
Chapter 36 The Young Camel Under Silver Brilliance

The two golden and silver lights gradually converge, and the strange picture of yin and yang disappeared in the air. The spring water by the stream in the courtyard flows slowly, and there are no stars in the night sky. The only bright moon hangs high, and the silver light shines.

The strange flowers and plants in the flower garden are shining, and the whole courtyard looks extremely comfortable, quiet and beautiful. Suddenly, the resurrected Lin Yi quickly stood up from the ground and shouted to the sky crazily, "Lu Xiaoyu, give me your life!!"


In the courtyard, the pneumatic mountains and rivers, the air of heaven and earth surged wildly, and the black hair of Lin Yi's shawl danced wildly. The bloodthirsty between his eyes made him look like the same demon god. The cultivation of the bone refining period broke out of his body without reservation, as if he was fighting between life and death. The ferocious shouts shocked people, with a hysterical roar. However, the courtyard was still leisurely, but the remnants of the fallen grass scattered by Lin Yixiu were shaking in Xu Xu, which looked a little desolate.

The cool night wind brushed his angry and ferocious face, making him gradually calm down. Lin Yi was shocked to witness the things around him. The four directions were peaceful and quiet, and there was no insects and birds singing. In the quiet late night, there was a unique light that could only be seen in the early morning. They fell into the stream next to the flowerbed like feathering, and as the shallow stream fell on the rocks early, they couldn't help but make the faint light move with the water, making them look sparkling and shining layer by layer.

"Where is this? Aren't I dead?" Lin Yi muttered. It's hard for him to believe what he sees in front of him. After all, the hell after death is not like this.

Legend has it that hell is a place for criminals, but anyone who falls into hell will go down to 18 layers of hell. Although the legend is a little absurd, since Lin Yi came to this world of practice, his trust in the legend has gradually increased, but how can hell be so beautiful? After thinking silently for a long time, Lin Yi comforted himself and said, "Is this heaven? Because of my good deeds in my life, I went to heaven?"

"This place is not heaven, nor is it hell. I have never heard these words after ten thousand years of living, but I know that this is just a place that ordinary people can't touch." The old voice sounded from the night and immediately shocked Lin Yi under the moonlight, so the old voice continued, "You finally woke up."

"Who are you? Why don't you show up and talk?" Lin Yi looked around warily and said tremblingly. He found that there was nothing, but the quiet night was still dark. How could there be half a human figure?

"Old man is not right in front of you." The old voice seemed to be a little abusive and said lightly.

As soon as this came out, Lin Yiguo in the courtyard really became more and more defensive. He frowned and glanced at every corner of the courtyard very carefully, but there was really nothing. He said unhappily, "Please don't pretend to be a ghost anymore. There has never been any shadow of you here. How can you be in front of me?"

"In this case, what is the old man asking you, what is in front of you?"

Lin Yi looked ahead and wondered whether his predecessor was testing his intuition, but he thought about it very seriously and answered honestly, "There is only an ancient tree that is about 1,000 meters high. It can't see through the top of the tree at a glance, and there is nothing else!"

"Hahaha, since the teenager has seen it, why does the old man not appear?"

"What, are you this ancient tree?" Lin Yi's face was shud, and his clear eyes were full of doubts. He stepped back uncertainly, pointed to the ancient tree outside the court with trembling fingers, and then said, "Since you are an ancient tree, how can you open your mouth and spit out words? Are you a big demon?"

"The young man wants to turn the old man into a demon, but I think he is a demon." Gu Shu did not deny Lin Yi's statement. Naturally, it knew that practitioners were used to calling them demons, but when he thought that his young master was still in the depth of the burying ground, he was a little anxious and said, "The old man has something to ask for a young man. I don't know if I can promise the old man?"

Lin Yi heard that the other party admitted that he was a demon, and he was very disgusted and disdainful. However, when he thought that he could live here intact and felt the smell of anxiety from the tone of the other party's mouth, Lin Yi could only put down his curiosity in advance and asked tentatively, "I don't know what you want? "

Replace the word predecessor with your Excellency. Obviously, Lin Yi is still conscious of the identity of the ancient tree demon. Fortunately, the ancient tree has survived for ten thousand years and does not care about this. It replied, "I beg the young man to go to the east to save my young master's life."

"Your young master, is not a divine tree demon?"

"No, he is the one who came here with you. Without him bringing your body here, the young man would not have been able to come back to the world!"

"Come with me?" Lin Yi was very surprised, but he couldn't understand his thoughts, and he could only contact the young master of the old man to Zili. After all, only Zili would leave him. However, Zili grew up with him in a poor village since he was a child, and it was impossible to be a young master, so Lin Yi couldn't help erasing Zili's suspicion. He said, "I don't know how to save him? I only have the cultivation in the bone refining period, and I think my predecessors should see it!"

"This rescue has nothing to do with his cultivation. The old man will first give you a thousand-year-old tree green vine, and then you will know the use." After the words of the ancient tree, without waiting for Lin Yi to ask again, the ground in the courtyard suddenly surged, and an ancient tree green vine broke out of the ground.

Lin Yi was secretly surprised by the cultivation of the ancient tree, but there was no panic. He reached out to take over the green vine gushing from the ground and found that the green vine was full of aura. Although its limbs were thick and full, and the length reached 100 meters away, the weight of the green vine was extremely light, and even the vine itself was very tough. Good, extremely tough.

Looking at Lin Yi's green vine, Gu Shu said again, "I would like to thank the young man for this matter. I know that there must be countless questions in your heart at this moment. When you save the young master, I will tell him one by one."

Lin Yi arched his hand to the ancient tree to show his kindness and did not speak again.

So, he stepped out of the courtyard, with many questions in his heart, and with the charming night at this moment, he quickly ran straight to the east.

After Lin Yiyuan was far away, the voice outside the courtyard sounded again: "Brother, what do you think of this son?"

"There is hatred in his heart, and his anger is too heavy. Fortunately, he is calm, his hidden mind, and his adaptability is even better. No matter what he is thinking in his heart, he can cover it up with his superficial expression, even if it is panic and confusion from the bottom of his heart."

"How did the senior see him?"

"Because of me, I can read people's hearts!"



The endless land was dark, and the silver moonlight gradually drove towards a mountain peak, and it seemed to be falling to the sky.

A young figure ran from the ground at a high speed, holding a bundle of thick vines in his hand and running towards the east.

Lin Yi found that his voice was more immature, which was his first reaction to himself. However, as he adapted to this reborn body for a longer time, he found that he had really become young, like a 13 or 14-year-old young man. No wonder the ancient tree called him a young man before.

Lin Yi did not know the reason for this matter, and he found that his back arched like a bow and became a young camel. This kind of destructive thing puts on him who loves beauty in his previous life, and he will definitely feel pain and even feel that he has lost hope in life.

No matter what he said, he was a romantic young man engaged in art in his previous life. He wrote mountains and seas and looked back at the world.

He always pays attention to the pursuit of perfection. He is always a modern Libra man. How about Libra?

Libra man is sultry and narcissistic, with literary and artistic style. Although according to the analysis of constellation lectures, Libra men are very suitable for art, but this kind of person can't tolerate a trace of filth in front of him. At this moment, Lin Yi knew that he had become a camel, and he was inevitably a little worried and disappointed, because he intuitively felt The camel is not very good-looking.

Of course, as long as he thinks of his death and resurrection again, it is better to be a hunchback in life than to leave the world. Therefore, he is relieved when he blows a cool night breeze in his face and thinks about it.

