God's Deacon

Chapter 208 Unpreventable

The people in the team crossed the dazzling aperture one after another. Unconsciously, there were fewer and fewer people on the corridor. When it was Zhong Cheng's turn to cross, he found that he was the only one left in the corridor.

No one will like the feeling of loneliness, and so will Zhong Cheng. When he was alone, he even felt that there were cold wind gusts in the quiet corridor, which made people feel uncomfortable. Therefore, he didn't think much about it and took a step directly to follow the footsteps of his predecessors through the two-meter-high aperture in front of him. But just as he just pulsed, a strong wind suddenly came from behind him!

After wandering on the Tongshen Continent for so long, Zhong Cheng immediately realized that this was a dangerous coming. At this time, it was still useless to move forward. Fortunately, the corridor was spacious enough, so Zhong Cheng stepped on his step and quickly turned sideways with the blessing of the wind. At the same time, a dark shadow suddenly rushed past him and hit Zhong Cheng's left elbow with something hard. Then, the dark shadow suddenly stood in front of the aperture.

Looking at the man in front of him, Zhong Cheng was not surprised at all. He held a dragon crutch in his hand. Although his hair was gray, he did not look old at all. This person is not someone else. It is the Elder Yang that Zhong Cheng has been careful of. Unfortunately, Zhong Cheng's eyes were not long enough. He thought that Elder Yang had already passed through this aperture. Unexpectedly, he was still in this corridor and suddenly appeared from behind him!

It's really unpreventable!

The severe pain from his left elbow forced a few drops of painful sweat from Zhong Cheng's forehead. He gritted his teeth and regretted his careless behavior. Why did he forget to beware of Elder Yang? Unexpectedly, he gave the other party a chance to launch a sudden attack without his own preparation, and also hit his left elbow with a dragon crutch. As a special soldier, Zhong Cheng knows quite well about the damage of these traumas. I'm afraid that the bone at his elbow has been broken!

Zhong Cheng will inevitably feel a burst of panic when he wants to fight against the unknown elder Yang when he can't use his left hand. Especially when the severe pain from his elbow has not weakened, Zhong Cheng is not sure that he can win the battle. In order to give himself more rest time, Zhong Cheng, who was out of breath, stared at each other with his angry eyes, lowered his voice and roared in a low voice, "Yang Elder! What do you mean by doing this?"

What does it mean? Is there any need to say that? Of course I will kill you!" Elder Yang smiled coldly and said, "Since I want to be famous in the Central Plains, I naturally have to kill a god of the Central Plains to sacrifice the flag!"

Zhong Cheng snorted and frowned, "Is it famous in the Central Plains? What on earth are you thinking? Where is the soul chasing the moon bow? Where did you take it?" With that, Zhong Cheng looked at Elder Wangyang's left hand. There, the exquisite box that originally existed has long been lost.

"Here!" Elder Yang did not hide it. He smiled and pointed to his dragon head crutch and said proudly, "This dragon stick is not only a powerful weapon, but also a magic weapon for storage."

Zhong Cheng looked at the two golden eyes of the dragon's head, smiled faintly, and shook his head and said, "You are really confident! Knowing the whereabouts of the moon bow, I won't show mercy later!"

Elder Yang smiled casually, shrugged his shoulders carelessly, and said, "So what? Anyway, you and I will definitely lose the battle! The left hand hurts! No wonder, after all, the bone is broken! You can't beat me by putting your hands together. Now you are injured and can't use your left hand. Do you think you won me?

"Hmm! Try to know who wins and loses. Zhong Cheng snorted coldly, "However, before fighting, I want to ask a few questions to see if you are full of confidence. Don't you mind?"

"Of course, I'm a little bit of time." Elder Yang put his left hand behind him and smiled.

"The first question, when did you come after me? I might as well tell you that I have been on your guard, but I still can't defend against it.

"Have you been on my guard? No wonder I will notice something wrong. I told you that while you were still walking on the stone ladder, I had pushed slowly from the first row to the back. Then when everyone entered the chaos of the aperture, they approached the stone wall, held their breath and extinguished the candlelight. When you passed by me, you were so worried that you didn't find me at all.

Zhong Cheng lowered his head to meditated for a while, nodded and said with a wry smile, "Really? You are so smart! Yes, after talking to those two teenagers just now, I really have a lot of trouble. But I didn't expect it to give you the opportunity to take advantage of it.

After sighing, Zhong Cheng picked up his expression and said, "Well, the next question, if I'm right, your gray hair should be born, right? Since you are a British, why do you do such a puzzling thing? What's your purpose?" With that, Zhong Cheng took a deep look at the golden eyes of the dragon head and sneered, "Isn't it to chase the moon bow to monopolize the soul?"

Elder Yang gently closed his eyes and was slightly silent for a while. Suddenly, he laughed and said, "That's right!" Of course, it is to get the hopeful soul chasing the moon bow, but it is not just to get the hopeful soul chasing the moon bow!" When he said that, Elder Yang's loud laughter stopped abruptly. He pointed to the aperture behind him and asked Zhong Cheng, "Do you know where this door leads?" Then, without waiting for Zhong Cheng to speak, he answered first, "It's the way to the Drian tribe!" Believe it, you also know the Drian tribe, right? Yes, the Drian tribe is the patron saint of my Anglo! Legend has it that whenever our Intes encounter great disaster, the people of the Drian tribe will appear to rescue the people of the Intes. But is that really the case? Are they really patron saints?

Facing the excited elder Yang, Zhong Cheng chose to be silent. He knew that Elder Yang must have something else to say, and he also knew that Elder Yang would not allow himself to intervene.

As expected, as Zhong Cheng expected, after a short pause for a few seconds, Elder Yang, who took a deep breath, began to continue to say, "Of course the answer is no! We, the British, are a nation abandoned by God and a nation without divinity! So we can't become gods, nor can we seal gods! Therefore, there is no patron saint in our nation! God will not protect us! We are the only ones who can protect us! That's why you, blessed by God, can trample on our homes with your iron horses so unscrupulously!" The more excited Elder Yang said, the more excited he kicked the crutch in his hand at this time! There was a loud noise, and the bluestone slab had been broken in the place where it was hit by a crutch.

"I hate it! I hate you Central Plains!" Elder Yang continued in his old and trembling voice: "For the sake of the treasures handed down from generation to generation, you would mercilessly launch a war to kill my compatriots!" But we don't even have the ability to fight! In addition to retreat, retreat! I'm tired of retreating! Therefore, I will kill you here first, and then go to the Central Plains to chase the moon bow with your dream soul and kill all of you one by one!"

Hearing this, Zhong Cheng couldn't help taking a deep breath and shaking his head slightly. Only now did he understand why the city owner should be moreware of this Elder Yang. It seems that he has already seen that Elder Yang is an extremely strong person, so he is afraid that he will do something impulsive! And now, Elder Yang is doing an impulsive thing!

Let's not mention that the sacrificial ceremony must be carried out before using the hope soul to chase the moon bow! Even if he completes the sacrificial ceremony and holds the moon bow that can be used, I'm afraid he will still win more or win if he wants to fight with the top masters on the mainland, such as the strongest such as the surrogate god!

After all, Zhong Cheng, who has been in Tianji for a while, has heard countless times how powerful and powerful those proxy gods are. The agent god is the kind of super strongman who can shake the whole continent with a sneeze! What can be done with a hand-held artifact in front of such a strong man? If you can't play the power of the artifact perfectly, what's the use of holding a strong artifact?

Considering these, Zhong Cheng couldn't help sighing. He made up his mind to let the extreme old man in front of him give up his crazy idea.