
Chapter 155 When the moon is full, people are like demons

The sun outside the house is getting brighter and brighter, and the orange morning sun retreats a little mildly. When the ice outside the small sunny body is as thick as the wall, the sun in the sky is already extremely hot. It is like a huge fireball hanging in mid-air, which is daunting.

Lin Yi sat cross-legged, then closed his eyes and kept breathing and spitting, like an old monk sitting still chanting scriptures, motionless.

The atmosphere of Daba Village is quite strong, at least much thicker than when Lin Yi was in Laocheng, and in any case, it is an isolated place. Although there are people living here like Liaocheng, there is no other customs except for the simple dam villagers. Therefore, after the flow of pedestrians and merchants in the world, Dam Village naturally does not have the atmosphere of the world that makes practitioners unfalike.

Time flies, and the whole morning passed quietly in Lin Yi's breath. He closed his eyes as if he had already fallen asleep. Run'an beside him saw this and did not bother to stop it.

On the bed, Run Xiaoqing has already become an iceman. The thick ice outside her body is getting thicker and thicker, and the quilt seems to be frozen together.

Run'an took off the quilt wrapped in Run Xiaoqing's body. He knew that the quilt was no longer useful to him. At this moment, the quilt was useless, even if it was burned by fire, it could not melt the ice.

Ice is cold and condensed ice. I don't know why, but it is difficult to be melted by everything.

So, in the midst of the anxiety of Run'an, the faint golden sun moved to the western mountains again.

The sky floats a layer of dark red glow, and the glow is a little purple, which looks particularly enchanting and beautiful. However, when this layer of red and purple glow shines into the mud window, they can't help shining on Run Xiaoqing's petite body.

A layer of dazzling and colorful light shines in the room, and the glow is bright and beautiful. They shine on the pure white ice at this moment, shining a layer of light.

"Have you fallen into the west mountain?"

Lin Yi, who sat cross-legged, opened his mouth softly without opening his eyes. The glow outside Haotian deliberately fell on his closed face one after another, and at the moment of the glow, he could naturally feel the light on the glow. He continued, "I don't know how Xiaoqing is doing at this moment?"

"The ice is getting thicker and thicker, and now it looks like an iceberg."

Run'an's red eyes stared at Run Xiaoqing's body and choked back, "I'm afraid she can't support it anymore. She looks so bad that I can't even see her face anymore."

"Don't care too much about these ice layers. The ice can't hurt Xiaoqing's safety."

Lin Yi comforted him, and then he was silent for a while and asked, "Has my senior sister ever come back?"

Hearing this, Run'an replied, "Miss has not returned since she left early in the morning."

"Oh, I know!"



At the west entrance of Dam Village, a path goes straight to the Dragon Bridge. There are lifelike dragon heads on the pier of the Dragon Bridge, so people dare not take half a step.

A white figure stood in a gorgeous courtyard, and then she looked directly at the floating and foggy bridge, and then said, "There is a big snake on the other side of the bridge. Have you heard of it?"

"The girl said the big snake six years ago?"

The thin body of the sacrificial adult stands in the yard, and his body still has to rely on the scepter to stand upright. As long as he lacks this scepter, he will lie on the ground and then can't stand up.

"In this way, do you know that Runan's daughter is a relic in the mouth of the big snake?"

The senior sister's eyes were cold. She looked at the bridge that no one could step on, saw that the tentacles of a dragon head on the pier had fallen, and then continued to say blankly, "As a sacrifice in the village, how did you allow the demons to come to the village tribe?"

"I don't understand who the evil in the girl's mouth is!"

"Of course, it is Run'an's daughter." The senior sister turned her head and stared at the old man in front of her with extremely severe eyes. She said coldly, "The demon is a demon. Since she is spit out of the mouth of the snake, she is naturally the little demon left by the snake. Don't you worry that she will harm the world one day?"

When the sacrificial master heard what his senior sister said, his free right hand couldn't help ttering his white beard. His turbid eyes glanced at the end of the ethereal dragon bridge and sighed and said, "The girl is wrong."

When the senior sister heard the words, she was puzzled, but at this time, the sacrificial lord said again, "The old man is also wrong."

"I don't know what's wrong with this?"

"The girl is very smart, but her body exudes a murderous atmosphere. It must be an unbearable look in your heart, but it's wrong for you to come to me this time!"

"The girl said that Run'an's daughter was a demon. Ha ha, I never thought she was a demon at the beginning, but we all thought she was a demon, so we were all wrong!" The sacrificial adult's words were unclear. He just sighed softly, and then suddenly turned his head and said with a slight smile, "Does the girl still want to cross the bridge?"

"I don't care, but he doesn't necessarily."

The senior sister looked at the mountain outside the fog, and a trace of hesitation flashed in her eyes. She suddenly remembered her husband's previous instructions to her, so she was not in a hurry to cross the bridge, but wanted to drag on for another month.

Naturally, the sacrificial master can't know what was thinking in his heart, but at this moment, he began to think about it because of his words. After a while, he suddenly looked up at the sky, looked at the new day coming, and then said to the senior sister, "In this case, why don't I go to see the poor child with you."

"Are you sure whether she is pathetic or hateful?" The senior sister looked at the old man and asked seriously.

"She is a poor and pathetic person. If you know that she has been sensible and kind in the past six years, you won't think she is still a demon. Even if she spits out of the mouth of the snake, at least there is no third person in this village who knows this secret except Run'an and me, even as Run Xiaoqing in the mouth of the Big Snake. She also didn't know that she was a relic spit out of a snake's mouth.

"In fact, which of the demons or people in the world is not a life that lives under the glory of the sky? It's just that the demon in the girl's mouth is more bloodthirsty and crazy. Although I don't know why the girl's belief in eliminating demons is so firm, the girl must also be a poor person.

The senior sister was obviously a little surprised by the words of the sacrificial adult, so she frowned slightly and looked directly at the sacrifice with Xiyi's eyes. However, at this moment, the sacrificial adult left the courtyard with a scepter and had already disappeared outside the fence.

The pace of the sacrificial adult walked very slowly, as if every step had to be carefully measured, and as his slow pace, which was limited to the naked eye, gradually stepped away, his body somehow left the west entrance of the dam village like a step by ten miles.

Looking at the sacrificial adult leaving with a scepter, she began to think carefully about every word the other party said. She got up and left the courtyard of the sacrificial adult's house, and then flashed under several shadows and didn't know where she had gone.



In the evening, when the sun sets, the small bridge flows.

A wisp of smoke rolled up like fog rises from the chimney of each household and is soaked in the fresh and clear air.

Run'an still stood in the dilapidated house, full of anxiety.

Grandma was cooking dinner. Although she knew that no one would eat tonight, no matter who would be hungry, she still kept adding firewood with her old body, and her firepower seemed to be extremely strong, and she would boil the water in the pot in a short time.

Lin Yi woke up from his eyes and spit. The first scene after opening his eyes was the leap Xiaoqing, who had already condensed the ice to more than one meter high. She was frozen in the ice and looked like she had been put away by a crystal coffin.

He can't see what she looks like at this moment, and he doesn't know what will happen to her next, so he can only wait for his senior sister to return, and then find a way to save Run Xiaoqing's safety together.

The dilapidated walls of the dilapidated house, and the spider-like wall cracks spread directly from the ground to the roof beam. The wall that seemed to be blown down by the wind would not collapse, at least not yet. Lin Yi looked at Leap Xiaoqing's poor experience and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

"It's hard to imagine how strong your willpower is to bear this kind of cold pain since you were a child. Oh, that's all, I should treat you with this rare and fearless strong will. Although I don't know how to save you, I want to protect your life with my sister's vision.

"The matter of practice is to compete for glory under Haotian; although you are not competing with Haotian for the right to life, you are fighting for the right to life with Haotian. You will definitely get better, right?"

Lin Yi stood up from the cross-knee movement and watched Run Xiaoqing keep saying to himself. At the moment when he frowned and thought about it, a mysterious breath suddenly approached outside the hospital.

This is a brand-new breath, as slow as waves, with a mystery that is difficult to feel clearly, and then walks in from outside the fence outside the courtyard.

Lin Yi looked down the position of the wooden window and saw the owner of this breath figure.

The sacrificial adult has a sceptre and holds a scepter in his hand. The scepter is golden, but no one dares to hit the idea of this scepter; because it is the scepter for sacrificing adults in the dam village, and because its existence is passed down by countless generations of ancestors, and because it is the only one in the village that can A scepter with mysterious power.

The sacrificial adult still walked slowly at a glance, like a crawling snail. Lin Yi stared at him closely, but in a trance of his eyelids, the other party's figure appeared in the room where many people were in the same room, looking like a lingering light.

