe the iron gate is empty! I'm going to check it now. Seeing Jiang Lin nodded, he stood up and walked towards the iron gate. But just a few steps away, the iron door in front of him suddenly creaked open, and then a bodyguard came in with a plate of dishes and a dissatisfied face.

After the bodyguard came in, he stared fiercely at Zhong Cheng, who was approaching the iron gate, and shouted, "Don't play tricks! Sit down peacefully!"

Due to the sudden incident, Zhong Cheng did not think of any countermeasures, so he sat back at the table according to the instructions of the guard. The bodyguard also put the plate in his hand on the table at this time and snorted coldly, "The city lord is afraid that you will starve to death!" Hurry up and eat!" After saying that, he didn't even look at the two of them, and turned around and left directly.

But at the sound of a heavy muffled sound, the iron door was closed.