
Chapter 313 Black and White

He was shocked because his brother was stained with blood. Lin Yi looked at a sword falling to the surface of the stream and suddenly remembered the moment and scene when he had scooped water in the stream.

The stream is not deep, and the yellow sand can be seen at a glance. However, the yellow sand at that time was not stirred up by him when he scooped water, as if they were just an image reflected in the stream. The water ladle could not be touched and could not be grasped.

At this time, an injured sword figure kept falling back, like a straight pine that had been cut off the roots of a tree. Lin Yi witnessed his footsteps staggering from the rest, as if he was about to step on the edge of the stream at the next moment and take his whole person to fall into the stream.

With a shout, Lin Yi's figure disappeared from the original place in an instant, as fast as a wind.

People were not surprised to see his figure disappear.

After a moment, the breeze blew on the face of a muddle-headed sword. He, who had already had no strength, slightly competed with his eyelids. He saw this blurred face appear in front of him. He was a little familiar and strange, and felt that his body had a trace of strength to pull it, as if to help his body from Pull back in the posture of leaning back.

His body was pulled back by Lin Yi, who gently held it in his arms.

A sword is still coughing blood, and his blood vessels are like broken gourds, which can't hold the blood imprisoned in it.

Lin Yi looked at his brother coughing blood, looking at his broken body, and the brother who broke his four fingers but only hung with one finger. There was a trace of sadness in his heart. He was his brother, and he was a personal student of Mr. Chang Wei, and of course he wanted to help him.

Therefore, Lin Yi controlled the air of heaven and earth in his body and rushed to the other party's body, delicately and carefully calming the other party's injury.

With the help of Lin Yi, the spirit of a sword that fell into the stream and died suddenly became better. He could feel that the other party was helping himself wholeheartedly, and he could also feel that the spirit of heaven and earth was repairing the messy injury in his body. The blood began to stop from his mouth, and the pain seemed to be slowly fading. A sword The consciousness is awake after a few breaths.

The feeling of soberness is very good, the faintly painful nerves, and the blood pulse beating so clearly. I lay in Lin Yi's arms with a sword. I know in my heart that I can only rely on my younger brother to stop suffering, and I can't help but be very grateful.

However, a sword that recovers from sobriety is not all thanks. He can also find many changes in his little brother. For example, he can move freely. For example, he can come to the riverside for a moment to save himself. For example, he can help himself with his own cultivation, and for example, he has lost to The spirit of heaven and earth is a collection of countless swords.

A person who is only obsessed with kendo naturally feels particularly sensitive to this unique sword spirit.

A sword can ignore the so-called changes in front of him, but as a swordfatic, he can't turn a blind eye to the spirit of the latter's kendo atmosphere, so he slowly sat up from Lin Yi's arms and supported the grass with his intact left hand. It was not until he could sit cross-legged on the grass that he turned his head to Lin Yi. He said weakly, "Thank you for your help."

Thanks to the senior sister twice and the little brother again. This battle is undoubtedly a special failure for a sword.

He is constantly thanking. He believes that this is not his last thanks, but for him, this battle has learned enough combat experience. Maybe next time, he will not make himself so embarrassed, so that he can end the battle by his own ability. .

There are many ways to end it.

But there are only two most normal, one is victory and the other is defeat.

When Lin Yi saw his brother apologize to him, he replied with a smile, "Brother, don't thank you."

Hearing this, Yijian was silent for a moment, and then asked extremely seriously, "Little brother, I have something I don't understand about you. I don't know if you will give some answers?"

Lin Yi continued to reply, "Brother, please."



From the time Lin Yi approached the stream to save the sword, the senior sister in the battle was no longer distracted. Even the body of the same sword fell into the stream, and she never rescued it.

It doesn't mean to be cruel. For the senior sister, she is extremely protective of her brothers and sisters, but she is not good at performing, and she had no room to save her before. Her eyes looked extremely seriously at Uncle Gu in the distance and his extremely domineering knife-waving posture, and a trace of fierceness appeared in her heart. Color.

The two sword lights of a sword have shattered the other party's knife intention, and the knife intention is scattered in mid-air like a rain. The mood was originally invisible. Except for that kind of devastating breath, it is equivalent to no touch. Therefore, after seeing that his knife is broken, he suddenly waved the power of the sword. However, it increases.

A stronger breath permeated from Uncle Gu. The power of heaven and earth has long been described as surging like a huge wave. The sword crossed countless distinct trajectories in the air, and the arrays touched the dark cloud-like knife gas began to condense from around.

After a moment.

A big knife waving in mid-air was formed in the air.

This knife shadow is as powerful as a mountain. Every time Uncle Gu waves in mid-air, the power on the sword seems to smash the void. However, it is such a powerful knife shadow. Even as a strong man in the five realms, Uncle Gu has paid a lot of load on it. He waved his sword fast, at least not as fast as before, or the whole People have been hindered by a force.

He is waving his sword, which seems to be waving a giant knife, and his movements are extremely slow.

The senior sister looked at him swinging the knife and found his dull movements, but there was no relaxation in her heart, because she felt the strong breath emitted by the knife and the strong power of the other party to exterminate everything, so she couldn't help but start to be afraid.

This is a power beyond her cognition, absolutely beyond half a step, so in the face of such a powerful opponent, the senior sister will naturally not have half a trace of reservation and clumsiness, and she will never dare to do so.

So, by the river-like stream, the senior sister stood in the wind with white veil on her face, and the invisible breeze swam away from her, blowing the corners of her clothes and white hair. However, just as these breezes began to sweep her white hair, countless black hairs grew out of her body, fast to the blink of an eye.

Black hair grew quickly on her head, like bamboo shoots that broke out of the ground and accelerated their growth countless times. However, except for Jun Wen, who was carrying a wooden barrel and holding a fishing rod to the bank of the stream, no one else could see that the senior sister's black hair had only grown half of her head, and the left half of the center after being blown away by the breeze.



(Oh, I'm really sorry for the prediction error. The school actually cut off the network. At 10:30, it won't be finished before the breakpoint tonight. It is predicted that there will be another chapter and the second volume will end. Unfortunately, there is still not enough time, and even if Yi Nian stays up late, it is impossible to upload it again. So let's watch it tomorrow. I'll get involved in it. I'm really sorry... I apologize to everyone and bow!)