
Chapter 172 No Corpse Funeral

Lin Yi's eyes had never been removed from his grandma's hand. He looked at the 100-year-old grandma in front of him, and the emotion in his heart was suddenly brought up by her and saw his grandma in a trance.

So, he took two steps forward slowly, and then said kindly, " grandma, why don't you let the boy cut potatoes for you!"

Grandma knew that he came to help out of kindness, and she also knew that she was already dizzy, so the speed of cutting potatoes was really a little slow, so after smiling softly, she put down the rusty kitchen knife in her hand and said, "The teenager has a heart, thank you very much."

"Gang, please don't be polite. Since I came to your house, it is reasonable for the boy to do these things."

Lin Yi smiled. He raised the kitchen knife on the board, then held the clean potatoes in his left hand and began to cut the potatoes into strips like grandma.

The knife was sharp, and Lin Yi cut potatoes surprisingly fast. In less than a moment, he cut all the potatoes into strips. He looked at the shredded potatoes on the vegetable plate and sighed. In fact, he had cooked food since he was a child.

In Lin Yi's previous life, he had to cook his own food when he came home from school, because his parents were busy with work all day, and his grandma was too old, even more serious. It was he who cooked for his family since he was a child. After reincarnation, he grew up with Zili and went hunting in the mountains at the age of ten.

The days of hunting are very hard and full of danger. If you encounter some small prey, it's okay. After all, with the strength of the two of them, as long as you set a trap, you can almost capture the deer, but there are always accidents. For example, when Lin Yi was 13 years old, he deeply remembered that he met Zili at that time. A fierce tiger.

It was a tiger nearly two meters high, with majestic eyes, deterring all directions, and golden hair all over its body. It was completely different from the tiger he saw in the zoo in his previous life, and Lin Yi felt a fierceness and impatience that he had been foraging for a long time, but he had nothing to get anything.

The tiger has been hungry for a long time, and no matter what creature it sees, it will show fierce light, not to mention the two young teenagers?

So that time, Lin Yi and Zili stepped into the ghost gate. If it hadn't been for Lin Yi's adult-like memory and calmness, perhaps the two would have been treated as a meal by the tiger as early as that time.

Run'an put the sleeping Run Xiaoqing on the bed in the room to rest, and then covered it with a thick layer of bedding. At this moment, it was already midsummer, and the weather was gradually getting hot, and in the days when Run Xiaoqing did not have the disease, her physique was naturally as afraid of summer heat as ordinary people.

Run'an came out after settling down. However, at the moment he walked out of the room, he happened to see Lin Yi cutting potatoes. He walked apologetically and said, "I'm really sorry to ask you to help cut potatoes."

When Lin Yi heard Run'an's words, his lips smiled and replied, "It doesn't matter. In fact, before I stepped into practice, I was also a poor country boy. As for cutting vegetables, I have already learned it."

"Ha, Lin Yi is joking. Since you have cut the shredded potatoes, grandma should put them into the rice to cook together. Then I will go to the chicken pen to catch two roosters and kill them tonight. I said I would teach you to barbecue. Besides, I haven't eaten my secret sauce for a few months, and I'm very greedy!"

Lin Yi heard Run An's tongue alone and suddenly smiled again. He put the potatoes in the chopping board into the porcelain jar with rice soup, and then said, "You go ahead. I'll help grandma cook."

When Run'an heard this, he couldn't help but feel that his brother was really a kind person, so after thanking him, he walked out of the house and walked to his chicken pen.

Runan walked to his chicken circle, then stretched out his hand to grab the chicken pile. The roosters in the chicken circle seemed to feel the murderous intention of the other party, so they shouted in their mouths and ran away to the back of the chicken circle. Runan reached out and grabbed it for a while, and finally caught a strong father-in-law with both hands. Chicken.

So, he carried a big cock with a happy face and was about to kill it.

In the small courtyard, the moonlight fell like a long rainbow, and the two horses were tied to strong beams and could not leave. Run'an held two screaming roosters in his hand and wanted to take them to the backyard to kill and pluck them. However, at this moment, a person suddenly came out of the fence around his yard.

This man is a villager in the bus village. He was also a very good person in the past. This man walked outside the fence and happened to see Run'an holding a chicken in his hand and wanted to turn around and leave. He hurriedly shouted, "Don't go!"

Run'an heard that someone called him, so he looked at each other curiously. He saw the figure under Yuehui approaching from the courtyard door. He even recognized the person under Yinhui, so he looked at the man in front of him curiously and asked curiously, "Run Xin?"

"What's the matter with you coming to me so late?"

When Run'an saw Run'an turn around, he couldn't help but speed up his pace again. He hurried into the small courtyard of Run'an's house, then looked at the premise that the chicken Run'an was stunned and then said, "Luan, it's not a big deal. My brother disappeared in the mountains yesterday, and now his sister-in-law is crying to death on the bed. In the past, my uncle was going to do a corpseless funeral for my brother and wanted to ask you for help.

"What, you said that Brother Run disappeared in the mountains?" In the face of this sudden news, his honest face suddenly turned pale. He looked at the famous Lexin in front of him and then said, "How can a good living person suddenly disappear in the mountains? Have you ever looked for him in the mountains?"

"I've looked for it all. My uncle went to Dongshan with his family yesterday, but he couldn't find his brother's figure. I think my brother is really lucky this time. Hey, my poor brother, he even married his sister-in-law in the future, and this time he quietly disappeared. It's really..."

Runxin didn't finish speaking, and his heart was heartbroken, and two tears flowed out of the corners of his eyes.

Run'an looked at the leap Xin in front of him, who was much older than himself, and knew the relationship between the two brothers, so he couldn't help sighing helplessly. He put back the big rooster in his hand, and then turned around and said to Run Xin, "Don't be sad. Wait for me for a moment. I'll go with my brother. My brother said, and then he went with you to help your brother deal with the aftert matter.

After saying that, Run'an entered the room without waiting for Runxin to speak again. He walked into the room and walked to Lin Yi, and his face became embarrassed and ugly. Then he said with some apologetically, "Lin Yi, things have changed tonight. One person in my village disappeared from the mountain yesterday. Now his family wants me to help and barbecue. It can only be put in the future."

Lin Yi heard this and nodded, but there was no change in his face. He calmly glanced at the leap Xin outside the house and said slowly, "It should be so. Why don't I go with you to have a look."

