
Chapter 33 Golden Fruit Melting Bone

The yin-strong burial ground is full of white bones, and the evil spirit rises again from the previous bloody battle. Zi Li held a huge axe in his right hand, and his face looked extremely gloomy.

Although the strength of hundreds of underworld soldiers is average, waves of sea tactics have also made him extremely tired. If he hadn't been completely numb, he might have really fainted. Looking around, there are only endless tombstones left in the huge burial site, which are vast. Stone brown is the only main tone here. I don't know how many people have died on the battlefield of this burial site, thus creating such a hell on earth.

Looking at the last five underworld soldiers nearby, Zili suddenly waved with a huge axe in his right arm, and a cold light lit up from the axe. His figure was like the wind and he went forward alone again.

The murderous spirit on the axe was already overwhelming. When the five underworld soldiers saw Zili rushing again, they naturally would not retreat unconsciously. Then they picked up the rusty sickle in their hands and set off five gloomy strong winds. Under the black robe, the battle was revealed again.


The plate axe was directly cut on the sickle of the underworld soldier, and Zili used his strength to defeat the enemy. His moves were extremely simple, and there was no waste of the spirit of heaven and earth in his body. The huge force directly shook the sickle of the underworld soldier, and with an unstoppable momentum, Zili bent down to ask, directly cut the axe out, and cut straight on the waist of the underworld soldier.

a click.

The sound of bone cracking sounded from the underworld soldier, and his body suddenly broke open, divided into two sections, and fell back together. The body has been broken, but the black robe is still the same. He quickly attacked and killed a underworld soldier. Zili had been surrounded and suppressed by the remaining underworld soldiers. He looked around and saw four sickle knives cutting from top to bottom at the same time. In response, he raised the axe slightly in his right arm and accelerated the rotation speed of his body. Like a whirlwind, he directly cut off the necks of the four underworld soldiers before the sickle fell on his head and killed them with one blow.


The four broken skulls fell to the ground, and the sickle stagnated in the air. Zi Li used the strong cultivation in his body, and the four skeleton-like underworld soldiers flew to each side and smashed them.

Zil couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after killing hundreds of underworld soldiers like a wave. He did not tear the seal of his chest, let alone borrow the qi of heaven and earth of any practitioner. He just killed 100 underworld soldiers with the most primitive arm strength with simple fighting skills, which can be said to be his first victory in this burial site.

However, the leader of the underworld soldiers in the distance was still not dead. He stood still and stood still in the distance, with two dark and light-like eyes tightly locked on Zi Li's body. The general did not take advantage of the danger of others, let alone attack with those underworld soldiers. Even Zili began to figure out what he was going to do, but he had to die!

The axe was not stained with a trace of blood, and it was still as clean as when it was first taken out, but it let all the underworld soldiers fall. Zi stepped up and walked towards the leader of the underworld soldiers in the distance, with clear and cold eyes.

The sky gradually faded, but there was no sunshine here. The thick corpse gas resisted all the light until the huge axe in the distance cut off a head again, and Zili walked towards the hard black dead tree. He was ready to cut down the tree across the swamp.



Compared with the ruthless killing of the corpse, the courtyard somewhere looks peaceful.

Until the sunlight began to avoid the obstruction of ancient trees, the sunlight shone directly on the courtyard and also fell on the small tree growing on the ancient stone mill platform. The leaves on the small tree were half golden and half dark and cold, and when one of the golden fruits received the sun, it suddenly began to soar, expanding from a baby's fist to the size of an adult's fist in a few breath.

The dazzling golden courtyard, a masculine breath bursts out from the golden fruit. If you look closely, you will find that this fruit is absorbing the yang qi, thus making the golden color of your body more and more pure, reaching a level more dazzling than the sun.

The golden light was scattered around the courtyard, and the underworld soldiers hurriedly retreated. They seemed to be very afraid of this golden light. After quickly ran out of the courtyard at a rapid pace, only the flowers and plants planted in the garden of the courtyard were still receiving the golden light. Some budding buds directly bloomed into flowers and quickly turned into beautiful. Flowers.

The dewdrops of Lingcao shine brightly, and the water is bright. After the refraction of golden light, they shine on novel small worlds.

The stream next to it is flexible and detached. There is no fish in the stream. I don't know where the river flows from and where it flows.

The sarcophagus was placed in the courtyard, next to a corpse, Lin Yi, who died three days. Lin Yi is still dead, but his body has not yet begun to rot. One reason is that the temperature in spring is not so fierce, and the other reason is that when he was captured in this small courtyard, because the atmosphere of heaven and earth here is too strong, his dead body has faint signs of recovery.

The golden light also fell on Lin Yi, making him look like a sleeping body.

The sunlight in the sky was constantly absorbed by the golden fruit on the tree, and then more magical deeds began to happen, and the golden light on the golden fruit was absorbed by Lin Yi's facial features. A continuous stream of gold slowly flowed into his body through Lin Yi's nostrils, corners of his eyes, ears, and every pores on his body. His pale face began to gradually rosy, and there was a trace of recovery all over his body.

Until the sun in the sky completely rises to the center of the courtyard, and the sun is 90 degrees perpendicular to the fruit on the small tree. At this time, the golden light emitted reaches the strongest and the extreme. The dazzling gold exploded, and the golden light from the golden fruit eroded the whole courtyard, including every corner, as if a small golden planet appeared in the courtyard, making everything here golden.

The endless golden light melted into Lin Yi's body, and the golden light turned into the blood in the meridians in his body. With the masculine power of the golden fruit, the blood began to circulate from the meridians throughout the body, like a magical channeling transportation, and the golden light opened up all the meridians on Lin Yi's body.

Compaion, of course, the most terrible thing is that Jin Guang not only revived everything in his body, but also reintegrated the bones that were crushed by Lu Xiaoyu all over his body, so that the bones of his whole body were once again integrated.

After the transformation of the body by Jin Guang, Lin Yizang's consciousness in his brain did not know how strong his body was. His consciousness was sleeping, but Jin Guang could not wake it up. However, even if everything on his body has been restored, the spine has been pulled away before, and it is impossible for him to grow a new one.

Therefore, it is obviously not enough to completely resurrect Lin Yi.

So, after Lin Yi had completely recovered his body, the golden light in the courtyard gradually restrained, and the old voice sounded again and said, "Brother, at this time, open the sarcophagus quickly. As long as you drip a drop of fruit liquid on the contents, you can put it on this corpse."

The words gradually fell, and there was still nothing in the courtyard, but the ancient tree outside the courtyard suddenly shook, with a green vine that came out of nowhere, and the vine directly lifted the lid of the sarcophagus. After the sarcophagus was opened, there were two ancient books and several small bottles of lake blue jars, but no one knew what elixir was placed in the jar and what its effect it had. However, if you think about it carefully, even fools must know that its preciousness must be unparalleled in the world.

In addition, there is a crystal clear vertebrae in the coffin, but this vertebrae is obviously not human, because it is nearly two meters long. Such a long vertebrae can't come from the person at all. Otherwise, the person may grow to a height of six or seven meters. Is this height still human?

"Okay, drop the fruit on that bone." After the voice called the senior brother came out again, the tone still seemed a little surprised.

"Brother, is it true that this grows two meters away from the bones?"

"Well, try it first. The owner must not be happy for us to leave this bone."

"What the senior brother said is reasonable."

After the conversation between the two, another green vine suddenly emerged from the ground, and the extremely strong cultivation dispersed from the green vine, and then rushed to the golden fruit on the small tree.

A drop of pure golden fruit liquid was sucked out by the vine, gently floated slowly in the sarcophagus, and finally dripped on the crystal clear spine.

Suddenly, the golden glow on the spine, as if it had been resurrected. An extremely terrible breath rose from the coffin, followed by a huge shadow of a firebird flying out of the coffin.

The firebird cried to the sky and looked very unwilling.

Because of this cry, the ancient trees in the outer courtyard trembled astringently. This kind of anti-sky pressure is not something they can resist at all. Fortunately, this firebird is only a virtual shadow rather than a real existence.

So, after the firebird cried a few times, the body gradually dispersed the huge virtual shadow, so that the crystal clear vertebrae in the air was completely filtered by the golden fruit liquid, and finally magically narrowed into the length of the spine of the human body.

The crumbling golden spine fell and finally fell on Lin Yi's body on the ground. After a golden light, the vertebrae inexplicably penetrated into his body.



(Collection and red tickets, do you want to see the resurrection of the protagonist? Do you want to see Zili kill everywhere!!!)