
Chapter 266 Sealing

After the villagers were buried, Lin Yi returned to the dam village. He did not walk into the village. He felt that the breath of the senior sister and a sword were in the south of the village entrance, so he turned to the south entrance of the dam village.

The three had not yet walked into the entrance of the village, but they only saw a three-skinned horse standing at the entrance of the village. The horse was the horse brought by Lin Yi from Liao City. The senior sister still rode the snow-white horse, and the sword was riding the big brown horse from Run'an.

Before riding a horse, he was unwilling to get on horseback. For him, walking on both feet has become a habit, so he suddenly asked him to ride a horse to walk. He inevitably felt very awkward and uncomfortable. Of course, the existence of senior sister is not just a decoration. If she wants to change this stubborn idea with a sword, then he It must be changed.

Lin Yi approached the big dark horse and touched its forehead. The big dark horse felt the breath of its owner again and hiss full of joy, looking very happy. Lin Yi was naturally very happy to see the big dark horse like this. He turned around and took a look at Run Xiaoqing and the sacrificial Lord behind him, and then said to Lean Xiaoqing, "Xiaoqing, the eldest brother is leaving. When you grow up, I will definitely come to pick you up!"

Run Xiaoqing said with tears in her eyes, "Brother, take care all the way. Xiaoqing will definitely wait for you to pick me up!"

Lin Yi touched her head with a smile, with some unspeakable thoughts in his heart. He withdrew his eyes from Run Xiaoqing's body, then turned his head and looked at the old sacrificial lord and asked, "Old gentleman, Xiaosheng has some personal matters to ask you. I wonder if I can take a step to talk?"

When the sacrificial adult heard the words, he said seriously, "Of course, little brother, please."

The two came to the edge of the field. Lin Yi looked at the sacrificial adult who stopped in front of him, and then went straight to the topic and asked, "Mr., there is something that has been buried in my heart for a long time. I think you should know the context of the matter. I hope the old gentleman can tell me according to the actual situation!"

When the sacrificial lord heard the words, he replied curiously, "Little brother, it doesn't matter. I will definitely tell you everything I know!"

Lin Yi asked solemnly, "How did Run'an leave the dam village at the beginning?"

The old temples of the sacrificial adult were slightly picky, and a somewhat embarrassed expression appeared on his face. He looked at the extremely intelligent young man in front of him and sighed with contempt and said, "Lian is the old man who let him out!"

"Why did you do this?"

"As a sacrifice in the dam village, I am in charge of the opening methods of various arrays in the village, so I naturally know how long these arrays can last. However, with the attack on the dragon bridge six years ago, I speculated that there will be a disaster in the village, and this disaster is likely to make the whole The dam village no longer exists. Old people were born to protect the villagers. Naturally, they can't watch them fall into deep trouble, so they must send leap peace to the outside world and then find the opportunity to solve the problem!"

"The opportunity that the old gentleman said was to meet me?" Lin Yi took a breath and then asked, "Why did you choose Leapian instead of the original sacrifice to admit that people are silent, and I think the sacrificial adults should know the evidence of Leapian's amnesia. How can you guarantee that he will bring me here?"

The sacrificial adult took a look at Lin Yi with great admiration and explained, "The reason why I chose Run'an is that he is the only one who has seen the snake attack the Dragon Bridge, and although he was scared by the snake and suffered from amnesia, deep in everyone's heart, there is always Something can't be forgotten!"

Lin Yi said, "For example, Xiaoqing? And the big snake?"

The sacrifice for adults has been ordered.

Lin Yi continued: "When I first met him, I was on the official road in the eastern suburbs of Laocheng. At that time, he was ragged and had nothing to rely on. If he hadn't met me, he would have been beaten to death by the Lu family in Laocheng. I think the sacrificial adults should not know these things, but these things have passed, and I also I don't want to pester anything anymore. I just want to know how the sacrificial lord made him leave at the beginning. Why didn't he appear in the north of Liao City, but in the eastern suburbs of Liao City?

Hearing this, the sacrificial adult still held the golden scepter in his hand. He turned slightly to look at Lin Yi and said without concealing it, "Lian is dead, and the old man will no longer hide anything. I have to admit that you are very smart. The reason why Run'an appears in the eastern suburbs is naturally because you are in the eastern suburbs. If he appears in Lao To the north of the city, how can he meet you?

"In this way, the sacrificial adults can transmit leap peace to every place at will, but what I don't understand is that since the sacrificial adults have this transmission method, why don't those villagers trapped in the valley ancestral hall send it out, but watch them starve for more than ten days, and even die so much. People, aren't you trying to protect the safety of the villagers? How can you bear to watch these villagers die tragically and then starve?

When the sacrificial adult heard the thorns in Lin Yi's words, he was a little shocked and pale. He said without changing his face and said, "The little brother doesn't know anything. The old man does have the ability to let Run'an leave here, but I don't have the ability to let so many villagers leave here, and at that time I was going to open a defensive array, not at all. Maybe I have time to open the transmission array!"

When Lin Yi heard the words, his deep eyes stared straight at the sacrificial adult in front of him and said suspiciously, "Is this really true?"

"In my opinion, the old gentleman doesn't care about these villagers living here, but also the things in the ancestral hall, does he?"

Hearing this, the calmness in the sacrificial adult's heart suddenly began to collapse. He looked at the young man in front of him coldly, and there was a faint feeling of destruction. Fortunately, at this time, Lin Yi continued, "I don't know what kind of thinking the old gentleman is, and I don't understand why you want to stay. Xiaoqing, but Xiaosheng only hopes that the sacrificial adult can promise me that he must not let Xiaoqing cause any damage.


Lin Yi punched the stunned sacrificial lord and then turned to his senior sister. He jumped on the back of the big dark horse, then looked at Run Xiaoqing dotingly and told him, "Xiaoqing, remember to practice well according to the method taught by your elder brother. I will come back to pick you up, okay?"

Lun Xiaoqing's eyes were tearful, but she still nodded extremely sensible and said, "Xiaoqing knows, big brother, take care all the way!"

Three flying horses sped away from the dam village, and the sacrificial adult walked back to the entrance of the village. His eyes were bloody. Looking at Lin Yi's back, he suddenly felt a little gloomy. He stroked Xiaoqing and said, "Xiao Qinger, go back with Grandpa. Your eldest brother has Let's go and live with grandpa in the future!"

Run Xiaoqing nodded, and then looked at the dead mountain in the south with great reluctance. Looking at the three small figures gradually entering the cave, she walked into the dam village with the sacrificial adults.



Leaving the dam village, Lin Yi and the three of them rode to the cave at this moment. In the dark cave, there was still the old wasteland. Lin Yi looked at the wasteland calmly and then said to the senior sister, "Sister, is there any way for us to successfully leave here and destroy this wasteland?"

When the senior sister heard the words, she frowned and said, "Destroy it? What do you want to do? Don't forget that you are going to pick up Xiaoqing!"

Lin Yi immediately explained, "Senior sister misunderstood. In fact, the way to Dam Village is not the only one, and when Xiaoqing grows up, we are not the way we are now. Isn't it easy to come in here again?"

When the senior sister heard the words, she felt that it was also reasonable and said, "Do you mean to completely eliminate this passage in order to prevent the people of the Five elements sect from finding the village?"

Lin Yi nodded very seriously.

The senior sister continued, "No, once the wasteland is destroyed, we will stop in the transmission space and will never come out. It is a mysterious space that even the charm master can understand. If you really want to isolate this channel, there is only one way!"

Lin Yi asked curiously, "What can I do?"

The senior sister said lightly, "Seal!"

On the old waste platform, a dazzling light flashed, and the light lit up the dark cave at this moment. Lin Yi and three horses did not enter the transmission of the waste platform.

Outside the valley of Dam Village, the waterfall water keeps splashing, and the waterfall water falls into the pool.

The pool water was poured down by the waterfall, which was surrounded by faint ripples. However, after the ripples spread for a long time, the bottom of the pool suddenly emitted a little light. A surging light spread, emitting a space-like breath from the bottom of the pool. An extremely huge flower rose from the pool, and then a three-skinned horse slowly walked out of the flowers; Lin Yi and the three came to the shore, but did not immediately go far away.

The senior sister turned around and looked at the blooming white flower, and then took out a yellow bead from the storage bag. This bead was the one used by the senior sister when she broke the array. It has very magical power.

Lin Yi looked at the senior sister curiously and saw the latter throw the yellow beads in his hand high towards the hundred flowers. A dark yellow light emitted from the beads. The senior sister kept controlling the power of heaven and earth and rushing to the yellow beads. The yellow beads were suddenly illuminated by the power of heaven and earth of the senior sister, as if they had become A round of bright sun.

After a crash, the light shone on the whole valley. The senior sister felt the power emitted by the yellow beads, which swept out with the silver light between her fingers.

Yellow light and silver light meet, and the two seem to be cleverly integrated, and with the power of the senior sister, Lin Yi and a sword can see that those lights condensed a trace of mysterious runes. The runes are sealed runes. The senior sister controlled these runes to converge and finally turned into an extremely strong cage, covering the white flowers in the pool like a web.

The white flower is imprisoned by the rune, just like a practitioner being trapped by Fan, but unlike the practitioner, it will not struggle, because it is just a great wasteland with only the function of transmission function. As the senior sister's runes are constantly tied around, the white flower shrinks together like a wrapped zongzi, and then there is only helpless It sank to the bottom of the pool until it disappeared.

Looking at the white flower sinking into the pool, the senior sister flashed away the yellow beads, and then turned her head and said to Lin Yi, "Well, there are no people who are too much higher than me. They should not be able to untie this seal. We can go!"

When Lin Yi heard this, he hugged his fist and said, "Thank you, sister. Let's go!"



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