God's Deacon

Chapter 247 Exorcism

With nothing to say, Zhong Cheng and Aruna arrived at the foot of the Snow Mountain again. The traces of the battle left before still exist, and the big pit formed by the moon bow of the soul is also in sight.

Looking at the shocking hole in front of him, Zhong Cheng couldn't help sighing and looked up halfway up at the mountain. There was still a lush scene. It was impossible to see that behind the green tree was a monster with amazing power.

After taking a short rest at the foot of the mountain and adjusting their breath and mentality, Zhong Cheng walked into the mountain. This time their purpose is very clear, that is, to find the monster's body, and then remove it with the power of the dragon soul! Before that, what they have to face is naturally the countless vines. And how to deal with vines is quite a tricky thing!

Most of Aruna's witchcraft is mainly about controlling nature, so it is meaningless except to use some protective witchcraft when attacking vines. Among the divine methods learned by Zhong Cheng, there is no divine method specifically aimed at such attacks, so it is never easy to break through the thick vines!

When he thought of the thick vine, Zhong Cheng couldn't help thinking of the "Sword of Fire" in the "Five elements swordsmanship". If he learned the "Sword of Fire", he could defeat wood with fire! Compared with the attack power of the Wind Sword, the fire sword obviously has a higher destructive power over wooden monsters. Unfortunately, with Zhong Cheng's current strength, he can just control the divine method of two attributes. If he wants to learn the sword of fire, Zhong Cheng must at least advance to become a god.

The road is long and far away, let's look at it in front of you!

After walking through a mountain road, the two came to the place where they were attacked last time. On the halfway side of the mountain, the traces left after the battle still exist, but this time the two were lucky not to be attacked. Of course, it is definitely not a happy thing for two people who are determined to get rid of demons. Because of this phenomenon, it is likely that the monster has left. And if the monster leaves, the problem in front of them is really as tall as a mountain.

Because Junlang said that they should hand over the moon bow in five days, and five days is not enough for them to find the position of Elder Yang. If the demonized Elder Yang hides in the mountains and forests somewhere in the snowy mountains, it will be troublesome to search for him.

Just as the two were about to move forward, there was a sudden discordant sound in the quiet mountains!

Zhong Cheng frowned and listened carefully to the sudden sound, trying to find the source of the sound. But the next moment, Aruna beside him suddenly pushed him away and shouted, "Be careful under your feet!" After saying this, Aruna herself jumped out of her original position.

At your feet!

Zhong Cheng couldn't help but be shocked when he heard these two words, and a vivid picture suddenly appeared in his mind! He remembered that the last time he arrived here, the two of them were attacked by tree roots in addition to the crazy vine attack! If the estimate is correct, this attack should be...

When Zhong Cheng thought of this, the sound that was originally known finally reached a deafening effect! The ground where the two were originally standing was suddenly smashed, forming a huge hole. In the hole, several thick tree roots suddenly emerged and hit the two people in different directions!

Has it started?

Such a sentence flashed in his mind, and Zhong Cheng's expression suddenly became serious. At the urging of Zhong Cheng, the ring on his finger suddenly launched a light that was not light blue. At the same time, Zhong Cheng suddenly had a long sword wrapped in the dark black scabbard!

With a bang, the long sword came out of its sheath!

The anti-God sword reappears. Although it is a little less domineering to change the color of heaven and earth, it is more restrained king spirit.

Now that the situation is urgent, Zhong Cheng, who pulled out the anti-God Sword, had no time to secretly sigh about the magnificence of the anti-God Sword, and has drawn a fresh tree root in front of him! With the anti-God Sword in his hand, Zhong Cheng was naturally full of pride. Looking at the approaching root of the tree, Zhong Cheng snorted coldly and quickly waved the Anti-God Sword! Accurately cut off the root of the tree in front of it.

Looking at Aruna, although she can't cut off the roots of the tree like Zhong Cheng, she used witchcraft and raised the two huge stones in front of her. Then with a crack, the two boulders suddenly closed and diluted the two roots that tried to attack Aruna in an instant!

After confirming that Aruna was not in danger, Zhong Cheng breathed a sigh of relief and focused more on the immediate threat. Under the joint counterattack of Zhong Cheng and Aruna, the attack of the tree root became more and more powerless.

Compared with before, Zhong Cheng and Aruna this time were obviously much calmer in response to the sudden attack. This can be seen from the current situation. Despite the fierce attack on the roots emerging from under the ground, Zhong Cheng and Arona were still at ease. Because the sword of the wind makes Zhong Cheng faster, while natural witchcraft allows Aruna to control a wider distance.

If it continues according to this situation, the roots of the tree will be eliminated by Zhong Cheng and Aruna sooner or later, but soon, there will suddenly be a loud noise like cutting through the sky on the mountain.

There is a group of deadly things approaching!

Of course, Zhong Cheng and Aruna, who have been experienced for a long time, know what's coming. The two looked solemn and prepared for the storm early!


The top-down thing was extremely fast and violent. It rushed straight from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain. Along the way, it pulled up rubble and trees, splashed dust all over the sky, and rushed down to the two people in the mountain like mountains!

"Arona, follow the plan! You retreat me!"

Zhong Cheng shouted loudly and suddenly ran along the mountain road to the top of the mountain. Aruna nodded immediately after hearing this. Before she could speak, she turned around and ran down the mountain. The two immediately left their original position. With the fall of several towering trees, things on the top of the mountain finally rushed down.

Zhong Cheng, who was running, quickly looked back and saw that the position he had just stood was still full of sand and stone, and he couldn't help taking a deep breath. He subconsciously looked at the thing hidden in the sand and muttered, "Sure enough!"

Yes, what Zhong Cheng saw was the same as what he saw that day. It was indeed one thick vine stained with sticky **. These vines look the same as before, still so destructive and disgusting!

The vine rushed down, paused in place, and then suddenly separated and chased towards the mountain and the bottom of the mountain respectively. Of course, there are more vines chasing towards the mountain than chasing vines under the mountain! This also means that Zhong Cheng is more threatened than Aruna!

However, this situation did not make Zhong Cheng worry much. On the contrary, an inappropriate smile appeared on the corners of Zhong Cheng's mouth.

Everything is under Zhong Cheng's control!

Compared with the almost crazy speed of the vine, even with the blessing of the wind, Zhong Cheng's speed is slower. So after a few steps, there was a cry immediately behind Zhong Cheng, and gusts of wind suddenly hit him.

Zhong Cheng never cares about these disgusting vines. Listening to the wind, Zhong Cheng suddenly turned around like thunder, and then waved his arm to cut off one vine after another approaching him. Although those vines are hard in texture, they are obviously not hard enough compared with the iron-like swords.

After cutting off several vines, Zhong Cheng immediately headed for the top of the mountain. Judging from the scene of the vines diving down, the monster's body should be somewhere on the mountain, and it should not be too far away.

"As long as you see the ontology, the next thing will be left to me!" The dragon said so.

It is precisely because of the words of Shenlong that Zhong Cheng dares to rush to the mountain as unscrupulously as he is now.

Cut off a few vines from behind, and Zhong Cheng rushed for a while. Suddenly, there was a burst of gasp in front of him. Zhong Cheng was shocked and subconsciously clenched the anti-God sword in his hand, but the steps under his feet did not stop.

After a few empty-breaking sounds, several dark green vines stained with sticky ** suddenly appeared at a corner of the mountain! These vines are like tentacles stretched out from hell, attacking Zhong Cheng!

Zhong Cheng had already expected this scene. Therefore, at the moment when the vine appeared, Zhong Cheng did not feel any fear in his heart, but felt relieved, because there were no creatures that Zhong Cheng did not expect. If it is the vine coming, it will be the same as Zhong Cheng expected. The monster is indeed at a place to eat on the mountain, and it is getting closer and closer to himself!

Thinking of this, Zhong Cheng's fighting spirit was stimulated again. He roared presumptuously, shook the anti-God sword in his hand, and said harshly, "Come on!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhong Cheng had already urged a miracle and rushed to the mountain at a faster speed with the blessing of the wind. As for those disgusting vines, Zhong Cheng certainly cut them off mercilessly. I don't know why, compared with last time, Zhong Cheng can't help but be more confident, and even the attack speed is faster. As for the means of attack, it is naturally more skillful.

Waving the anti-God sword, he cut off one vine after another. With the blessing of the wind, Zhong Cheng's speed is getting faster and faster.

As the surrounding scenery gradually changed, the blood in Zhong Cheng's body became more and more excited. He could feel that the smell of monsters around him was getting closer and stronger, and there was also a few rotting stench in the air!

All these signs indicate that the monster is not far away!