God's Deacon

Chapter 261 Finale 4

Perhaps it was a conscience discovery. Bauhinia also felt that the statement just now was too sloppy, so he added: "There are indeed some special reasons, but it is quite troublesome to explain, so I won't explain it. You just need to know that this is thanks to the scabbard. OK, let's go! Wave the anti-God sword to your heart's content!"

Although Bauhinia's words are still unclear, it also reveals that the sudden power of the anti-God sword is due to the scabbard. Although he does not know the specific details, it is enough for Zhong Cheng. For him, the most urgent thing is to get rid of Junlang!

Zhong Cheng closed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, tightened the blood beads, grasped the anti-God sword, and began to prepare for the next battle. Junlang in the distance also put away his smile on his face, and his face again looked solemn. At this moment, Junlang not only felt the unparalleled hegemony of the anti-God Sword, but also felt the strong chill emitted by the blood beads!

He slowly opened his eyes, and there was a little more perseverance in Zhong Cheng's eyes. He took a deep look at Junlang by the lake, and then slowly said, "Ajuna, please step back so as not to be involved."

"Good." Aruna nodded, said nothing more, and obediently retreated. The strong murderous and solemn atmosphere in the space made Aruna unable to have the courage to say anything. Moreover, she knew that in her current state, even if she took action, she could not help Zhong Cheng. On the contrary, she might drag Zhong Cheng back, so the last Aruna chose to retreat to the side as a spectator as she is now.

After Junlang in the distance noticed that Aruna retreated, he immediately frowned and said nothing more, but his eyes were sharp. Then, two deafening roars suddenly came from behind Junlang. Two monsters about five meters high rushed out from the left and right sides of Junlang. The two monsters were all dark red, with a single horn on their heads, and their hands were knife-shaped, with ferocious faces and terrible appearance. At a glance, they knew that they were extremely tough monsters. !

The two aggressive one-horned monsters swaving their knife-shaped arms and rushed directly towards Zhong Cheng at a very fast speed. Zhong Cheng raised his eyebrows, neither panic nor dodge, but stood still and hesitated for a moment. However, after a little hesitation, Zhong Cheng still decisively raised the anti-God sword in his hand and rushed to the two unicorn monsters! If Bauhinia is right, the current anti-God Sword has released its own powerful power. Therefore, this is undoubtedly the best time to wave the anti-God sword to cut off obstacles!

Perhaps it is in response to what Zhong Cheng thought. Just as Zhong Cheng raised the anti-God sword and sprinted forward, the anti-God sword in his hand burst into a dazzling light again, as if to show off how powerful his power was.


Two roars sounded at the same time, and the two one-horned monsters were not afraid of the power emanating from the anti-God Sword. They raised their knife-shaped arms high and directly split them according to Zhong Cheng! Looking at the bold appearance, Zhong Cheng couldn't help beating drums in his heart. However, Zhong Cheng, who had the anti-God sword in his hand, was already proud and ambitious. He accelerated under his feet and rushed to the two huge hand knives!

Just when the distance between Zhong Cheng and the two monsters was about five meters, the dazzling white light scattered from the sword of the anti-God sword suddenly intensified! Make Zhong Cheng and the two monsters cover the white light together! Then, the two sudden sword lights easily cut through the circle of white light like two thunders, and with the appearance of the sword lights, the two monsters also made a painful cry, and their bodies were cut off! A stream of blood full of fishy smell looks disgusting.

With two roars, the bodies of the two monsters fell to the ground one after another, and in the middle of the two bodies, Zhong Cheng was standing there holding the anti-God sword. The anti-God Sword was not stained with any blood, and it was still so dazzling. The buzzing sword body seemed to express its own excitement.

Like the Heaven Sword, Zhong Cheng has completely fallen into a state of excitement at this moment. Although most of the miracles in his body have been consumed, and although the wounds on his body have not been healed, this does not hinder Zhong Cheng's belligerent heart! Yes, I don't know why, when holding the current anti-God sword, Zhong Cheng's heart inexplicably burst out a strong sense of war! And this bear fighting spirit permeated his chest also strengthened his determination to fight!

At this moment, Zhong Cheng, there is no confusion and fear in his eyes, but only a seed inner belief - the belief of victory!

At this moment, the smile on Junlang's face was finally a little stiff, and he felt the sudden intention of fighting in Zhong Cheng's body. Junlang sensed that the incident was wrong. He looked at the anti-God sword clenched in Zhong Cheng's hand. The anti-God sword was still extremely gorgeous and still dazzling. Its invincible domineering was even better than his father!

Oh, my God! What a terrible domineering and strong momentum is this? Before this forceful hegemony, in front of the momentum of being arrogant in the sky, Junlang experienced what fear was like for the first time. Although Junlang is already a monster now, because of human nature, Junlang is still afraid that he wants to escape. However, Junlang knows very well that in this situation, he can never escape. No matter how strong his opponent is and how full of variables, he can never escape! Once you escape, it means the end!

Therefore, after a short period of panic, Junlang immediately regained his composure and calmness and began to analyze the current situation: "It is still a mystery how strong he is. You can't do it rashly until it is not clear. Anyway, try his strength with monsters first!"

"Hmm! That's it!"

After paying attention to the determination, Junlang did not hesitate any more. Taking advantage of the gap where Zhong Chengu was still standing in place, he suddenly stepped back quickly and quickly hid in the monster group. At the same time, he also commanded several monsters led by the octopus monster to attack from Zhong Cheng's front, back, top, bottom, left and right! Although he just wanted to test how strong Zhong Cheng was now, he still used a rather threatening attack at the beginning!

I saw four shadows flashing at the same time and attacking Zhong Cheng in four directions. The speed was so fast that I couldn't tell what the monster looked like at all. I could only determine that the monster was two meters tall, with a human body and an extremely huge fist! At the same time, a tentacle stained with sticky ** suddenly appeared above Zhong Cheng's head, and there was a loud noise suddenly under the ground! Very carefully, this is the octopus monster using its own tentacles. Don't hit Zhong Cheng from top to bottom.

Under the enemy, he still can't go up and can't go down. It's just a blink of an eye. Zhong Cheng looks like he has been forced to a desperate situation!

However, how can Zhong Cheng, who has the anti-God sword in his hand, die so easily under this wave of continuous attacks? Facing this row of mountain-like offensives from six directions at the same time, Zhong Cheng did not choose to dodge, because she could not dodge at all. The opponent's attack speed was too fast, and almost blocked the route that Zhong Cheng could dodge.

Therefore, Zhong Cheng frowned and waved the anti-God sword in extremely calmly. With the dance of the anti-God sword, a lot of white light that had faded was suddenly burst out again in an instant! The strong white light spread almost in an instant, covering Zhong Cheng and those dark shadows in this dazzling light!

Seeing this scene, Junlang couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and suddenly felt that he had known each other. He muttered, "Is that the case again?"

Just as Junlang's words were still unfinished, a sound of cling came slowly from the space shrouded in white light, and then several heavy objects fell to the ground. After hearing this rapid sound, Junlang's face was even more ugly. He tightened his fist, and his eyes were both surprised and murderous. He had to admit that this time it was indeed because he despised his opponent. I didn't expect Zhong Cheng to be so strong! Strong that even bloodthirsty monsters can only be killed instantly!

The white light finally faded; and in this gradually receding white light, a man with a long sword was standing at this moment.

Man, cold!

Long sword, gorgeous!

At this moment, the man is standing next to the bodies of several monsters, frowning deeply. Although the sword in his hand is still gorgeous, his blue shirt has been stained with a few bright red blood. However, these bright red did not affect the man's momentum, but made the man's momentum a little more ghostly and strange.

Looking at the heroic posture in front of them, the three people present couldn't believe that the man in front of them was Zhong Cheng, who had just been embarrassed to the extreme. It's just that because he pulled out a sword, Zhong Cheng has become a powerful opponent who even dares not fight with Junlang.

Junlang is still like this, not to mention others? At this moment, the two sisters Aya and Aruna also have the same surprise and surprise on Junlang's faces. However, Aya's face has a trace of uneasiness and anxiety, while Aruna's face has a little peace and calmness. At the same time, Aruna still has a little pride in her heart...

"What a powerful anti-God sword, what a terrible power. The monster I'm proud of was killed by you so easily."

In the center of the group of monsters, Junlang asked for his head with emotion. While shaking his head, he did not forget to sigh, "I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it."

Zhong Cheng still clenched the anti-God Sword and quietly withdrew the blood beads. By this time, there seemed to be no need for blood beads. Zhong Cheng is confident that as long as he relies on this unparalleled artifact in his hand, he can face it calmly even in the face of the army of monsters. In fact, Zhong Cheng is indeed extremely calm, and his heart is extremely calm, which can be said to be like water.

Zhong Cheng looked in the direction of Junlang and saw one strange monster after another, so he snorted coldly, "Junlang, don't you even have the courage to look directly at me?"

"No, of course not. I've been looking directly at you, but you didn't pay attention." Junlang replied faintly, and at the same time, the monster in front of him suddenly separated a road. Let Junlang and Zhong Cheng have a face-to-face dialogue.

When the monsters were separated, Zhong Cheng once again met Junlang. Out of psychology, Zhong Cheng first noticed Junlang's face. After seeing Junlang's face as usual, Zhong Cheng couldn't help but be a little disappointed. However, after the hand of the anti-God Sword, Zhong Cheng has long been used to calm.

"I told you, you lost!" Zhong Cheng stared coldly at Junlang, shaking his sword, and the white light rose slightly, pointing directly at Junlang, "In front of my anti-God sword, you have no chance!"

Is that right? That one is not necessarily!" Junlang shook his head with a smile and turned his head slightly to look behind him. At this time, there stood a door that had already been opened, and in the door, chaos was still.

Junlang stared obsessively for half a day, then looked back at Zhong Cheng, and then said something that surprised Zhong Cheng at the same time.

"Since you are so powerful, I don't need to reserve anything. This time, let you see what a complete monster is!"