God's Deacon

Chapter 268 Five elements Water Sword

After a night of recuperation in the cave near the waterfall, the next morning, when the sky was just dawn, Zhong Cheng was awakened by the energetic Bauhinia. Rao was unwilling, but in the competition with Bauhinia, the water demon finally fell behind. Therefore, after hurriedly eating a piece of the leftover leg meat last night, the two left the cave and walked towards the waterfall.

Because of the rain last night, the air this morning was particularly fresh, and there was a fragrance mixed with the smell of earth, which smelled refreshing. Under this scenery, the sleepiness left in Zhong Cheng's body was quickly swept away.

Walking in a winding forest path, the roar in their ears became more and more popular. After a while, the two came to the side of the waterfall again.

The training waterfall is vertically down, magnificent! The lake is still wide and the ripples are still continuous.

After the two stopped by the shore, Zhong Cheng immediately asked, "Okay, let's talk about how to practice next."

Bauhinia nodded, pointed to the pile of wooden piles placed on the shore, and said, "The next practice is still carried out on the stakes. However, the way is different from before. As she spoke, her right hand suddenly raised, and an invisible force suddenly came out. Under the control of this force, seven wooden stakes floated, flew towards the center of the waterfall, and stopped in the strong vertical rapids.

Bauhinia looked at the seven wooden stakes stuck in the waterfall, nodded with satisfaction, turned to look at Zhong Cheng, and smiled, "Okay, now let me explain the next cultivation method! In fact, it's very simple. You see, there are seven stakes. You just need to stand on the stakes and avoid my attack. As long as you can support the time of a column of incense, you pass. After that, you can practice the sword of water.

After hearing this, Zhong Cheng couldn't help frowning, raising his head slightly, narrowing his eyes and looking at the seven wooden stakes standing in the waterfall. He frowned, "This is too difficult! The waterfall is so strong that it is difficult to stand on the stake alone, and you have to avoid your attack.

Bauhinia smiled and said, "It is precisely because it is difficult that it is necessary to practice!" You should know that the more difficult it is, the stronger the effect will be! And don't worry, I won't be cruel. You will never die." After saying that, a smile crossed Bauhinia's face. That smile is enough to make Zhong Cheng's vest cold. Looking at Bauhinia's malicious smile, Zhong Cheng knew how painful he would be in the next days!

"Can I only guarantee that I won't die? You are really comforting!" Zhong Cheng, with a wry smile, shrugged his shoulders, "In that case, let's start!" I'll go up first"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhong Cheng did not twist his words. He kicked the stake and kicked the stake into the air. Then he jumped on the stake and flew to the waterfall with the stake. When the stake was very close to the waterfall, he bent his knees and rushed into the air. When he fell again, he had stepped on one of the stakes floating in the waterfall.

As soon as he fell, Zhong Cheng felt an extremely strong force hitting his body. He knew that this power came from the impact of the waterfall. As he imagined, this impact is really full of momentum and powerful!

Under the direct impact of the flying current, Zhong Cheng turned his eyes to Bauhinia. At this moment, Bauhinia is also staring at Zhong Cheng with a smile on his face.

Bauhinia looked up at Zhong Cheng and said loudly, "How's it going? Are you still standing firm?"

Zhong Cheng did not reply, but nodded slightly.

Seeing that Zhong Cheng was like this, a shallow smile appeared on Bauhinia's face and he nod, "In that case, let's start!" After saying that, Bauhinia gently raised his hand, and a wooden stake suddenly floated up, stayed in the air for a short time, and then rushed to Zhong Cheng like a flash of lightning!

As early as when the stake floated, Zhong Cheng had already noticed that something was wrong, so when he saw the stake attacking him, Zhong Cheng's face did not show any surprise. His eyes were like torches and his face was cold. At the moment the stake rushed to him, he had bounced up and moved to the stake on his right.


The wooden pile plunged into the waterfall and rolled up a large stream of water, but in just a moment, it disappeared into the rapids! From this scene, it is not difficult to see how powerful the power contained in this blow is.

If he is hit by this blow, Zhong Cheng will not die, but he will stay in bed for three days.

Zhong Cheng took a deep breath and glanced at Bauhinia. Seeing her smile on her face, he couldn't help cursing in a low voice, "Damn it! Isn't this a cruel hand?"

"Of course not! This is already very gentle!"

Because the miracle in the body is quite full, even in the sound of the roaring waterfall, Bauhinia can still hear Zhong Cheng's words clearly. She smiled at Zhong Cheng, then turned dark and hummed, "It seems that we have to increase the intensity!" After saying that, Bauhinia raised his hand again, and the three wooden stakes suddenly floated. Before stopping, they went straight to Zhong Cheng! This offensive is more rapid than just now!

"Cut! Come back!"

Seeing the three rainbow-like wooden piles rushing towards him, Zhong Cheng did not dare to be careless at all. He carried a miracle, showed his figure, carried the impact of the water column, and suddenly jumped on the wooden stake beside him.

Bum! Bang! Bang!

Three wooden stakes hit the waterfall almost at the same time and disappeared into the torrent without exception, splashing a huge splash in the center of the waterfall, which only looked shocking! And the waterfall at this moment is actually slow!

Looking at the mess around him, Zhong Cheng took a long breath and shouted danger. However, just as Zhong Cheng's heart was slightly relieved, the sound of a strong wind breaking the air made Zhong Cheng's nerves tense again.

Zhong Cheng fixed his eyes and saw a thick wooden stake right in front of him rushing towards him as fast as the wind! The speed is amazing! His pupils wrinkled, and an idea suddenly flashed.

This distance can't be avoided!

After realizing this, Zhong Cheng suddenly gritted his teeth, slipped, directly separated from the wooden stake, and fell rapidly with the waterfall flowing straight down! With a flutter, Zhong Cheng had fallen into the lake.

When Bauhinia on the shore saw this scene, the smile on his face suddenly stagnated, and a trace of anger emerged. She clenched her pink fist, took a step forward and shouted, "Hey! Zhong Cheng, you are going to die! Since you dare to play this in front of me! You don't want to practice, do you?"

When the sound was over, Zhong Cheng's head exposed the lake. He habitually wiped the drops of water on his face, glanced at the Bauhinia, and said helplessly, "Why don't I want to practice? Think about it yourself, if you hit me just now, how much will I be injured? How long will it take not to practice? Isn't it more out of the gains?"

Bauhinia snorted coldly and frowned, "Nonsense, of course I know how much you will be hurt!"

Zhong Cheng also frowned and said, "Since you know, why are you still doing this? Isn't it intentional?"

"Intentionally?" Bauhinia was slightly stunned and then nodded, "Well, it's really intentional. But don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to tease you, I just want to make your body stronger by getting hurt. As I said before, a strong body is very necessary for practitioners.

Zhong Cheng swallowed his saliva and suddenly felt weak. He said helplessly, "Just for this goal, you don't hesitate to hurt me seriously. You really..."

"Don't be silly!" Bauhinia shouted and said, "How can I seriously hurt you? Yes, the blow just now does look like a rainbow, but you should know that I won't let you hit it so abruptly.

"Oh, isn't it?" Zhong Cheng smiled bitterly, shook his head slightly, and thought, "The ghost believes what you said!"

Bauhinia looked at Zhong Cheng's ambiguous attitude and couldn't help but feel angry. He put his hands on his waist and said angrily, "What do you mean? I don't believe I will stop, right?" She is already beautiful, and at this moment, her angry face has two more blushes, which looks so charming.

However, in front of such a beautiful woman, Zhong Cheng was quite calm. He lowered his head silently and did not say a word. Looking at that, he acquiesced.

This reaction further aroused the anger in Bauhinia's heart. Her face was like frost, and she sneered. Her white wrist turned slightly, and a wooden stake was still floating. Then, with a sound, the wooden pile broke out of the air and forced Zhong Cheng to leave!

This speed is much faster than the few blows just now!

In the blink of an eye, the roaring stake rushed into Zhong Cheng. Seeing that half an inch more, the stake was about to hit Zhong Cheng, but suddenly, the wind suddenly stopped, and the stake was rigidly fixed in mid-air.

Zhong Cheng stared at the wooden stake in front of him, licked his lips, and grinned, "This is really, really..."

There is an indescribable tension in his heart, which cannot be described in words.

Bauhinia saw Zhong Cheng's stunned face, so he smiled coldly and hummed, "Do you still think I won't stop now?" After saying that, she waved her right hand, and the stake fixed in mid-air fell in front of Zhong Cheng as if losing strength. And the splash naturally hit Zhong Cheng's face.

Zhong Cheng was slightly silent for a while, and finally shook his head and said with a wry smile, "I don't think you have the ability to stop, but I'm afraid that as soon as you come up, you can't stop..."

Hearing this, Bauhinia raised her eyebrows and immediately said angrily, "Am I the kind of person who can't restrain my nature to tease you?"

Zhong Cheng smiled faintly and stared at the Bauhinia with a miraculous and strange gaze, and stared at the Bauhinia with a smile.

Bauhinia looked at Zhong Cheng like this and couldn't help blushing. He lowered his head and said to himself, "Is this really the case?" Soon, a voice sounded in her heart: "It seems that's it." Thinking about this, Bauhinia suddenly became irritable. She stared at Zhong Cheng angrily and shouted, "What are you still doing in the lake? Hurry up and get me up!"


Zhong Cheng answered with a wry smile and swam towards the shore. He knew that before he learned the water sword, he would have to repeat this practice day after day.