God's Deacon

Chapter 224 Nine Deaths

Ancient tree demon, since it is an ancient tree demon!

When Zhong Cheng heard Aruna's shout, his mind suddenly exploded. Ancient tree demon, this is a five-level powerful monster! And the number is extremely rare. Unexpectedly, Zhong Cheng didn't know whether he should cry or laugh. If Zhong Cheng and the two have that strength, they can kill them and take their elixir. But if Shao is an ancient tree demon, Zhong Cheng has no chance at all.

You know, the ancient tree demon is also at the top of its strength among the five-level monsters. Even if the necromancer Zhong Cheng saw on that day is afraid of meeting the ancient tree demon, he has to admit his bad luck. As for Zhong Cheng and Arona, when they met the ancient tree demon here, they had to curse their bad luck.

And this ancient tree demon also has a more heinous ability! That is, the ancient tree demon, like human beings, is improving their strength all the time! Ancient tree demons are generally five-level monsters, but there are also six-level or even seven-level monsters. And its strength will naturally become stronger and stronger. It is said that the strongest ancient tree demon has been found on the Tongshen mainland, a whole nine-level! That's equivalent to the power of human acting gods!

"Mr. Zhong, go down the mountain quickly!"

"Fang, go down the mountain quickly!"

At this moment, Arona, the patriarch of the Drian tribe, and Zhong Cheng, who used to be the captain of the special forces, put forward their views almost at the same time. Both of them know how powerful the ancient tree demon is. Although the two have not seen the ancient tree demon yet, this does not affect their judgment. Because when the ancient tree demon really appears in front of them, it is useless to escape.

At the same time, they put forward a point of view, and there was no ambiguity between the two. They looked at each other, nodded at the same time, then turned around without saying a word, pulled out their legs and began to run! Run like crazy! Run hard! Rush to the bottom of the mountain desperately!

However, as soon as they ran out of a few steps, the ground in front of them suddenly burst open, and then a tree root buried deep in the ground suddenly emerged, steadily blocking their way.

"Damn it, has the root extended here?"

Zhong Cheng shouted and did not stop. Instead, he took out the anti-God sword from his ring and cut it according to the thick root in front of him. His sword did not use the body method, but it contained miracles and was extremely powerful. As soon as the anti-God Sword appeared, the heaven and earth immediately changed color, and there were dark clouds in the sky, and the thunder was full of thunder, as if they were wagging the flag for the Anti-God Sword.

It is true that the miracle in Zhong Cheng's own body is indeed a piece of cake for the unknown ancient tree demon, but the sharpness and magic power of the anti-God sword are not what the ancient tree demon can withstand. It also felt the infinite power contained in the anti-God Sword. The long root quickly turned over and avoided Zhong Cheng's oncoming sword. However, for Zhong Cheng, there is nothing that the other party can't avoid. Because once the long root is dodged, the road ahead of Zhong Cheng will be unimpeded. Because of this, the speed of Zhong Cheng and Aruna's escape did not slow down much because of the attack of the ancient tree demon.

However, the ancient tree demon is not an easy monster to deal with. This kind of monster's intelligence is extremely high. After a move with Zhong Cheng just now, the ancient tree demon has known that Zhong Cheng's hand is holding a sword that he can't compete with anyway. If the sword is really full of power, he will definitely die. But fortunately, Zhong Cheng does not have the ability to exert the most powerful power of the anti-God sword in his hand, so the ancient tree demon has a good reason to believe that as long as he uses the right method, the winner is still himself.

As for what this method is, the ancient tree demon already has a law in his heart.

I only heard the ancient tree demon on the mountainside suddenly roar, and then countless green vines rushed from halfway up the mountain to the back of Zhong Cheng and Aruna. At the same time, the mountain road in front of them suddenly burst again, and the light yellow tree roots emerged from the cracked hole and attacked them!

At this time, the tree roots were broken, followed by vines, and Zhong Cheng and Aruna had fallen into a dangerous situation of attack. In the right transformation of the two, it is a high cliff. If people fall down, they will definitely be smashed to pieces! On the right side of the two is a high rock wall. Although it is a little steep, it is too late to climb up.

Once they are entangled by the vine or tree root, Zhong Cheng and his life will be invulred! The anti-God sword in Zhong Cheng's hand has the ability to cut off any vine or tree root, but it is only one. Perhaps Zhong Cheng is faster and can cut off a few more, but in the face of the attack of dozens of vines and roots, it is obviously not enough to cut off a few!

And Aruna has not done anything so far. Although Zhong Cheng knew that Aruna was a witch of the Drion tribe and had strange abilities, he did not think that Aruna's strange abilities could change the current situation. Because of Aruna's strength, Zhong Cheng still feels something. In his opinion, although Aruna's tricks are strange, his own strength is limited. To put it unpleasantly, Aruna's strength is at most similar to that of Zhong Cheng, and both of them are completely half a catty!

"What to do, what to do! Use psychic scrolls? No way! You can't destroy some attacks at once. With the power of the dragon? No way! You have to save your strength... Think about it quickly, think about it quickly!"

Zhong Cheng's brain began to operate rapidly, and he desperately urged himself, hoping that he could come up with a perfect solution. Unfortunately, when this person is extremely nervous, he always messes up his hands and feet because of panic, so that his mind is buzzing, and he can't think of any good way to deal with the current situation. Although Zhong Cheng used to be an excellent captain of special forces and encountered many dangerous things, there has never been such a critical and abnormal situation as now.

The reason is very simple. The speed of the attack of vines and roots is too fast. It is almost time to give Zhong Cheng less than five seconds to think. Unless Zhong Cheng is a god, he can't think of any good way at all.

Fortunately, in the Nether Pearl in Zhong Cheng's ring, there is such a strong and extremely experienced top master - Bauhinia!

And at this time of crisis, Bauhinia was not in the mood to joke with Zhong Cheng, and immediately said, "Use the method of transforming feathers! Use the speed to fly out from the right! Hurry up!"

A fast word can be said to make Zhong Cheng wake up from a dream. Up to now, Zhong Cheng can't care about so many trivial things. He directly opened his arms and took Arona beside him into his arms. His soft body and his small waist made Zhong Cheng's body ripple. Aruna didn't expect that Zhong Cheng would do such a bold and obscene act at this critical moment. For a moment, she couldn't help panicking and looked at Zhong Cheng's stiff side face and didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Aruna even forgot that she was in danger. She looked at Zhong Cheng and said in her heart, "What is he doing?"

Of course, Zhong Cheng didn't have time to tell Aruna what he was going to do. Although Zhong Cheng is a pervert, he is by no means a pervert! At this time, the beautiful woman was in his arms, and Zhong Cheng just rippled gently for a while and quickly used the method of feathering.

When he injected the miracle into the pair of wings, a dazzling white light suddenly lit up behind Zhong Cheng's back, and then the black feather wings in the dialogue appeared behind Zhong Cheng. Because the current situation is really urgent, Zhong Cheng did not wait for the light on the black feather wings to recede. He immediately stimulated the miracle, poured the miracle on the pair of black fish wings, and waved his wings at the same time to spit inhale in the way recorded in the ancient book.

This is not the first time Zhong Cheng has done these movements. Since he learned to turn into feathers and fly, Zhong Cheng has practiced almost every day while recovering from his wounds. Although it is not pure and proficient, it can be said to be quite proficient. After all, Bauhinia also said that although Zhong Cheng's divinity is low, his ability to understand the divine law is absolutely a genius!

After this coherent, rapid and accurate action, the wings on Zhong Cheng's back successfully shook. The wings of this ancient monster are indeed not in vain. As soon as Zhong Cheng's wings trembled, his body immediately flew back, faster than the vine and tree roots! Just like a thunderbolt!