
Chapter 39 Kill the people behind the knife

"Is that Zi Li?" Lin Yi's eyes showed disbelief and whispered.

The other side of the swamp was dark, and countless small mountain peak-like wild ghosts gathered too much and rushed to the small body with a big knife on its back.

The reason why it is small is that Lin Yi looks at each other through the swamp with his naked eyes, and it is difficult to see the real situation of the familiar figure from the green fog. Moreover, with so many hills gathering together, the figure of only about two meters will naturally appear extremely small.

The cold light in the mountains is like a crescent moon, flashing away, fast and rapid.

In the blink of an eye, the big knife directly cut off a head of the wild ghost, but before he could avoid it, he was blown away by a huge hand from the side. The unbalanced body glided in the air, and Zili fell on the tombstone of the burial site, and then made a loud bang, constantly rolling, almost rolling down the swamp full of mud.

He stood up angrily, grinned, and there was incomparable pain in his body. Obviously, his bones were broken in many places. The wild ghost punched him directly on his left shoulder, causing his hand bone to crack and cause serious injury.

"How can there be so many rammed goods? Am I going to fight to death today? I'm not willing!!" Zi Li is a little decadent.

Looking up at the slightly bright sky, I couldn't see the clouds, and the fog eroded all the vision, including the atmosphere of heaven and earth in the whole burial site. The barbarian ghosts in front of them flocked, and dozens of huge barbarian ghosts were enough to sweep thousands of troops. Countless turquoise blood fog filled the air, and a desolate scene of a cruel battlefield appeared in front of us.

Zi Li looked at the barbarian ghost approaching. He knew that he had no way back and forth. He took a deep breath and found that the nostrils were full of the smell of blood of ghosts, but he no longer paid attention to these small changes, but clenched the big knife in his right hand and looked indifferent, as if he was the supreme between heaven and earth, and the demonic spirit was constantly emitted from his body. At this moment, the role of the demon was played to the extreme.

"Come on, you guys, so that I can kill happily!" Zi Li shouted.

The single knife clenched in his right hand became tighter and tighter. Although he is just a demon, a demon with black smoke all over his body, it is precisely because of this cruel and ruthless battlefield that he will have the opportunity to experience life and death, and let him know that the demon is not afraid of everything. Even if it is a ghost transformed by ten thousand years, he can also kill it with a big knife. Wrong.

"Zi Li, is that you?" There was a question from the other side of the swamp.

The voice was not loud, even as immature as the voice of a teenager, but because of this soft question, the murderous Zili was suddenly stunned. He turned his head and looked, and a petite figure could be faintly seen on the other side, but the figure was too small to look so strange.

The two sides were silent and silent for a long time. Zi Li thought that his previous killing was too tired. He suddenly shook his head to keep himself awake, but the vague figure was still there and did not disappear.

"Zi Li, is it you?" There was another question on the other side.

This time, Zili heard it clearly. Although he didn't know who the voice came from, he could still hear others calling his name again at the time of life and death. No matter what the other party's voice was, it would make him feel as pleasant as the sound of nature.

"Who are you and why do you know my name?" Zi Li subconsciously asked with precautions.

"Zi, is it really you?" Lin Yiman was very happy and wanted to do it, but he immediately thought of the words explained before the ancient tree, and felt that the murderous intention from the other side was gradually thickening, so he continued, "I'm Lin Yi, Zili. I'll throw the green vine to save you. Remember to firmly grasp the green vine. This swamp is about dozens of meters wide, never Let go halfway!"

Hearing that the other party said that it was his brother Lin Yi, Zili's head was hit by thunder, and he was stunned. But he could feel that the green vine in the air was flying from the other side, so he didn't think it was a joke. Qingteng is light and strong, but looking at the petite figure that claims to be his brother on the other side, Zili doesn't believe it at all. After all, Lin Yi's height is far more than that.

However, at this moment, he has already reached a desperate point. Instead of letting the barbarian ghost beat his body to rot, it is better to use this green vine to cross the swamp first, even if the opposite is talking to an inexplicable fierce ghost who is more powerful than the barbarian ghost.

So, Zili picked up the thick vine on the ground without hesitation, wrapped it around his waist, and made sure that he was wrapped it tightly. Then he called out to the figure on the other side: "I have wrapped the vine around my body. Pull it harder. Don't fall into the swamp halfway. It's rotten here. The mud stinks."

"I know, get ready, I'll pull it!" After Lin Yi heard Zili's call, his excited hands clenched the green vine and immediately burst out the recovered bone refining period.

"Wing up!!" Lin Yi shouted again, and his legs stepped up quickly, like horses' hoofs rolling grass, and dust flying under his feet.

Lin Yi's petite body rushed forward with the huge force raised by his arms suddenly passed away from the green vine, making Zili, who was in the burial site easily feel the greatness of the power. He jumped along the force with one foot.

The feeling of escaping from the bitter sea of life and death is great. Zili looked at himself about to fly out of this green fog, and his mood suddenly became countless open-minded. Although this is not a royal flight, at least it also made him jump dozens of meters high, as if it turned him into an eagle flying in the sky at this moment, which brought the whole world into view.

But at this moment, when he will successfully leap over the swamp, there is a surge in the mud below.


The mud splashed, the crocodile broke out of the ground, and the long body rushed straight up. It opened its mouth, and the two rows of untidy fangs glowed with cold light, as if to bite the leaping Zili in mid-air to prevent him from passing through the swamp.

Zili watched the ugly crocodile attack, quickly shrinking her legs to avoid it, and the blood in her eyes rose wildly, and her whole body became murderous in an instant. He looked at the crocodile flying in the quagmire and remembered the mud stench that almost made him vomit before, and also remembered the stinky thing that had stopped him once.

Now, he saw that the other party wanted to stop him, and the open-mindedness in his heart suddenly disappeared and turned into endless anger.

The big knife in his right hand was a few knives in the air. Zili's perfect cultivation broke out again. Suddenly, the knife light quickly flashed, and the blade accurately cut the upper and lower lips of the crocodile.

The sound of shredded meat at the edge of the knife is sharp and crisp, which is particularly impressive.

The crimson blood splashed, and the crocodile's upper and lower lips were directly cut into more than a dozen pieces by a big knife. After the scream sounded from its mouth, its four or five meters long body seemed to have lost all its strength and fell straight into the swamp. The crimson blood still emerges from the mud, as if countless bubbles have risen underneath, and the crocodiles are nowhere to appear, but only the mud on the shore keeps moving and flowing.

Fortunately, Zili has landed safely on the strange shore at this moment.

At his feet is an open and boundless land. Although the sky is slightly bright at this moment, Zili can also feel that there is neither fog nor any anger wandering here, as if the swamp in front of him is isolated from heaven and hell, and it is so beautiful to be in heaven at this moment.

Looking at Zili's successful arrival on the opposite shore, Lin Yi hurried forward to greet him with a great smile.

He was really happy from the bottom of his heart, because he finally knew that it was Zili who saved him again. After all, as Gu Shu said, if Zili had not brought him here, it would be impossible for him to revive him.

"Zi Li! Are you all right?" Lin Yi called out with some concern.

Looking at the thousands of ghosts surging on the opposite bank, Zili couldn't help but be afraid, but when he heard the tender voice coming from the rear, he was stunned and did not turn around immediately, but directly danced a piercing knife with a big knife and chopped back.

