God's Deacon

Chapter 219 Dispute

Zhong Cheng traveled all the way. After walking for a long time, he could see the Drian tribe from afar. After seeing the tribe, Zhong Cheng's call also slowed down. At this time, it is still daytime, the sky is blue, and the grassland is windy and beautiful, and the scenery is pleasant. Walking in this world is definitely a pleasant thing.

With a mood of enjoyment, Zhong Cheng finished the last part of the road and entered the tribe. To his surprise, the British people who came and went in the tribe at the beginning suddenly disappeared. The whole tribe seemed particularly deserted. Zhong Cheng, who was very surprised, did not stop, but continued to go deep into the tribe and wanted to ask Arona, the patriarch, what had happened.

As a result, after a few steps, a voice of dispute suddenly came from Zhong Cheng's ears, and the source of the sound was right in front of him. If the expectation is good, it should be the sound from the patriarch's tent.

Listening to the vague voice in front of him, Zhong Cheng couldn't help saying in his heart, "Strange." Without thinking much, he immediately walked straight ahead. After walking for a while and passing through a few tents, Zhong Cheng came to the front of the patriarch's tent. At this time, in front of the tent stood not only two bodyguards, but also a large group of onlookers. These Intels stand on the left and right sides and don't look like people of the same race at all, just like opposing sides.

Of course, it is not true that it is hostile. After all, compared with the angry and restless Anglo-looking people on the right, the words " calm" are clearly engraved on the faces of the British people on the left. Needless to speculate, Zhong Cheng knows that the group of Brits on the left are the original residents of the Drian tribe, while the group on the right is the elderly and children who fled here from Tamu City. Their faces were full of anger, and there was a faint feeling of helplessness under the shelter.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Cheng was naturally puzzled. He took a few steps forward, walked behind a middle-aged man and asked, "Brother, what happened? Why is everyone gathered here?" This middle-aged man belongs to the left, so his mood is still quite stable. He first took a look at Zhong Cheng in surprise, especially Zhong Cheng's eye-catching black hair, and then said, "Who are you?"

It is no wonder that middle-aged people did not directly answer Zhong Cheng's questions. After all, among a group of British people with silver hair, the black-haired Zhong Cheng looks quite eye-catching. Therefore, it is impossible for the middle-aged person in front of him to leak information to Zhong Cheng at will when he doesn't know the situation. This is the characteristic of the Derrion tribe that is different from other Anglo people.

The people of the Drian tribe not only have certain strength, but also are more comprehensive than ordinary people in terms of consideration.

Because Zhong Cheng once heard about the Drian tribe from Bauhinia, he was not surprised that his people were so cautious. Zhong Cheng smiled at the middle-aged man in front of him and explained, "My name is Zhong Cheng, who is from the Central Plains. Today, I came here to accompany the residents of Tamu City."

The middle-aged man nodded with a clear expression and said, "Oh! Are you with that group of people? No wonder, I've heard that one of the people who came here is from the Central Plains, and I was just about to say why I didn't see it! So you are here! However, since you came with them, why don't you know what happened?

"Well, I just went to the library outside the tribe with the aristocratic patriarch, and I just came back here, so I don't know what happened." Zhong Cheng explained truthfully.

"Oh, that's it. I know." The middle-aged man nodded and said, "This is the thing. The group of people who came with you said that their Yang elders had disappeared in our tribe, and they also believed that we had hidden their Yang elders and asked me to hand them over as soon as possible! Humph! What a joke!" With that, the middle-aged man snorted disdainfully, showed a slight sneer, and said to Zhong Cheng, "Please tell the group of ignorant people on the ground and tell them that people of our Drian tribe will never do such a thing!" Let them stop being unreasonable!"

Zhong Cheng answered and said, "Thank you." Then he lowered his head to think about it.

He didn't expect this to happen. Since the matter of Elder Yang, Zhong Cheng has been blaming himself. First, he blamed himself for not carefully checking the dragon's stick when he defeated Elder Yang, so that the soul chasing moon bow now fell into the hands of Elder Yang; secondly, he blamed himself for noting the meaning of Tamuli, the owner of Tamu City. Thinking about it, Tamuli told himself to "beware of Elder Yang" at that time. The so-called guard should not know that it is so simple to beware of him doing stupid things! I think it was the tower that found some strange places of Elder Yang, which reminded Zhong Cheng. Unfortunately, Zhong Cheng didn't pay much attention to this.

However, to be honest, Zhong Cheng actually failed to control Elder Yang in a real sense at the beginning. All this is likely that Elder Yang deliberately performed in order to attract the attention of Zhong Cheng and Aruna, otherwise the old man would not have the ability to steal Feng Magicce in the library.

Of course, until now, Zhong Chengyi is not sure that the person who stole Feng Mo Ce is Elder Yang. After all, there is no accurate evidence that the person who stole Feng Mo Ce is Elder Yang. The thief described by the witness is just a silver-haired old man. As for the other characteristics of this silver-haired old man, he can't tell. Because Elder Yang is characterized by his temper, not his appearance.

"Brother Zhong." Just as Zhong Cheng held his chin and lowered his head to meditate, a sudden sound came from his ear. Zhong Cheng was stunned and looked beside him. He saw several teenagers. Zhong Cheng didn't know the names of these teenagers, but he had an impression of these teenagers, because he had told them about the deer in the secret channel before.

Looking at these teenagers, Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "Yo! It's you! What's the matter?

The leading teenager nodded and said, "Brother Zhong, go in and talk to the patriarch of the Drian tribe and tell her that Yang Chang did not take away any of their books, nor did he take away the hopeful soul chasing the moon bow! Brother Zhong, didn't you fight side by side with Elder Yang in the secret road today? So you know that Elder Yang won't do this, right? The patriarch actually said that Elder Yang attacked you, which was full of nonsense!"

The teenager's skin is dark, and he is the first teenager Zhong Cheng to talk to Zhong Cheng in the secret road. At this time, his face was a little less stubborn and a little more anxious. Maybe it's because of my heart. What the teenager said was a little messy.

After the teenager finished speaking, several other teenagers behind him also spoke, and what he said was almost the same.

After listening to these teenagers talk from the bottom of their hearts, Zhong Cheng's heart was more or less uncomfortable. Because in fact, what Arona said was not wrong at all. Elder Yang did take away the soul and chase the moon bow and attacked himself. Although it is not clear who did it, it can be inferred from various signs that the person who robbed the book is the elder Yang! Judging from these things alone, Elder Yang is indeed not a good person.

Unfortunately, in the hearts of the old and young people of Tamu City who came here, the status and personality of Elder Yang are unshakable and respected! This is why they are so nervous and excited after Elder Yang disappeared.

Zhong Cheng didn't want to fall in the hearts of a few teenagers like this, so he didn't intend to tell the matter at this time, but laughed and said perfunctorily, "Oh, well... What's the situation now? Why are you all around here?

"Now Elder Hada is talking to the patriarch in the tent. Brother Zhong, you can also go in and say a few words! Tell the patriarch that Elder Yang did not attack you, but dealt with monsters with you!" The teenager who did not know the truth opened his bright eyes and looked at Zhong Cheng, looking forward to Zhong Cheng to give him a satisfactory reply.

Looking at the teenager Xiyi's appearance, Zhong Cheng didn't want to tell him the truth of the matter, so he had to continue to perfunctorily: "Well, I'm going now..."

"Really!" The eyes of the leading teenager lit up and said happily, "That's great! I heard from the patriarch that you are her benefactor, so she will definitely listen to your words! Brother Zhong, go and tell her that Elder Yang is the most prestigious elder in our Tamu City except Elder Gotar, and he will never be the kind of person she said!"