Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 15 Double-headed Monster

Seeing the blood stain dragging all the way to the bottom of the valley, Zhang Yongkui decided to go down and see what animal attacked them. Let's see if we can save people. After all, the brothers who were dragged down are the best shot in the company. Several guns are shot accurately on the battlefield, and sometimes they can even determine the victory or defeat of a battle.

But the two soldiers who came together turned pale with fear. Their feet were shaking when they heard the company commander say they wanted to go down and have a look. Among them, the youngest one knelt down for Zhang Yongkui with a "Pup" and dared not go down. Zhang Yongkui saw that he was only sixteen or seventeen years old and seemed to be still a child, so he was moved with compassion. After thinking about it, he nodded and agreed and let him wait here.

He and another soldier quietly touched down the blood stains, and the more they went down, the more they became appalled, and the bones of animals were everywhere along the way. There are also some black birds pecking at the remains of the bones. They knew this bird, and the guide said that the black bird was called a rotting crow. It is a unique bird in this black bamboo ditch. It does not eat insects but eats carrion.

They touched the bottom of the valley, shocked a group of rotten crows in front of them and flew up noisy. What are they eating? Approaching the bushes in front of him, he suddenly saw a bloody picture. There was a man lying under the bush in front of him. His stomach had been opened, his intestines had been hollowed out, and his abdomen had become a cavity. The group of rotten crows were pecking the meat on the edge of the cavity.

Although they are used to seeing the bodies lacking arms and legs on the battlefield, the scene in front of them still makes them feel that the things in their stomachs are rolling disgustingly, and the soldier next to them has vomited.

Zhang Yongkui walked over and saw that it was Wang Xiaoer. Although the Wang dwarf was short, his shooting method was the best in the company. If he hadn't shot and saved his life in time on the battlefield, he would have been afraid that his bones would have been eaten by wild dogs.

I still remember that night to thank him for saving his life, he invited him to his room for a drink. He was drunk and said that he was in his thirties. Because his family was very poor and short, he has not been able to get a daughter-in-law so far. The biggest wish is to ask for a daughter-in-law to go home and live a stable life. At that time, he still patted his chest and promised him that when the war was over, he would be given a sum of money to send him home to marry his daughter-in-law and live a stable life. Who knew that this battle was fought, but it was driven into this deadly black bamboo ditch.

Zhang Yongkui knelt down in front of the dwarf with tears in his eyes and hammered the ground with his fist. He felt sorry for the brother and was ashamed to panic. Suddenly, he heard a faint sound from the dwarf in front of him. He was not dead yet. Zhang Yongkui rushed forward to listen to what he said? The dwarf said word by word with all his strength, " me."

Zhang Yongkui was shocked and knew that there was no possibility for these people to survive. The animal that attacked them must be very terrible. I guess his strength can't beat it, so the dwarf called him to run quickly. He took out a dagger from his arms, inserted it into the dwarf's heart with tears, and ended his pain. Then he stood up and motioned to follow his soldier quickly.

But they shocked the hump noise of the rotten crow here and the thing in the cave inside. They only heard a shaking of the mountain. A terrible monster stood behind Zhang Yongkui. The monster had a huge body like a cow, with a thick waist and a thin streamlined body. What's more strange was that the monster's neck was actually However, there are two heads, some elephant tiger, but there is a one-horn on the head, and the skin is black and there is no hair.

It is useless to run in this situation. Zhang Yongkui calmly pulled out the dagger inserted in the dwarf and squatted on the ground waiting for the opportunity to move. But the soldier was scared and panicked and climbed up the slope desperately. It's stupid for him to run like this, but any carnivore can always provoke its hunting instinct when he sees its running prey. Sure enough, the thing passed Zhang Yongkui in front of him and rushed straight to the soldier.

Zhang Yongkui took the opportunity to climb a huge straight fir tree next to him. When he was in the army school, there was a project to climb trees. At that time, his achievements in climbing trees were not bad, but he didn't expect it to be useful here.

He climbed straight up to the thick branch 20 meters above and sat down. After a while, the monster came back with the desperately fleeing soldier. The soldier was dying, his legs were gone, his body was covered with blood, and his body was twitching slightly. Zhang Yongkui turned his head and couldn't bear to look at him. The monster dragged the soldier to the edge of the dwarf's body and smelled the dwarf's body, as if looking for something.

Zhang Yongkui knew that the monster was looking for himself. Sure enough, the monster smelled under the tree and looked up at him. Then he roared and grabbed the trunk with his claws to try to climb up, but without climbing two steps, the beast fell to the ground. It shook its two heads and decided to give up. It turned around and carried a body with its two heads and dragged it into the cave in the bushes.

Zhang Yongkui knew that he could not go down yet. He could only touch the valley until the monster fell asleep after dark. I didn't see the body of the soldier left on it just now. I wish the child up there was all right, and it was pitiful for the teenager to be dragged to the army.