God's Deacon

Chapter 280 Expove Lies

Zhong Cheng didn't expect that Fei Xue would suddenly say such words. He couldn't help but stiffen his face and forced himself to calm down and said, "Why do you think so? What I said is true!" Although he felt guilty, Zhong Cheng was full of confidence when he said this in order to show his momentum.

However, Feixue was not moved by Zhong Cheng's attitude. She shook her head resolutely, stared at Zhong Cheng firmly and said, "No, you didn't tell the truth. As soon as the Bauhinia appeared, you were cheating us..." With that, the public lost Fei Xue slowly closed her eyes, as if she was meditating something. Then, she opened her eyes, looked at Zhong Cheng, and whispered, "Brother Cheng, do you know why I have doubts and when I look at you from time to time?"

Under the gaze of Feixue, Zhong Cheng suddenly felt like he had been seen through. He couldn't help but feel a little twisted and said, "I guess it's because I lied to you."

"Well, this is also one of them, but what puzzles me most is why you met a woman who has neither soul nor body." When saying that, Fei Xue's eyes were like a sharp light, which made Zhong Cheng tremble all over and thought to himself, "No way!" How did she know about Bauhinia? However, although he was surprised, Zhong Cheng still maintained a fixed look and deliberately frowned, "Fixue, I really don't know what you mean?"

The public lost Feixue's face darkened, and there was a trace of disappointment between his eyebrows, and he said solemnly, "Brother Cheng! Do you still want to lie to me? Isn't that girl named Bauhinia have no body and no soul? I think she will be formed because she got some kind of power somewhere! Isn't it?"


As soon as this statement came out, Zhong Cheng couldn't help but be shocked, and his eyes were a little more suspicious and surprised when he looked at Fei Xue. If the public loses Feixue is just a guess, but with some so-called woman's intuition, Zhong Cheng can hide it to the end. But now, Feixue has even said these words, so it seems that she has noticed the state of Bauhinia. In this case, if you continue to deny it, I'm afraid it won't be good.

In desperation, Zhong Cheng had to sigh and nodded, "Well, I admit that I do have something to hide from you. However, before I explain, I hope you can tell me how you see that Bauhinia is very human.

"Because my father-in-law's loser has been passed down since ancient times, called soul control. As the name implies, the function of this divine method is to control the soul, because I want to control the soul, so I can detect the soul. Fei Xue paused and looked up at Zhong Cheng, "And I couldn't feel the soul in the Bauhinia girl's body."

Zhong Cheng nodded and said, "So that's it, so you suspect Bauhinia, start to pay attention to her, and finally realize that she has neither soul nor body?"

Gongsu Feixue nodded and said, "Yes, I just noticed that it was not me that the Bauhinia girl had no body, but the guardian lion."

"Guardian Lion?" Zhong Cheng was stunned and then reacted and said, "Oh, is that ancient monster on his head? It's really awesome!" With that, Zhong Cheng shook his head with a wry smile and stopped talking. I thought to himself, " Bauhinia, Bauhinia, you are really dense this time! I didn't expect Feixue to be so sharp. It's a failure for you to choose to appear in front of her!"

But he saw the public losing Fei Xue. After saying these words, his face looked a little sad, and there was also a little disappointment between his eyes, and his heart seemed to fall into a cold place. How she hoped that all this was not true, and that Zhong Cheng did not deceive herself. However, these are all facts, iron facts! This means that Zhong Cheng has been deceiving himself from the beginning. Including his background, so everything about him is a lie! I'm afraid it's a lie that he likes himself!

What a sad thing! If Zhong Cheng is close to himself, but with other intentions, then...

Thinking about this, Fei Xue couldn't help sighing sadly and looked at Zhong Cheng's eyes with a little more sadness, saying, "Aren't you going to tell me? Why did you fabricate your origin? Why did you deceive me? Why did you mix in with the public government? Is it just for that wisp of dragon soul?

"Do you even know this?" Zhong Cheng had nothing to say at this time. His guilt tormented his heart. He never thought that the innocent and lovely male defeat Fei Xue knew so many things!

A bitter smile appeared on the pale face of Gongsu Feixue and said, "The guardian lion and the dragon are both ancient things, so the breath of the dragon can be detected by the guardian lion. Therefore, when I returned to the city and saw you, I knew that you stole the remnant soul of the dragon in the secret room of the house. The reason why I don't say it is that I hope you can take the initiative to tell me one day, but..." At this point, Feixue's words condued.

When he was supposed to say it, he choked.

Although Zhong Cheng is not a public loser, he can feel how deeply the gentle woman in front of him has been hurt by his lies. Gongsu Feixue has been waiting for her confession, but unfortunately, even after such a long time, she still has no intention of confessing. Just now, I was still thinking about how to fool her. Thinking about it, I'm really a man who deserves a thousand knives!

However, I have to say that Bauhinia is another bad move. She should also have expected that the public lost Feixue had the beast soul of the guardian lion, but she did not formulate corresponding countermeasures in advance, which made the other party notice it so easily. This can only be summed up as the word "failure".

If you think about it carefully, paper can't wrap the fire after all. If you haven't confessed, it will be exposed sooner or later!

At this time, Zhong Cheng faced the public loss Feixue and suddenly had a feeling that he didn't know how to speak. Shame and guilt blocked his throat and made him speechless. It turned out that Feixue had known for a long time. It turned out that she was just deceiving herself. It turns out that some things have already happened in broad daylight. So, it seems that you have always been alone in the dark!

So, what should I say now? Even now, most things have been exposed, and I can't tell my identity. Do you really want to tell Feixue that he came from another world? This is too nonsense! However, the origin of the identity doesn't matter. The most important thing is that Zhong Cheng can't tell those experiences in the underworld. This is an enemy of the Creator. How can you casually involve the public defeat Feixue?

Based on the above reasons, Zhong Cheng really doesn't know what to say. The current situation cannot be explained, nor can it be explained. It's really difficult! It would be good if Bauhinia was here. Although this woman always ridicules herself, she can still refer to her opinion more or less. As for Zhong Cheng personally, he really dares not easily tell some facts, especially what happened in the underworld!

The tea house is still quiet, and the people around him enjoy the fragrance of tea in the cup, but Zhong Cheng and Gongsu Feixue, who are also sitting in the tea house, have no intention to enjoy this leisure morning. Too many troubles lingered in their hearts, making the two frown and look awe-inspiring.

The public lost Feixue looked at Zhong Cheng. She wanted to question Zhong Cheng why she had been cheating herself! However, when she saw Zhong Cheng's embarrassed look, she couldn't bear it and had to stare at it.

Zhong Cheng was silent and didn't know what to say. In fact, the reason why he concealed his loss to Feixue was indeed for her sake and didn't want him to be involved. But now, seeing that I hurt others so deeply, I can't have the face to say the almost disgusting words.

The situation has fallen into a stalemate. If nothing happens, I'm afraid that the stalemate will continue for a period of time.

However, a sudden sound suddenly broke the deadlock.

"I expected you to know, but I didn't expect you to say it now."

This sound! There is no doubt that it is Bauhinia!

Zhong Cheng and Gongsu Feixue turned around in astonishment and saw that Bauhinia had returned, but Murong Yun, who had been with her, did not accompany him.

"How are you..." Zhong Cheng looked at Bauhinia and said in surprise.

"How did you come back? Because I noticed that Miss Gong lost her face was wrong!" Bauhinia's smile was still charming. He looked at Feixue, who was staring at him, and said with a smile, "Don't look at them with such terrible eyes! I will give you an explanation. It's just not here." With that, Bauhinia casually glanced at the tea guests sitting around and whispered, "After all, there are many people! Well, I found a quiet and suitable place to talk. Would you two like to follow me?

"Good!" Zhong Cheng hasn't answered yet, and Fei Xue has answered first. Her voice is not loud, but her tone is extremely firm. Feeling, she looked at Bauhinia's eyes as if there was some kind of flame burning.

Seeing the public's answer like Fei Xue, Bauhinia smiled and nodded slightly, and then gave Zhong Cheng a "reassuring" wink.

Zhong Cheng really doesn't know why Bauhinia can be so sure in this situation, but according to past experience, usually when Bauhinia shows great confidence, the problem can usually be solved. I hope this time is no exception!

Zhong Cheng prayed in his heart and nodded, "All right."

In this way, after the three settled the bill, they turned into an alley next to the street under the leadership of Bauhinia. This alley is the same as what Zhong Cheng has seen in the Beast City. Not only is the road narrow and small, but also very dark, and the sun can hardly shine in. It is also because of this that there are few people here and almost no one.

After passing through several tedious alleys, the road ahead suddenly became bright, and the three unconsciously came to a wider yard.

When he stepped on the yard and looked at the dilapidated house in front of him, Murong Yun couldn't help shaking her delicate body and said in surprise, "This, this is!"

In front of the yard, a dilapidated temple is standing there. Because of the passage of time and no one has been repaired all year round, the temple has long been abandoned like a broken house. If it hadn't been for the broken plaque that fell to the ground, people could faintly distinguish the word "craftsmanship god", I'm afraid that no one would have expected that this broken house would be a temple dedicated to craftsmanship gods.