
Chapter 212 Comeer, Knower, Welcome

Lu Xiaokui was dedicated, and his slender five fingers still clenched the sheep pen dipped in black ink. He looked down at the beautiful pens that the tip of the pen kept leaving on the yellow paper, so serious that there was no laxness and carelessness.

is such a serious person, but he loves writing alone in his life. I have to say that he is really a strange person.

Before the study of Lufu, the small courtyard was fragrant, and all kinds of green flowers were everywhere. Among them, there was a pool of clear water flowing, and the lotus flowers were in full bloom on the pool. And in this wide pool, there were red silver carp swimming constantly, and the scene looked peaceful and quiet.

There is no sound except for the clear water flowing down from the rockery in the pool.

Lu Xiaokui was immersed in writing and was indifferent to the scenery outside the window. He ignored the dragonflies flying on the floor, nor did he look at the colorful butterflies floating on the flowers, as if there was nothing in his world except the sheep pen in his hand.

At this time, there was a creak from the wooden door in front of the courtyard!

As the non-noisant sound sounded, the wooden door began to be gently pushed open. A middle-aged man walked through the wooden door and walked straight through the quiet soft stone path in the courtyard and kept walking to the study.

Lu Xiaokui heard the sound, but he didn't look up. He knew who was coming, so at this moment, he began to put away the paper written on the table and the sheep pen dipped in thick ink. He put away the yellow letter paper used to practice pen at will, and Lu Xiaokui threw the sheep pen into the bucket. He cleaned it casually, but before he finished these things, the middle-aged man had already come to the study.

Lu Xiaokui felt the person behind him, so he stood up from the wooden chair. He turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man and said respectfully, "Father, is everything going well?"

Lu Changyun heard the words and didn't look good, but he still tapped and answered, "It's okay!"

"I don't know why it took my father so long to come back. Why did the old fox come to you this time?"

When Lu Changyun heard his son's question, his face became solemn, and then turned his head and asked, "I don't know if Kuier still remembers that Xiao De sent troops to chase and kill Chang Wei students a month ago?"

"Naturally, the child remembers. Why, did the old fox fail?"

"Yes! He not only failed, but even sacrificed 300 soldiers in vain.

After listening to his father's words, Lu Xiaokui smiled without surprise and then said, "In fact, this is expected. After all, we all know that the camel is a practitioner. Moreover, since the camel is a practitioner, no matter how poor it is, it is still powerful in the face of 3,000 generals, so It's not surprising that the old fox is shrimp this time!"

"However, if this camel does not die, when he returns to Liaocheng, he will inevitably seek revenge on Xiao De. Although the camel has nothing to do with Xiao De, if the matter is too big and disturbs the empire, it will be very unfavorable to our plan.

Hearing Lu Changyun's scruples, Lu Xiaokui snorted coldly. He turned his eyes to the red window, looked at the strange flowers and plants casually, and then said fiercely, "Of course, you can't let the camel come back!"

After saying this, he put away his eyes floating outside the window, turned his head to his father, and then said, "In fact, father, you are worrying too much. Xiao De couldn't let the camel be buried in the valley, but we can. Besides, I didn't want him to return to Lao again. City!"

"I understand what you mean, so Xiao De's father has promised him that the Lu family will ask the practitioner to kill the camel."

"Well, it's good for my father to do this. You promised the old fox to kill the camel. On the one hand, it can increase his trust in us. After all, no one can kill the camel. On the other hand, it can also ensure that we can take control of the camel's life and death, otherwise I won't worry!"

When Lu Changyun heard Lu Xiaokui's words, his face still did not improve. He thought of the powerful young man he met on the street, and then said to the latter without concealing, "by the way, he met a young man on the street at noon. The man was very strong and lifted my carriage with one hand, but Fortunately, that man's mind was very simple, and there was nothing to say, so after a long conversation, he was willing to do something for us to compensate for the broken carriage!"

When Lu Xiaokui heard this, his white face suddenly looked a little ugly, and the two eyebrows tightened, and then asked, "Father, are you sure that man can be trusted?"

"It should be okay. Although his cultivation is ridiculously strong and he can't even see through his father, his mind is actually similar to that of a sensible child. I think he should be a disciple of a certain sect and began to practice since he was a child, otherwise he could not have such profound cultivation. As for why he is so simple, it is probably the first time. Let's walk through the world!"

"If that's the case, we can make good use of it this time. Let him kill the camel with our people. Anyway, there is only one chance, and we can't make him our tool."

"Father thinks so, and I told him earlier that tomorrow morning, our people will wait for him at the north gate of Liaocheng and set out together."



The young man with a wooden sword left the teahouse and did not immediately leave Liaocheng. He walked far from the spacious road, and his footsteps still maintained the original speed and spacing.

The young man walked through the official road of Liaocheng, walked through several streets and alleys, and finally walked strangely to the ancient streets of Liaocheng. The ancient street was still quiet and there were not many people, and even the crisp willow trees on both roads drooped lazily. Except for occasionally passing through rare carriages, there were no passers-by.

The young man walked on this quiet ancient street, walked step by step into the distance, and crossed the first lane, the second lane, the fifth lane, the tenth lane...

Until Lane 13, the young man stopped and went down, then turned right and went in.

The young man walked into the 13th alley of the ancient street.

For those who don't know, he just entered an alley casually without any reason; but for those who know it, the thirteenth alley here is the place of Moyan Painting Workshop and the painting workshop created by Mr. Chang Wei.

The young man carrying a wooden sword walked into the alley. No one in Liaocheng noticed this, but the gentleman who was still in the painting workshop knew who came. Therefore, he turned his head and looked at the two green peach trees full of branches outside the window. He couldn't help smiling softly and turned his head to Tang Feifei, who was painting seriously: " Phil, you can pick up someone at the door for your teacher.

Tang Feifei was very curious when she heard this, but she also put down the pen in her hand without any violation, and then said respectfully to her teacher, "Yes, sir!"

