
Chapter 166 Practice is like going up the mountain to fight tigers?

The world is big and strange, and there is no lack of all kinds of geniuses in the world of practice.

Lin Yi is not a particularly prominent noble son. He grew up with Zi Li in a remote mountain village. At the age of ten, he had to go up the mountain to hunt alone for a living. He was not a gifted cultivation genius, otherwise he would not have been killed by Lu Xiaoyu in the holy land of practice. It was thrown into the valley.

If it hadn't been for him, maybe he would have splashed blood on the cliff and his white bones had fallen to the ground. However, his senior sister is different from him, because she is the real cultivation genius.

Four years of Qiqi, five years are coming, and it is only one step away from the five realms.

That's a short step, extremely close, but also extremely far away.

The near one is like a short-distance wooden bridge, which can be walked in a few steps; the far one is like the ends of the earth, and there is no mood or opportunity to search, which is likely to be insurmountable for life.

In the body of the senior sister, the spirit of heaven and earth has long been extremely complete. Five silvery bone joints shine brightly on its spine. However, at the sixth section above these five sections, the bone joint that seems to be like a reli has only a faint silver light, which looks extremely weak, just like what is left after a fire. A small flame on the fiery red carbon pile.

The lotus flowers on the pool are extremely white, and the brilliance in the flowers/core is constantly blooming. They emit more and more intense silver light, as if they are going to become a silver shining lamp.

At this time, the pool under the lotus trembled violently from comfort. They kept trembling and ups and downs, as if to splash the lotus above the pool.


The pool water is more violent, and the speed of sweeping is like the waves rolling in the blue ocean. The white lotus is trembled by the waves and seems to be swept to the shore by the waves.

It's a crash again!

The silver light suddenly blooms from thousands of lotus flowers/cores, as if countless moonlight rises from the green forest. If it hadn't been for the dense leaves at the top of the tree, these silver light would have been straight into the blue sky, making the scorching sun on the blue sky gloomy.

The senior sister is still lurking at the bottom of the pool. **'s body is white and gorgeous, just like a crystal body carved from jasper, but there is still a steady stream of silver light on her body, as if these silver lights are the foundation of all her ways, and at this moment, she has already achieved the unity of heaven and man. The realm.

Her beautiful face was full of meditation, and her holy eyes were closed, as if all her consciousness was in enlightenment at this moment.



In the ancestral hall valley of Dam Village, Lin Yi and Run'an looked at the already lively Run Xiaoqing together. Leu Xiaoqing has already recovered her mind, and those fierce madness has long existed in her.

From the time of last night's life and death, to today, he has become a real bone refining practitioner. I have to say that this dramatic change is really a little appalling, and the most important thing is that Run Xiaoqing is only eight and a half years old. At this age alone, she has become a bone refining period reached by Lin Yi at the age of 17. It can be said that her future of practice is bright.

There are countless practitioners in the world. The children of the big family and sect will carry out tentative contact practice from about six years old. Lin Yi is a poor hunting child. If it hadn't been for the training and physical conditions accumulated by his life and death for many years, maybe at the age of 16 It is also impossible to be selected by the high-profile Cang Ming Sect.

It is a vicissitudes of history. In the village where Lin Yi lives, no one would expect that a sweaty young man like him and Zili would be elected by a large sect.

But when the world plays tricks on people, sometimes luck comes suddenly, because he and Zili were both selected and became the chief disciples of Tianqingfeng.

Lin Yi looked at the innocent little girl in front of him, her big black and pure eyes, and looked at her not afraid that she was facing endless crisis and death yesterday. The sigh in his heart was like a mountain. He wanted to teach the little girl in front of him to practice, although there was only one month.

"Xiaoqing, would you like to practice with your brother?"

Lin Yi smiled casually and opened his mouth, and then bent down his waist. He reached out and stroked Run Xiaoqing's unhealthy long withered yellow hair, and carefully stroked the messy hair in front of Run Xiaoqing's forehead to her ears, with a little more pity on his beautiful face.

Run Xiaoqing couldn't understand the meaning of practice, because she was still young, but she could feel the kindness in the faint smile on Lin Yiqing's face, so she thought about it seriously and then asked curiously, "Uncle Lin, Xiaoqing is willing to practice with you, but Xiaoqing doesn't know what practice is?"

When Lin Yi heard the words, he immediately said that he was a little confused. He smiled awkwardly and said, "Xiaoqing doesn't need to call me uncle. In fact, I'm not much older than you. It's good for you to call my big brother in the future. As for the meaning of practice, the ordinary point is that when Xiaoqing reaches a certain level, you can casually take the mountain. The tiger was punched to death.

I don't know if it was because the word tiger was too horrible, or when she heard Lin Yi say that she wanted to fight the tiger, Run Xiaoqing suddenly shook her head and said cowardly, "Big brother, can Xiaoqing not fight the tiger?"

Lin Yi knew that the little girl was extremely kind before she fell ill, so she couldn't help smiling and explained, "Of course, Xiaoqing doesn't have to go up the mountain to fight tigers. That's just a metaphor for her brother's practice. It's not really about Xiaoqing to fight tigers. Of course, as long as Xiaoqing grows up, you can also use it. He has a strong cultivation to take care of the whole village, including your dearest grandma and father.

Lun Xiaoqing heard that practice can also help others, and immediately smiled, and her lovely cheeks looked like two brilliant sunflowers.

So, she hurriedly grabbed Lin Yi's big hand and said anxiously, "I do, I do. Xiaoqing is willing to practice with my eldest brother. Why don't you teach me how to practice now?"

Lin Yi shook helplessly, but his beautiful face was always full of doting and smile, which was a kind of doting like his relatives, but at this moment, he did not dare to be careless in the face of such a big event.

So he said with serious education, "Xiaoqing should keep in mind that cultivation can't be helped by pulling out seedlings like planting rice, because such rice seedlings will only be separated from water and soil moisture and die."

"Cultivation needs to be down-to-earth and not rush to achieve success, and the reason why the way of practice makes people strong is because of the illumination and shelter of Haotian. Haotian is fair. It gives people the method of practice, so it naturally also needs to let people practice under its bondage. Xiaoqing has just entered the way of practice and should lay a good foundation so that she can become a strong and useful person in the future.

Lun Xiaoqing was very clever. Although she still didn't understand after listening to Lin Yi's words, she finally understood the carelessness of the other party's mouth, so she hurriedly nodded, and her little red face became extremely solemn. She replied seriously, "Xiaoqing must follow her big brother, step by step. "

