
Chapter 9 This pot of wine, I will give you

Hearing Shangguan Yan's question, Lin Yi, who had always been very dissatisfied, did not know how to answer. He looked at the person in the distance who didn't look like a bad guy and found that the other party was about the same age as Mr. Chang Wei, all around the year.

He pondered for a moment, with a calm face and speechless.

The senior sister beside her watched the other party approach her and others, and her bright and beautiful eyes became brighter and brighter. She was sure that she didn't even know the person in front of her, and she had never even seen the other party's face, and it was a very strange face, but it just looked a little good impression. However, even so, the senior sister knew the voice of the middle-aged man and his familiar figure and pace very well.

So, in the senior sister's heart, she had vaguely guessed who the person came, but the strange thing was that she didn't say anything, but turned her head back and looked at her little brother and said, "I have no problem with the people who came to eat with us, but the fresh meat of these monsters were hunted by you, so in the end It's up to you to decide."

After saying this, it was clear that the senior sister handed over this difficult problem to Lin Yi, and then she lowered her head and continued to eat without any influence, as if nothing had happened before.

Hearing the senior sister's words, Lin Yi had no idea, but at this time, the middle-aged man had already walked to the three people. He took a look at the fresh meat in the pot and still smiled and said, "Three, can you?"

Lin Yi slowly stood up from the sitting position, put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, and then asked with extreme vigilance, "Who are you? Why do you appear in Wanyao Mountain? You should know that the mountain you came to before is full of countless monsters, including some powerful and difficult demons. Since you can easily Of course, when you come out of the hill, you can kill the same monster and cook it. Why did you come to us to eat it?

The middle-aged man heard that the person in front of him was so vigilant and heard the rejection in the other party's words, but the smile on his face did not diminish. He said awkwardly, "It's not a problem for me to kill the same monster. Even if it's a demon several times more powerful than this monster, I can kill it, but I'll get some food and It's not because I can't kill these monsters.

"I don't know why you came here?" Shangguan Yan asked curiously.

The middle-aged man turned his head and looked at the Shangguan banquet and said lightly, "Although I have the ability to kill these monsters, the problem is that I can't cook meat!"



From the food used by three people to four people, the immersion on the shore of Lansi Lake has not become active, but only the fire cooking a large pot of animal meat is more and more vigorous, because Lin Yi and the three of them did not expect that this middle-aged man who did not know where he came from was so good his appetite.

It's good enough to eat the front hoof of a monster, but it still doesn't look full.

Lin Yi stood up by the fire, which was also the first time he stood up. The reason was very simple, because in the cauldron surrounded by everyone, the fresh meat was about to be eaten, and he was going to cut dozens of kilograms of meat on the huge monster.

Pucing the washed fresh meat into the pot, Lin Yi and the three looked helplessly at the man eating fresh meat in front of them. At this time, the middle-aged man seemed to realize that only he was still eating the meat in the pot and couldn't help but feel bored. He took a look at Lin Yi, and there was still a smile on his face. He chewed the fresh meat vaguely. He said clearly, "Do you have wine in your storage bag?"

Shangguan Yan is not a practitioner, and she doesn't even have a storage bag. Naturally, it is impossible to carry wine with her. The senior sister is almost a person who is dispensable for food and is isolated from the world. Naturally, she doesn't bring wine, and she has never even drunk it.

There is no wine in Lin Yi's storage bag, only a lot of weapons or elixirs used by practitioners. There are a lot of messy things, so he looked at the middle-aged man, shook his head honestly and said, "I didn't bring wine."

He continued to emphasize, "They didn't either!"

The middle-aged man shook his head, but it was obviously not disappointment and regret. He flashed his right hand and immediately took out a wine pot. The wine pot is a wine pot made of jade. It looks crystal clear, and you can even see the wine in it. The middle-aged man looked at the wine pot in his hand with emotion, and then looked at Lin Yi and said, "I have it. Do you want to drink it?"

Lin Yi is a person who likes wine, but he never likes the wine of strangers. Of course, this is not because he is afraid that the other party will poison him. After all, as a practitioner in the reserve period, ordinary poisoned wine has long been useless to the other party. However, at this moment, he still shook his head with vigilance and said, "I can't drink too much, so forget about alcohol!"

The middle-aged man asked again, "Are you really not drinking?"

It's enough for ordinary people to treat you to a drink. After all, drinking is a matter of having fun. How can you get a mother-in-law? However, there are accidents and everything can be made an exception. The middle-aged man at such a moment seemed to be particularly interested in Lin Yi and asked again.

When Lin Yi saw that the other party seemed to really want to drink with him, he couldn't help but feel a touch in his heart. However, reason still occupied everything, so he still shook his head and said, "I can't drink."

The middle-aged man was rejected twice, so he stopped asking. He opened the wine pot and drank a sip of the wine. Suddenly, he felt the fragrance in his mouth, which was unforgettable. He suddenly clicked and clicked, but it was not because the wine was too spicy. He just felt that he had not drunk the wine for a long time, and it had been decades. , so it shows a lot of nostalgia.

Wine is the wine he brewed by himself. It is unparalleled in the world, and this is his favorite wine. In the world, no second person has ever drunk his wine.

He let Lin Yi drink with him because he ate the other party's meat in return; and I have to say that the meat cooked by Lin Yi was really delicious and delicious, which gave him the desire to drink again.



A few hours later, the sunset shrouded the surface of Lansi Lake, and the golden color was about to come between heaven and earth. Two of the four people on the lakeside were ready to join the fire to eat, but the middle-aged people stood up and were about to leave.

Lin Yi watched the middle-aged man eat nearly half of the monster's fresh meat and sighed that he couldn't speak. Shangguan Yan was also shocked by this person's big appetite. However, the other party was about to leave at this moment. They were not reluctant to give up, but just took a look at the remaining half of the monster.

The middle-aged man carried an empty wine pot. When he left, he looked back at his senior sister and said, "In the words of a sword, remember to ask Chang Wei for friendship for me when you go back, and say that I will go back to him to talk about family when I have time."

The senior sister rarely replied, "Go well, I remember."

The mountain owner turned his eyes to Lin Yi, who was stunned, then took a look at the new wine pot in his hand, smiled and said, "This pot of wine is terrible. I'll give you this pot of wine."



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