
Chapter 311 Bloody, Red

should be able to stand it, not absolutely it. A sword does not dare to affirm the strength in his hand, because he has always put pressure on himself. He hopes that he can withstand the huge sword on the wooden sword, but that is just a hope.

can even be said to be an unrealistic extravagance.

The four sword lights became aligned with the explosion of the river behind them. A kind of sword power that reigned the world began to permeate the whole grass. A sword controlled his hands not to be freed by the wooden sword. He did not know that the flesh and blood in the palm of his hand had already been blurred, and the bright red blood was falling drop by drop into the charred land. .

When the senior sister heard the answer of a sword, she was full of reproach in her heart. Her realm is higher than a sword, and her practice experience is deeper than a sword, so she can naturally feel that the other party is actually just a crossbow.

She said, "Brother, don't be brave again. Come on!"

When a sword heard the senior sister's words, it was ten thousand unwillingness in his heart. However, the light of the sword became more and more severe, and the momentum rushed out like thick smoke and dust, and it was intertwined from outside the wooden sword that was not controlled at all.

In an instant, the sword began to sweep from the riverside, and the four sword lights completely dissipated, as if a ripple made of stones faded on the lake.

There is momentum, but there is no entity. No one has ever thought that the grand sword on the grass has become aimless.

In the distance of the war circle, Lin Yi still had two huge eyes. He didn't know that these endless swords that were enough to make him devour were rushing into his body. He looked at the sky in a daze and did not look at the rainbow-like lightning like before, because he only saw a white and haggard face.

A face with a little sick color.

This face is very beautiful and white. He knows it for granted, and even if the other party is wearing a thick robe at this moment, he will definitely recognize the other party at a glance.

After a long time, the sword spirit all over the sky retreated, retreated from around the grass field, and retreated from Lin Yi's body.

Two more dazzling sword light bodies condensed from the grass, condensed in the rapidly shrinking half-air of the sword, and then the huge sword began to condense like these two sword lights, and at this time, two bright red blood water floated up from mid-air, as bright as a rainbow.

The senior sister watched these two pieces of blood fluttering, and her two clear eyes suddenly changed dramatically. She watched the wooden sword that took off the body of a sword attack Uncle Gu. In an instant, she emptied one of the showman who controlled the silver light, and then rushed to the wooden sword with the extremely huge power of heaven and earth, which stabilized the endless sword spirit of the wooden sword.

With the control of the senior sister, the wooden sword glides at a high speed from mid-air with the only two sword lights left, like an archer shooting deadly two arrows at Uncle Gu who was dancing with a knife.

At this moment, a real combination of swords appeared on the grass.

The loud wind sounded from the air, and the air of heaven and earth seemed to have oppressed the space to a degree of distortion. However, in this harsh sound, a sword far away by the stream flashed the last excited look.

These are the two strongest sword lights he really merged, as well as the strong sword spirit that constantly exudes around him. At the same time, this is also his cultivation close to the Qi period and forced the power of his own life. Although he failed to fuse the last sword light into one, for the one at this moment, the two swords are enough. Yi.

So, countless blood began to spit out from the mouth of a sword and fell to the ground from his mouth. His excited eyes gradually became gray, and a trace of pain and pale flashed on his face.

In the end, he paid too much for the fusion of the four sword light, but Fortunately, the sword light merged into two, and with the help of his senior sister, he took the mission to cut to the middle-aged man in the distance.

The wooden sword left the hands of a sword and rushed to Uncle Gu with two substantial sword lights. The reason why it broke away from the hands of a sword was not that the latter deliberately let go. Perhaps for a sword, in the face of the wooden sword's original kendo, as long as he still has some strength, he will hold it to death. After all, as a sword idiot, No one can understand how strong his desire for knowledge is for the last sword.

He is eager to integrate the two sword lights that are flying in the air, that he can surpass his strength than the four brothers on the Huangni Road now, and he is even more eager that he can truly master these power of swords against the sky. However, all these are his inner madness and extravagance.

Everything is extravagant!

I didn't know it at first, but now it's clear.

A sword looked at his right hand with weak eyes, the right hand of the wooden sword that had been holding for nearly ten years, and saw countless blood light bursting out from the palm of his hand, but he had never seen a few fingers left outside his bloody palm.

The wooden sword broke free from his right hand, but the uncontrollable strength of the sword broke his right finger. The only remaining thumb was still hanging between his palm, and only a layer of tough skin and flesh made it no longer fall.

A sword stopped the blood from overflowing from the palm of his hand with the only remaining qi of heaven and earth in his body, but he couldn't stop every trace of pain pervading his spirit. Because of the strength of his own swordsmanship, he cut off four fingers by the stream. He trembled his five-finger intact left hand, and then flashed with a faint light. Then he took the dark yellow beads that the senior sister gave him out of the storage bag.

He stared at the blood-stained dark yellow beads in his hand, and his staggered body was about to fall down, and the power of counterattack shattered many of his meridians, so it was impossible for him to open the bead array as his sister originally ordered, let alone bring the distant little brother into his eyes.

The senior sister is controlling powerful power with both hands, and her half-step five realms have been used. She controlled the original wooden sword with her left hand and the big red fish that gradually regained its balance in the air with her right hand, and then shot the two sword lights carried by the wooden sword directly into the belly of the big red fish.

With a crash!

You asked that the wooden barrel held in his left hand splashed everywhere, and the senior sister controlled two strong sword lights and forcibly shot into the body of the big red fish. The small red fish in the wooden barrel was a twitch, as if the sword light had shot into its body.

The little red fish is the origin of Junwen, and the big red fish is condensed by the power of the little red fish. Therefore, even if the two swords of a sword are not enough to harm the little red fish in Junwen's bucket, the little red fish faintly feels a trace of soul at this moment.

The little red fish is not an ordinary fish, otherwise it is impossible for Junwen to have such a great practitioner around him day and night, so the little red fish is an extraordinary thing, and even it has a soul like human beings. Even if it is still in the barrel of Junwen, it still trembles at the two sword lights of a sword.

It jumped in the bucket when the two arrows in the air fell into the abdomen of the big red fish, spitting out one of the strangest blisters since its birth.

The whole body of the blisters looked red, broken in the swaying waves of the wooden bucket, and soaked with a bucket of clear stream.



(No matter how many more there will be today, I will completely end the second volume and say it in advance at the end of the chapter. In addition, I saw in the book review section that some book friends said that they can't understand the article. I really can't say anything about this, but book friends who can understand the article and have been reading it should also think that this book is very good. Thank you for your support. This book is not a white article. You will always understand it after reading it.)