God's Deacon

Chapter 230 Keep moving

Bauhinia did not explain at the beginning, but asked, "First of all, I have to ask you, what do you think of the Warcraft offensive just now? Is it strong or weak?

Zhong Cheng replied without thinking, "Of course it's strong!"

Bauhinia continued to ask, "Why does it make you feel strong?"

Zhong Cheng answered naturally, "If it is not strong, will I become like this?" The miracles in the body have been exhausted!"

Bauhinia smiled and said, "Yes! The miracles in your body have been exhausted, which is enough to show how powerful the monster is. What do you think about raising your head and looking into the air at this time?

"Why?" Although Zhong Cheng asked this question, he didn't think much about it. According to Bauhinia, he raised his head and looked into the air. Where, the vines stained with green ** are still twisting irregularly and seem to be full of vitality. Aruna, who was beside him, didn't feel surprised to see him suddenly like this. In her opinion, it was just Zhong Cheng who was determining the enemy. Therefore, she didn't say much and still sat there and rested quietly. How did he know that Zhong Cheng, who looked calm, had been talking to someone she didn't know.

"Don't you think there is something wrong?" Bauhin knew that Zhong Cheng had looked up, so he asked.

"Is something wrong?" Wang Ruiyi touched his mouth, carefully observed the countless vines in the air, shook his head and said, "I really didn't see anything wrong! These vines are all full of vitality as before!"

Hearing this, Bauhinia smiled deeply and said, "Yes! As you said, these vines are still full of vitality. But don't you think it's strange? Since this monster is still full of vitality, why not attack you? It's impossible that it doesn't know your location, right?

Zhong Cheng's heart was shocked, and an ominous premonition suddenly surged out of his chest, and he couldn't help shouting, "What!"

Arona, who was next to him, suddenly exclaimed when she saw Zhong Cheng, and couldn't help but be surprised. She asked, "Zhong Cheng, what's wrong?"

Looking at Aruna's surprised look, Zhong Cheng quickly said, "It's okay, it's okay, it's nothing. Just talking to yourself, talking to yourself..."

Of course, Aruna doesn't believe that Zhong Cheng is really fine, but she has never been a person who likes to force others. When she saw that Wang Zhongcheng didn't want to tell the truth, she didn't want to continue to ask, she just said, "Is that so?" All right. Zhong Cheng, I hope you will remember that you and I are already calling each other's names, which means that we are friends. So if you have something on your mind, you can say it and we can solve it together! Don't hide everything in your heart, okay?

Hearing Aruna say this, Zhong Cheng knew that she had noticed something, so he didn't want to be careless. He nodded and said honestly, "Hmm! I remember it!"

Arona smiled at Zhong Chengyan and turned her head.

While being grateful for Aruna's understanding, Zhong Cheng said to Bauhinia in a secret way: " Bauhinia, what did you mean by what you just said? What about the monster's vitality? Can't it be that the vine of the monster can't continue to extend?

Bauhinia snorted disdainfully and said, "Even if the vine can't continue to extend, can't the monster act by itself? Do you think it will be troublesome for the monster to jump from above?

Bauhinia's words are undoubtedly a blow to Zhong Cheng! If you think about it carefully, it is really puzzling that the situation will develop to this point. At the speed of the vine, if the demonized Elder Yang really wanted the lives of the two of them, as long as they suddenly launched an attack at full speed at the beginning, I'm afraid it is impossible for them to stop here and rest like now. In this way, the other party intends to let them go! If the other party really intends to let them go, the situation will be serious. Because this means that what is being calculated in the heart of the monster.

The more he thought so, the more Zhong Cheng felt that it was like this. After meditating for a while, he asked Bauhinia, "According to your statement, did the monster deliberately let us go?"

Arona didn't answer directly, but smiled gently and asked, "Ha ha, I can't tell. Guess what?"

"I guess that's it!" Zhong Cheng clenched his fist and said the words in his heart, "This monster put us back in order to encircle and suppress it with a large number of people! So that we can catch all of them! As for why it did this, I speculated that there was some reason that restricted its action and made it impossible for him to move easily. So he wants to let us go back to find someone to send sheep into the tiger's mouth, right?

After hearing this, Bauhinia smiled, touched his mouth and sighed, "Tut! The analysis is very good! For the sake of your seriousness, I won't be careless with you. That's right! As you think, the reason why this monster will let you go is to let you take people to encircle and suppress it, so that it can be killed! As for why it is like this, as you guessed, there is indeed something in the mountain that restricts its actions. And the restricted action is the mountain itself!"

"The mountain itself restricts it? You don't mind explaining it more clearly, do you?

"If you want to hear it, I'll say it." Bauhinia paused and continued, "If I guess correctly, after practicing the demonization of Feng Mo Ce, this Yang elder not only absorbed the hope soul chasing the moon bow, but also absorbed the ancient tree demon. Therefore, he can use not only the power of the soul chasing the moon bow, but also the power of the ancient tree demon. However, for the demonized Yang elders, absorbing ancient tree demons is a pros and cons. Li's obvious is that he has gained more power. As for the 'disadvantages', it is also obvious that after absorbing the ancient tree demon, Elder Yang had to stay in the mountain where the ancient tree demon was located. Because the roots of the ancient tree demon have been deeply rooted in this mountain, making it difficult for him to move. Of course, Elder Yang can choose to pull out all the roots and move them, but the roots of plants are equivalent to the life of plants, and it is not easy to pull up roots. For Elder Yang, pulling out all the roots in one breath will definitely hurt his own vitality and lose a large part of his combat effectiveness. If you encounter an attack at this time, it's not good!"

After listening to Bauhinia's lengthy explanation, Zhong Cheng knew the whole situation. After understanding the current situation, Zhong Cheng couldn't help sighing and laughed at himself, "It turns out that I have always been wishful thinking! No wonder you are looking for your own death!"

Bauhinia saw Zhong Cheng admit his mistake, so he smiled gently and said, "Ha ha, it's not too late to know that he is looking for his own death!" As long as you think of a good solution, there is still a winning rate. In short, this is the situation. As for what to do, it depends on what you think. But first, if you go to die, I won't agree! Well, I'm also tired. Let's take a break. What should we do? It's up to you! There are two tips I can give you: First, you absolutely don't have the ability to defeat that monster now. Even if you use up all the treasures, you have no chance of winning! Because you still can't control any of these treasures! Second, the demonized Elder Yang has no ability to analyze the situation for a long time. In addition to killing or killing, it will let you go just now, in order to kill more unscrupulously! So even if you don't bring people to encircle it for a while, it doesn't matter. As long as it doesn't last too long, it will stay here. All right, that's it!"

After saying that, Bauhinia lost its sound and looked as if it was really going to rest. However, Zhong Cheng knew that Bauhinia felt that he was still looking at himself. Since she made her words so clear, she had to make the next decision by herself.

For Zhong Cheng, what is now in front of him is a choice! A choice that does not allow yourself to make a wrong choice! Once Zhong Cheng chooses wrong, not only will he die, but also the whole tribe of the Drian tribe is likely to suffer with him. Because of this, today's Zhong Cheng sits still like a mountain, frowning deeply and his face is quite ugly. He lowered his head and thought about what the next step should be.

Obviously, it is unrealistic to go back to worry about the clan of the Drion clan to exorcism. Even if the Drian tribe is the most powerful nation among the British, it is impossible to beat this monster when it lacks the main attack point. Originally, Zhong Cheng could be the main attack point, but Bauhinia has said that Zhong Cheng does not have this ability now. If you don't hurry to improve your strength, there is no chance of winning!

"Wait!" Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Zhong Cheng's mind, and an idea suddenly poped up, which made him shout excitedly: "Yes! Why didn't I think of it? As long as you upgrade your strength, won't all the problems be solved? Stupid! How stupid!"

Zhong Cheng's sudden speech surprised Arona beside him again. He turned around and looked at him and said puzzled, "Huh? What's the matter?" The reason why he can say "other" is that it is not the first time that Zhong Cheng has suddenly said something like now.

This time, Zhong Cheng didn't look sloppy as before, but nodded directly and said, "Hmm! It's really something! Aruna, I just thought about it carefully for a while, and I think we should take the scabbard away first!"

Aruna, who was unknown, looked more confused. She squinted at Zhong Cheng and frowned, "Why? The scabbard can be taken away at any time, but if you don't get rid of this monster as soon as possible, I'm afraid there will be endless trouble!"

Zhong Cheng nodded and smiled, "You're right. If you don't get rid of this monster, there will be endless trouble in the future. However, the premise of eliminating monsters should be that we have the ability to eliminate monsters. Isn't it?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"Of course there is a problem!" Zhong Cheng's face suddenly became very serious. In his next speech, he told Arona what Bauhinia told him. And I told Ajuna the idea that I wanted to take advantage of the time to get the scabbard and let myself advance as soon as possible.

As the head of the family, Aruna is naturally not a fool. So after listening to Zhong Cheng's words, she couldn't help but feel very reasonable and nodded, "So it is, I understand. So, that's indeed the case. How can the monster be so powerful that it can't kill us? With that, Aruna raised her head and looked into the air, sighed, and shook her head, "The power of Feng Mo Ce is really horrible!"

"Are you sure that after your strength improves, we can defeat this monster?" After sighing, Aruna suddenly turned her head to look at Zhong Cheng and asked with a serious face.

Zhong Cheng had already prepared for this and immediately said, "No! It can't be said that the percentage can be defeated, but the winning rate will at least be higher.

Is that right? ...Alas!" After listening to Zhong Cheng's answer, Aruna couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. She sighed gently, closed her eyes and thought for a while, and suddenly opened her eyes and said, "Okay! I agree to continue to find the scabbard!"