Who else

Chapter 359 appear

The evening rain stands in the void, and the breath around him gradually calms down. His eyes are calm, and the depth of the peaceful sun is very different. It is said that the eyes are a window to a person's heart. Looking at a person's eyes, you can probably see a person's character.

However, at this time, Ziyou appeared confused. Although Mu Yuze was in front of him, he felt that this Mu Yuze seemed to be a different person. Although his face had not changed, he still looked like a beautiful young man. His clothes remained unchanged, and his cyan gown floated in the wind, and his clothes were floating. A breath of time, in the eyes of Mu Yuze, he clearly saw a sense of wisdom. Before, he did not know what this wisdom was, but after experiencing everything, he knew that this wisdom was experience, an experience that nothing could replace.

It seems that you have seen the depth of the sun, moon and stars. People who have never experienced it can never understand the distance. In front of these calm eyes without any ripples, Ziyou suddenly gave birth to a kind of well frog how to know the sea, and how can summer insects talk about ice. Under this emotion, Ziyou can't help but rise to the person in front of him. The feeling of not being able to travel.

"All this is miasma. The real I have to break the universe, defeat the strongest force of Lu Chenxing, and break it for me!" Ziyou's whole body was tense, and suddenly cut his right leg fiercely with his knife. With a crash, a ferocious blood stain burst out, and the strong pain made Ziyou rise from the trough in an instant.

Ziyou churled in the air. Although he had just cut himself, his movements were still so flexible, like the birth of a monkey. He suddenly asked Mu Yuze's spiritual will to lock. Ziyou's right hand pulled towards the sky, and a ferocious pocket immediately appeared in the starry sky. He reached out and grabbed a pair of flashes. The hammer with purple light was caught in Ziyou's hand. The hammer seemed to be cast by a meteorite outside the sky. Although there seems to be no fine carving, there is a feeling of being made by the divine craftsman. Just now, Ziyou's whole body is also full of a sense of power, but compared with him at this moment, it is simply dwarfed. , can't say the same words.

"Thunder broke through the army." Ziyou is like a god who came out of the epic. Suddenly, he violently stimulated the power of his whole body. The two huge hammers in his hand have turned into light, and the huge force has torn everything in front of him. His movements suddenly become illusory at this moment, high and low, up and down. Although the trajectory is different, it is standing. The horse killed in front of Mu Yuze. The distance is different, but the displacement is the same. This is very similar to the principle of two points in physics. No matter how the fixed points are changed, the goal is always the same.

"Oh!? I didn't expect this guy to hide such power. As a guest of the meteorite dust hall, his cultivation is really not weak. Bing Yihua's eyes projected over and smiled. He felt that the next battle would be more wonderful, especially the changes in Mu Yuze. He smiled more, because he found a very interesting fact that the soul power in Mu Yuze had far exceeded him. "Has he always been a specialist? Spiritual power suppresses his soul power, which can explain the rapid progress after he got the holy mark.

In the face of Ziyou's thunderbolt, Mu Yuze just shook his head. Bing Yihua's guess is completely consistent with ordinary people, but it is undoubtedly 108,000 miles away from him. Mu Yuze's rapid progress is completely driven by understanding, and his soul power is From Fang Lao, with the strong spiritual power of Fang Lao's holy emperor, coupled with the great progress made in recent days with the evening rain, the saint can almost be suppressed, and it is natural to deal with Ziyou.

"Diaobug's little skill."

Mu Yuze commented faintly. Under the power of Fang Lao's soul, Mu Yuze can be said to be looking at time at a new height. His understanding of Taoism and Taoism almost made an all-round leap at this moment. Looking at the approaching Ziyou, Mu Yuze just stretched out his right hand and held it slowly.


Space fragments were twisted, transformed and reorganized under the will of Mu Yuze. A purple-black dragon suddenly jumped out of the depths of nothingness. Mu Yuze took a step forward. This huge dragon with great power seemed to have suddenly come back to life. His majestic eyes are like two bright stars. The hot and fierce power is good. It can burn through the magic tide hole and break the shackles of the magic array.


There was no suspense. Under the unparalleled power of Mu Yuze, Ziyou seemed to have lost his cultivation. His huge hammer dragon kept chanting, and Mu Yuze waved a punch again. The terrible wind hit the pair of purple hammers without any warning. Ziyou was in the time of exertion. There was no room to go. To resist the unpredictable boxing style of Mu Yuze? Suddenly, he waved a weapon of combat power and got out of his palm.


Ziyou is like a crazy beast. His will is still unyielding. Even if the weapon is released, he will still fight until the last moment. This is his will!

"Buren my holy body and penetrate my will with my soul!" A wisp of sacred flame suddenly rose on Ziyou's body and slowly wrapped his body. It was a golden flame, as pure as the source of the world. What surged was the purest ideal in the human body. Mu Yuze suddenly recognized it. What was surging on his body was the pure yang fire, which was a kind of supreme flame out of the list of fairy fire. Outside the entity, the power surged to illuminate everything. Ziyou suddenly became happy and sad, without any emotional fluctuations. His eyes were like a mirror without impeccable mirrors, projecting all kinds of phenomena in the world.

However, Mu Yuze was still not afraid. This time, he took the lead and jumped up suddenly. In front of him, it seemed that everything had become the past, and the past seemed to alternate in the faults of time and space, making people unable to distinguish what was the past and what the future was.

This is the law of time. At this moment, Mu Yuze actually reversed part of the time with the help of Fang Lao's power, hindered the exploration of all substances, and suddenly killed Ziyou.

"The fighters are all in front!"

Mu Yuze suddenly roared and used the only killing secret technique in breaking the ten thousand methods. The ultimate killing skill in the weapon chapter. This weapon chapter is the supreme secret method to suppress the holy weapon. Mu Yuze regarded Ziyou as a supreme weapon. With one move, the heaven and earth faded, the wind and clouds were reversed, and the fierce power was like tens of millions of holy Spirits. When he was born, he walked above the nine heavens and looked at the eight wildernesses. His hand seemed to have mastered the greatest power in the world, grasped the truth between heaven and earth, and pressed down slightly, and the pure sun flames rising from his purple body seemed to be about to go out.

"What power is this!?" When Ziyou was ready to fight to the death, he did not expect that the power of Mu Yuze's move was really so strong. In his sight, Mu Yuze seemed to become the only true god in the world, controlling the natural and earth, with one palm, and everything would be suppressed, without exception.

Mu Yuze borrowed the soul power of the strong man of the Holy Emperor to deduce the strongest killing Aoyi in the skills of the universe. This power can almost determine the universe and push it out horizontally. Ziyou couldn't help spewing out a mouthful of blood, and the power of his whole body was imprisoned in an instant and could not move.

Everything returned to calm. Ziyou carried her hands behind her back, sighed at the sky, and said quietly, "I thought I was 30% sure that I would die with Lu Chenxing, but now it seems that I'm just sentimental!"

Mu Yuze looked at Ziyou, the wrinkles on the young and handsome face, and the dead gray look, and he only sighed.

Suddenly, he looked at the gray mountain wall not far away and said indifferently, "Your Excellency has been watching it for so long. Shouldn't you come out to meet?"

"Hmm!? Are there any other people here? Bing Yihua's face was unmoved, but when he heard Mu Yuze's sudden sharp turn of the wind, his eyes suddenly turned to the gray mountain wall. He suddenly released all his spiritual power, and the powerful soul fluctuated. After dozens of breaths, Bing Yihua's eyebrows finally frowned.

He didn't find anything abnormal. Just when he thought the evening rain was too**, a faint voice of surprise slowly echoed under the empty sky.

"How did you find me?" A tall and thin old man came slowly from behind the mountain wall...