
Chapter 55 One Force

When the water fell into the lotus, the lotus trembled spontaneously. Now, it is not the real water droplets falling on the lotus, because the fact is that Zhu Moyang's purified ink dripped on the lotus picture.

The ink enters the drawing paper, which is not dark, bright and transparent. The pure ink dispersed along the lines on the rice paper, which did not seem to wet the weak rice paper made from the bark of the green sandalwood tree. On the contrary, this clean ink brought a little vividness to the ink gray on the rice paper.

Zhu Moyang stared at the picture of the lotus picture and smiled softly at the corners of his mouth. Seeing this, the gentleman on the painting table next to him said slightly, "Let's make some progress, but it's far from enough!"

When Zhu Moyang heard this, he quickly put away the laughter on his face and bowed to Mr. Chang Wei and said, "Yes, sir, the student has been taught!"

"Fei has ever understood what is missing in the painting?" After seeing Zhu Moyang being taught, he turned his head and looked at Tang Feifei, asking with wise eyes with Xu's concern.

"Students are ignorant and don't understand what the seniors mean!" Tang Feifei, wearing a light chrysanthemum dress, bowed her head in shame and answered honestly. Two small pieces of crimson rose on her beautiful and beautiful face again, like the wine on her face when she was drunk. Tang Feifei blushed and looked quite charming.

Seeing this, Mr. Chang Wei shook his head gently without any blame, and then turned his head to Lin Yi and asked, "What do you think?"

Lin Yi listened to Mr. Chang Wei's question and dared not be careless at all. He slightly bowed his arched back, looking more and more respectful. He held his fist and said, "Brother Zhu's painting skills are extraordinary, and his two hands are full of flowers, which makes me admire!"

"Ha ha, is the young man modest?" Mr. Chang Wei smiled and said in a questionable tone.

His eyes full of wisdom were fixed on Lin Yi, and Mr. Chang Wei's face always showed a faint smile like a daisy. However, because of his light wind and vows, Lin Yi seemed to see through himself, so his heart was naturally surprised.

So, Lin Yi was silent for a while and said, "Sir, I have come from the countryside since childhood and cut firewood every day, so he doesn't know much about painting. Moreover, we only saw that Brother Zhu's painting technique is very unique. As for how he and the young lady draw, Xiaosheng dare not make his own conclusions!"

Lin Yi wants to leave here as soon as possible. This inkstone painting workshop makes him feel too strange, just like Zhu Moyang's painting technique.

The technique of integrating the spirit of heaven and earth into the painting is too strange, even if it is almost a miracle.

In Lin Yi's previous life, he was sure that his painting skills were better than Tang Feifei and Zhu Moyang. But since he came to this world but hasn't practiced, although he often picked up some dead wood limbs in the forest to downplay the lines on the sand, these are just his instinctive love of painting and his obsession with painting, not some unfathomable painting techniques.

After Lin Yi began to practice, he rarely came into contact with painting and devoted himself to practice, let alone use the spirit of heaven and earth to control the brushwork of painting.

Because for him, this is simply unknown, unknown and unheard of.

Lin Yi knows himself very well, and it is impossible to do it like Zhu Moyang with his cultivation at this time. First, integrate a force of vitality into the ink, then dizzy the ink on a completed picture scroll, and finally, make the things in the painting full of vitality and give birth to life.

All the painters know that no matter how beautiful the objects in the painting are, they are only dead objects left by the brush, and there is no vitality at all. It is impossible to resurrect the objects in the paintings.

Lin Yi is a painting addict, and naturally he thinks so. But strangely, Zhu Moyang in front of them did what they thought was impossible.

The lotus petals moved slightly on the drawing paper, changing the originally fixed orientation. The lotus blooming on the branches of the pedicels quickly bloomed, and then the broken leaves withered and fell on the picture on the rice paper. And those lotus buds that have not yet opened have become in full bloom at this moment, as if they have been stimulated by the vitality injected by the other party.

"Brother Lin is flattered. How can I be as powerful as you said? It made me feel very happy when you taught the fat man of the Xiao family before." Zhu Moyang smiled and said aside.

"I usually teach you how to be fierce?" Mr. Chang Wei was unhappy to see that Zhu Moyang was a little wrong.

"Students don't dare, students know what's wrong!" Zhu Moyang immediately smiled and bowed in horror.

When Mr. Chang Wei saw that Zhu Moyang had corrected his mistake, his dissatisfaction gradually subsided. He turned to Lin Yi and said, "You don't need to be too careful. I don't mean any harm." When he said this, Mr. Chang Wei frowned first. He didn't know whether he saw that the other party had the intention to avoid it or felt that it was necessary to explain it. Therefore, he spit out this sentence that had never been said without malice.

Mr. calmed down his thoughts and then said, "Moyan Painting Workshop has existed for more than ten years, among which there are countless disciples. There are students who stay in the painting workshop to study, and there are students who go out to study over the world, but in my opinion, the process of learning is nothing more than painting and practicing in the heart. What's more... The young man is a strange body and regenerated. If you want to restore the body of an ordinary person, I have a way to help you.

The hunchback secret was broken by Mr. Chang Wei's words, and Lin Yi's heart was stunned that his face could no longer calm down. He looked straight at Mr. Chang Wei in front of him without any respect and hatred, but asked doubtfully, "How did you know that my life is rebirth, and you said that there is a way to melt bones, and What?"

In the face of Lin Yi's doubts, Mr. Chang Wei was not angry. He still smiled and said, "Everyone's past life and future are doomed. Naturally, you are the same. Moreover, what I said is the truth, and there is absolutely nothing false."

"Everything is a natural machine, and the natural machine cannot be leaked." Zhu Moyang shook his head very old-fashionedly and said slowly.

"I only know that young people have the eyes of painting, and they must also have the ability to draw, so I want to ask the young man to paint a picture, so that my two students can open their horizons! Of course, if you insist on leaving, the gate is behind you!" Mr. Chang Wei's tone was not forced, and he said kindly.

"I'm not good at painting, but I can only do some fur, which is not comparable to the two disciples of the students." Lin Yi said.

Lin Yi doesn't want to write here. His purpose of coming to the painting workshop is to pay back the money. Now that the money has been paid back, he should leave.

However, the reason why he did not leave immediately is very simple, because he has feelings for painting, so he will have the landscape painting on the wooden board after he enters the painting workshop.

Painting is Lin Yi's greatest infatuation in his previous life and his best skill.

"You really don't draw?" Mr. Chang Wei asked again.


's eyes were as calm as before, but they were as bright as torches. After hearing this, Lin Yi closed his mouth and did not answer.

When Mr. Lin Yi was silent, he turned his eyes to the ruined landscape painting that had been destroyed by the fat man of the Xiao family.

There is a mess left on it, and the messy rolling traces are spread flat on the black feather ink of the landscape painting, like the fierce knife spirit intertwined, which makes people feel cold when they look at it.

Mr. looked quietly at the landscape painting on the wooden board, and then said leisurely, "The young man's painting is extraordinary. It is very good. It seems that Feifei and Moyang are not as good as you!"

