God's Deacon

Chapter 233 Red-eyed Mouse

"Tut, you are so lucky. You just crossed a mountain and saw this rare monster. If you kill it, it should not be difficult to advance!"

After listening to Bauhinia's answer, Zhong Cheng couldn't help but feel refreshed, looked at the unattractive monster carefully, and asked Bauhinia, "Are you sure I can advance smoothly after killing this monster?"

"I'm sure, of course! As long as you can kill it!" There was a smile in Bauhinia's tone, which sounded like a joke. So much so that Zhong Cheng didn't know whether what Bauhinia said was true or not. In order to make sure that Bauhinia did not wore people, Zhong Cheng further asked, "Since you said that this monster is so powerful, you should always speed up the information of this monster to me."

"Don't worry, of course I will speed you. If I don't tell you, I'm afraid you'll be caught off guard!" With that, Bauhinia smiled again and then began to say, "The monster in front of you is called the red-eyed mouse. As you can see, this monster is named after its size and eyes. This Chiyan Warcraft is a third-level monster, and it is also at the top of the third-level monster. It is extremely powerful, not only has a powerful physical attack, but also has a relatively effective mental attack. So it's quite difficult to deal with. Especially it is difficult for one person to deal with it.

"Physical attacks and mental attacks?" Zhong Cheng dragged his chin and took a look at the red fire beast, which was walking leisurely beside the grass, as if enjoying the sunlight cast from the cracks, and still looked so harmless. Looking at this little guy, Zhong Cheng will not associate it with a strong physical attack. After all, its body is so small, how can it use a powerful physical attack?

Thinking of this, Zhong Cheng couldn't help asking, "I can understand the spiritual attack. What you mean should be its red eyes. But what happened to the physical attack? How can this little one have a powerful physical attack?

"Don't you know that there is a saying that you don't judge things from other things alone?"

"Of course I know, that's why I need you to explain it to me!"

"You don't need to explain anything. You just need to do your best to defeat the red-eyed mouse. As for why it is powerful, you will know later." After Bauhinia finished speaking, he added, "Oh, that's right! Be careful of its eyes and never look at it, otherwise you will feel dizzy. As soon as she finished saying this, Bauhinia made a sound. No matter how Zhong Cheng spread the sound, she just didn't appear!

After seeing the call for a while, the other party did not respond, and Zhong Cheng had to give up the idea of intelligence from the other party. Originally, Zhong Cheng wanted to know what the weakness of the red-eyed mouse was, but unfortunately, if the bauhinia did not cooperate, Zhong Cheng had no choice.

Harden your scalp!

Just as Zhong Cheng was upset about Bauhinia, Aruna's voice suddenly came to his ear.

"What's wrong with you? You look so strange!"

Zhong Cheng forgot that there was still someone beside him and replied, "Nothing, just suddenly remembered what the monster was in front of him."

Arona wondered, "Oh? Do you know?"

Zhong Cheng nod his head and said, "Well, this monster is called the red-eyed demon rat. It is a third-level monster with very strong strength. I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle waiting for us later!"

"Third monster!? No way!" Aruna was shocked all over, looked at the red-eyed demon rat that was enjoying the sun on the ground, and frowned, "Why don't you look like a third-level monster?"

"I don't look like it! But that's the truth. Aruna, can you fight?" With that, Zhong Cheng turned his head and looked at Aruna, "If I have a good estimate, I can advance by killing this monster."

"Do you want to kill it?" Aruna's expression is a little complicated, and her face seems to be a little unbearable. No wonder that Aruna is a woman after all. Although she is the patriarch of the Drian tribe, she always has a compassion in her heart, and the red-eyed mouse in front of her looks so cute, which also makes Aruna more ruthless. Killer. However, Aruna is still a patriarch and knows that women's benevolence is not good, so after a slight hesitation, she nodded decisively and said, "No problem!"

"Good! Remember, be careful of it...ah!" Before Zhong Cheng finished his words, he suddenly felt a strong force coming towards him. Because the speed was too fast, Zhong Cheng had to avoid it and had to run the miracle and raise his hands to protect himself in front of him.

With a bang, under the impact of the oncoming powerful force, Wang Ruiyi's body flew backwards like a broken kite. Seeing this scene, Aruna was shocked and quickly jumped back a few meters, and distanced herself from the red-eyed mouse. At the same time, Aruna put her hands together, made a few strange fingerprints, then recited a few spells, and then shouted, "Long!"

With the fall of Aruna's shout, the branches of several big trees behind Zhong Cheng suddenly soared and stopped Zhong Cheng's body.


Before Zhong Cheng could come out in mid-air, he had already protruded a mouthful of blood. The blood sprinkled in the air like a little red snowflake, forming a blood fog, which seemed to have a kind of enchanting beauty.

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Zhong Cheng's body still couldn't stop. He fell from the air and fell to the ground with a plop. Fortunately, the place where Zhong Cheng fell was a place full of grass, so this fall was not a big deal for him. However, compared with this fall, the head-on blow just now really injured Zhong Cheng, which reduced Zhong Cheng's combat effectiveness by at least one-third.

"Are you all right?" After seeing Zhong Cheng fall down, Aruna immediately ran over and put her jade hand on Zhong Cheng's chest. After slightly sensing it for a while, Zhan Yan said, "It's okay. The injury is not serious and it will not be life-threatening."

"So she still knows medical skills!" Zhong Cheng thought about it in his heart. At the same time, he raised his hand and said to Ajuna, "Help me."

Arona agreed and didn't say much. She just nodded, then pulled Zhong Cheng's collection and helped him up. After Zhong Cheng stood up and closed his eyes to mediate his breathing and breath, he signaled Arona to let go. After Aruna loosened, Zhong Cheng's right hand was wiped with the remaining blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and then his eyes stared straight at the red-eyed demon rat in front of him. The latter still lay leisurely in the sun, as if he had not moved.

But Zhong Cheng knew that the invisible strength just now was definitely from the red-eyed demon rat in front of him, because for a moment, Zhong Cheng clearly saw an invisible power suddenly emerging behind the red-eyed demon rat.

"Be careful, this monster is really not simple, cough..." Because of the injury on his body, Zhong Cheng just said a few words and felt a discomfort in his throat and couldn't help coughing. Aruna beside her didn't feel strange when she saw Zhong Cheng coughing. She stretched out her hand and patted Zhong Cheng's vest and said, "That blow just hit you in the chest. You'd better try not to talk, otherwise it's easy to lose your breath."

Zhong Cheng nodded, thought for a moment, and still said, "Yes, be careful of its eyes and don't look at it... Well, if you look at it, you will feel dizzy..." Zhong Cheng never knew that it was such a laborious thing to speak.

Although this was a little intermittent, Aruna still understood what Zhong Cheng meant and nodded, "Well, don't worry, I know. I won't look at it."

Zhong Cheng nodded, stopped saying anything, quietly took the anti-God sword out of the ring, and watched the red-eyed mouse in front of him attentively. Since suffering the blow just now, Zhong Cheng has doubled his guard against the little guy in front of him for fear that it will launch a sudden attack again. Aruna, who was beside her, also put on a posture of staring on the enemy. Although she was not suddenly blown away like Zhong Cheng, it is not difficult to see how powerful the red-eyed mouse in front of her is from Zhong Cheng's awkward appearance just now.

Whether it is Zhong Cheng or Aruna, they dare to act rashly at this time, because so far, neither of them knows how the red-eyed demon rat just used to blow Zhong Cheng away. Because I don't know how my opponent attacks, I dare not attack. They are waiting for the red-eyed mouse to attack itself. Unfortunately, Chiyan Magic seemed to be settled, still lying in the sun with a naive look, as if he didn't know what was going on around him.

Time has passed minute by minute, and there has been no movement on both sides, and they have been waiting. However, it is not appropriate to say that they are ready to wait. Zhong Cheng is naturally waiting for them. Unfortunately, the red-eyed demon mouse is leisurely and casual, and does not pay attention to the two human beings opposite.

When Zhong Cheng felt that his vest had been completely soaked by cold sweat, he knew that there was no way to wear it out like this. Because the more consumed it is, the greater the mental and physical consumption of the two of them. They dare not lie directly on the ground like the red-eyed demon mouse and close their eyes to rest. Therefore, Zhong Cheng suddenly said to Aruna beside him, "I'll try it out!" Then he kicked his feet and lifted the anti-God sword to attack. Naturally, the magic method used is still his best sword of wind.

With the blessing of the wind, Zhong Cheng quickly rushed to about four meters away from the red-eyed demon rat. Just as Zhong Cheng wanted to continue the assault, the red-eyed demon rat's closed eyes suddenly opened. Then, an invisible tentacle formed by energy suddenly appeared on its back, which swayed in the air. As if there was nothing, it was like a whip containing energy, and it came to Zhong Cheng! Its speed is as fast as thunder and lightning!

Looking at this almost transparent tentacle that suddenly popped out, Zhong Cheng finally understood what he had just been hit by. Obviously, what hit me just now was the invisible and transparent tentacle in front of me. No wonder I don't know how this red-eyed mouse attacks low.