Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 13 Veteran's Diary

Zhou Xirui said to Li Wen, "It's almost dark. We haven't eaten yet today. Why don't we find a way to go in and see if we can find something to eat? Take a rest in it for one night and climb up tomorrow morning." Looking at the high gate and saying, "It's at least safer inside than outside!"

Li Wen was a little panicked. I don't know why she felt so uneasy, but what Zhou Xirui said was very practical, and she had no reason to object.

They pushed the village door and found that it was not a door at all, but a wooden wall nailed with thick logs, which looked extremely strong. What is this wall used to block? Is it to stop the prehistoric snake? In that case, it would be a little funny. It should be easy for the snake to climb over this wall!

No matter what is blocked, it is the most important thing to go in now. Zhou Xirui stopped thinking, took out the tools for climbing, tied a rope and climbed up. Compared with the cliff, the ten-meter wooden wall was much easier, and soon the two stood on the platform above.

Standing on this, the vision is very wide, and everything inside is clear at a glance. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a large valley. There was also a big lake in the middle of the valley, and there was a small dilapidated wooden house not far from the lake. The valley is surrounded by cliffs, and there are large bamboo forests under the cliffs. Looking at the sparkling water of the lake, the sunset through the branches and leaves of the trees on the half slope in front of them makes people feel that the wind and leaves shake the phantom of the lake light is reverie, which is simply a paradise!

They walked down the simple stairs built of bamboo inside. Who knew that the bamboo was already rotten and looked complete outside. As soon as they stepped on it, it became fragments, which fell a lot. Li Wen walked in front and broke his foot when he fell down. Zhou Xirui walked behind and fell on Li Wen without injury. Li Wen grinned painfully and lost his temper at Zhou Xirui, blaming him for not finding that the bamboo was rotten and fell down and pressed on himself.

While accompanying him carefully, Zhou Xirui took out the medicine wine, rubbed her feet, and helped her massage the acupuncture points. Li Wen felt better, but in such a dangerous place, being kicked his foot meant that he could not run in danger. He felt very annoyed and refused to pay attention to him for a long time.

Zhou Xirui didn't mind Li Wen's attitude and walked to the cabin with her on his back. They found a lot of wild cassava vines by the lake. Its roots are good, and they are traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the spleen and qi. And the starch content is high and the taste is good, which can be used to satisfy hunger. Walking to the door of the hut, Zhou Xirui put Li Wen down, asked her to sit on the stone in front of the door, and pushed the door of the hut by herself. The door had already decayed, "banging" on the ground, splashing a lot of dust into his nostrils. After a few sneezing hard, he pulled the spider web at the door and walked in.

The furnishings inside are very simple, and there are only some wooden tables and chairs with rough workmanship, which seem to be cut by people with knives, and the surface is uneven and not smooth. The roof is covered with bark, and the four walls are nailed by wooden boards. There are many gaps between the boards and the boards, and light comes through the cracks. There are helmets and a few guns on the wall! Zhou Xirui was very interested in this gun. He went to pull off the spider web and checked it carefully and found that there were still bullets in it. He has seen the model of this gun. He has a friend in the circle who has a hobby of collecting guns. There are this kind of seventy-nine rifle, seventy-nine rifle, which is actually a formal rifle equipped with a large number of the Kuomintang army.

The ground is covered with a layer of wooden boards, and several beds of rotten military quilts are piled up on the ground. There are some military kettles, pens and a notebook on the humble table. Judging from the state of these items, the owner here does not intend to leave. So where did the people here go? The house is full of dust and rotten objects, which show that it has been uninhabited for a long time.

Zhou Xirui took out the rotten quilts and threw them outside, took a helmet to the lake to scoop some water back, and tore his own shirt as a rag. Clean up the cobwebs and dust inside, and then take Li Wen in and sit on the stool. Then he said to Li Wen, "Sister Wen, take a rest first. I'll come back with some Mushu." Li Wen glanced at him and didn't want to talk to him.

After he went out, Li Wen raised his eyes and saw a notebook on the table, which was already yellow and full of moths. He could faintly see Zhang Yongkui's three traditional Chinese characters written on the cover.

Open it and see that the paper inside is quite complete. It turns out that this is a note written by a veteran named Zhang Yongkui. Li Wen used to go to Taiwan because of his business, so he was familiar with traditional Chinese characters, so he looked at it. Unexpectedly, the more I look at it, the more suspicious it becomes, and the more I look at it, the more afraid I feel. In the end, she limped out and shouted anxiously to Zhou Xirui, who was digging cassava by the lake, "Go quickly. You can't stay here. Hurry up, it's getting dark! We will die here later."