
Chapter 192 The moment of holding a knife and wielding blood

The flowers under the shadow are not real red flowers, but after his figure flashes, whether it is the gorgeous yellow flowers or the clean white flowers on the ground, they will turn into a red flower in an instant, as if at the moment after the shadow walks, he watered these seemingly vitality with his own blood. Its fragile petals.

Flowers of different colors became extremely red, and vague figures fell from the wilderness. The hot sunlight twisted the turbid air in the wilderness, but it did not block the recklessness and action of the dark shadow in the wilderness at all.

The black figure looks a little tall. Even if the green grass in the wilderness is very high and vigorous at this moment, it has not been able to suppress its figure to the short category.

The black figure held a big knife in his hand, which was illuminated by the sun, so it emitted bursts of golden light.

These golden lights swept with the sweep of the figure, splitting into the crisp grasslands from time to time. Countless grass leaves fell under the fierce knife gas, and bursts of sad shouts sounded from the wilderness.

The knife qi and blood splashed, the blood splashed red, and the flower red man vomited a muffled sound.

is the continuous circulation of sound and scene, but the black figure went straight into the northern region. He ignored the monsters that kept flashing in the wilderness and was not afraid of all kinds of alien monsters that broke out of the earth from the court. He was just a big knife in his hand with cold eyes, and then killed from one step to ten kills step by step. Step by step to the far north.

When the black figure first appeared in the northern region, it was also a sunny afternoon, but at that time he was far less fierce than now, and he was very safe and wandering around the periphery of the wilderness.

He wandered in the wilderness full of dead grass, and then looked at everything around him with a pair of confused eyes. Obviously, he came to this barren land for the first time, and he was even more curious about why the old tree had no vision to bring him to such a strange place.

However, since he has come, there is nothing to complain about. Moreover, he has been influenced by someone's knowledge since he was a child and has learned a sentence, "If you come, you will be safe."

At first, he didn't think this area was unacceptable, but it was just dry grass, and although it was uninhabited and sparsely populated, at least he could be happy.

Therefore, he walked on this wilderness full of dead grass. He didn't know whether he was facing east or west. When he was hungry, he captured a weak beast and roasted it. When he was thirsty, he found a clear river to drink some water. Although his small life was a little quiet, it was at least quiet and satisfying.

However, until one day, his good days finally came to an end.

It was a dark night, and he clearly remembered that he was raising a fire in the wilderness to barbecue rabbit meat and preparing dinner leisurely, but on this night he was used to, an inexplicably powerful creature rushed out of the grass and forced him.

This powerful creature is a cheetah, covered with withered yellow hair. Its movements are extremely agile, and its speed is its innate strengths. The cheetah is not afraid of the fiery red firewood, so it frighteningly pounces on the black figure that is slowly roasting the hare.

According to normal circumstances, if an ordinary mortal encounters such a refined cheetah, he will inevitably be so scared that his face will be pale, and even eventually become a food in the abdomen of the cheetah in a hurry.

Is it just that the person who roasts rabbit meat is ordinary people?

Obviously, it is not. If he is a mortal, why should he come to this northern region where birds do not shit, and he has to face aimless walking and exploration every day. Moreover, when he first came here, he did not know that this place was the northern region at any time, but just after he walked, he relied on the desolate and cold climate here, which was enough to push Knock out this place for the northern region.

The northern region is a place where people scorn. According to rumors, there are only endless monsters rampant in it. They ignore the morality of the world, and their eyes are full of blood and killing. However, as long as they arrive, people are extinct and there is no fragments left. Therefore, people hate this place very much, even because of the construction of a huge city. , completely isolated from the communication between the northern region and the world.

The black figure did not walk in from the world, because he was transmitted from a mysterious wasteland, and the wasteland was in a barren mountain near the city. The black figure always remembers the position of the formation. After all, if he ends his trip here, he still has to rely on that array. If you go back, you must not have the slightest intention and forget in your heart.

A cheetah full of with yellow hair rushed out of the grass. It opened its huge leopard's mouth, and its sharp teeth were shining by the silver light of the moonlight on the night sky, and there were several strings of disgusting saliva dripping on it.

Saliva is the saliva that cheetah is still dripping, because it smells the smell of rabbit meat floating in the grass. The northern region is not only annoying, but even monsters are extremely annoying. After all, in this frozen cold season, it is difficult for them to forage under such circumstances.

Cheetah is a walker in the wind. It usually wanders among the withered grass in the wilderness, but at this moment, it has not been eaten like other monsters for a long time. Therefore, under the unbearable hunger in its abdomen, the greed and desire in its heart occupy reason, making it rush out to kill its prey without fear.

The prey is the black figure, but it is not the fragrant hare meat in his hand. The cheetah is not used to eating cooked food. It just feels that if the tall black figure is killed by it, it is enough for it to eat a few meals. Unfortunately, since the other party has the courage to walk alone in the wilderness late at night So how can the cheetah subdue and kill him?

So, the man in the black figure sneered when he saw the cheetah attack. He did not look at the cheetah's sprint trajectory, but he knew that the cheetah was rushing towards him, so he just continued to roast the wild rabbit meat in his hand, and then the cheetah was about to bite with a huge mouth. When he grabbed his head, the black figure suddenly exuded a fierce murderous intention.

The murderous intention is like a sudden rising tide, sweeping the cheetah that has already leaped in mid-air. The cheetah has no ability to avoid this murder, so in the next second, the cheetah becomes a wooden sculpture that seems to be stagnant in mid-air, and because it has become this wooden sculpture, the end is doomed. I want a cup.

A dazzling cold light flashed in the golden fire. It was incredible. A sharp knife suddenly appeared, and the big knife chopped on the cheetah that had already been imprisoned in mid-air. The murderous intention was cold, and the knife gas easily chopped the cheetah in half.

Two bloody leopard bodies decomposed from mid-air, and the blood watered the whole grass like a spring rain. The black man did not care about the blood water scattered all over the sky. He just collected the knife and was quiet. After hearing the sound of two bodies falling to the ground in his ear, he was full of joy and roasted it in his hand and was crispy. Golden hare meat.

