Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 35 Gamblers' Paradise

Zhou Xirui took them to New Lisbon, and the group of people drove into the casino. Walking in front of him, he really felt like a gambler. But in fact, he doesn't have much desire to win money. If he is not short of money, he will not be very interested in gambling.

However, several people in my colleagues, except Acuo and Xiaopei, became fascinated as soon as they entered the casino. Acuo and Xiaopei can't play, so they can only follow Zhou Xirui and stand behind Liu Peng to see how big he is. This kind of game is to put the dice in a golden clock cover. After everyone bet, the banker presses the button set on the clock cover and then opens it to see the number of points. 10 o'clock and below is small and 11 o'clock and above is large.

The minimum deposit for large and small is 300 yuan, and the minimum deposit is 50 yuan. The number of bets and small bets doubled. The number of bets varies with the probability. The smallest is 1 to 6 and the largest is nearly 1 to 20. Liu Peng took out 500 yuan chips first, won more and lost less in the first few times, and lost all several times. Liu Peng took out another 500 yuan chip. After several times, there were few left. This boy was so fucking bad that he looked unlucky.

Seeing that Liu Peng was unlucky, Zhou Xirui turned around and looked at John. This boy was lucky. When he was big, he won. He won when he was idle. When he won more than 200,000, he looked behind him. More than a dozen people followed him. Wherever he bet, they followed John. At that time, when they shouted and called cards together, it was really cool. Big, big, big, small, small, nine o'clock, what he wanted to call, they called together. When they won together, they shouted together and "Oh" together, everyone in the casino could hear it. At that time, Zhou Xirui really felt John is as fucking awesome as Chow Yun Fat in the movie.

Zhong Yueming is a smart boy. After all, a talented student from Harvard took 5,000 yuan first. When he played the roulette in the hall, the odds of the roulette were 36 times. In a short time, the 5,000 yuan turned into 70,000 yuan.

He went to the bathroom, washed his face, and woke himself up more. He went to the VIP box to play*. At the beginning, he played 3,000, 5,000, and then 10,000, 230,000. At 11 o'clock, John and several people won before and almost lost. I don't know when these people stood up to the clock. Behind Yueming, they quietly looked at the chips in front of him and were happy for him.

He bet on Zhuang. The Xian family first opened the cards at four o'clock and 8 o'clock. They bet more than 600,000 yuan. Zhong Yueming saw that he lost. He bet 30,000 Zhuang and 20,000 Zhuang Xian's pairs. Ah, the Xian family didn't have the courage to look at his cards. Zhong Yueming has already won a pair here, but if he loses, he will win 70,000.

The licensing lady said, "It doesn't matter if you are so prosperous. You will come at nine o'clock. When the idlers listen to it, they will slowly look at the cards. The first one is nine o'clock. When they look at the second card, before they open their mouth, those people are the people standing behind him. They are called "public, public, public, public" are J, Q, K, zero. It means that if it is zero, he will win.

Zhong Yueming said, don't talk nonsense. I don't want my father-in-law. I want nine o'clock, nine o'clock, and then several people on the boat called "nine o'clock, nine o'clock," and the idle family dared not look at the cards. He gently blew on the cards under his head.

At that time, it was like the scene in the movie. At that time, it was cool. Zhong Yueming picked up the card and patted it on the table and slowly moved away. Wow, I really can't believe it. It's really nine o'clock. The staff announced: Zhuang Yes, idle right, and. Wow, wow, wow, I didn't lose 30,000 yuan. With only 20,000 pairs of cards, I made 220,000 yuan. Zhong Yueming roared in ecstasy, "Give me money." Many people reached out for tea money. Zhou Xirui stood up and shouted, "What are you doing?"

Haha, Zhong Yueming looked back and saw that everyone was coming, and he was even happier, because everyone saw the most wonderful scene.

Zhong Yueming asked the person who washed his chips to exchange his chips for money and exchanged a total of 490,000 yuan. He said proudly, "Let's go to have supper!" After supper, several people went to KTV. Jenny and Xiaopei were not happy and took a taxi back to the boat first.

The girls in the nightclub all wear a three-point style. There are only six of them, but they immediately called more than 30 ladies for them to choose. These ladies are the same as the domestic beauty contest. There is a brand under the shorts, and there is a number on the brand on it. Whichever they like is called the number, one by one, Zhou Xirui Look at the few perverts around you, their eyes are about to fall on these beautiful women.

But in the end, only Uncle Li and John asked for a girl, and the others still didn't want it. Zhou Xirui is not very conservative in terms of sex, but he doesn't like women in entertainment places, not to mention that he is very picky and generally looks down on. Zhong Yueming believes that he came to Macao to gamble to win money. According to superstition, he can't get involved in this kind of thing or he will lose money, so he didn't want it. Acuo and Liu Peng were both virgins. When the young lady came out in a three-point style, they blushed and were very embarrassed, let alone open a room with the young lady.

But there is this industry here in Macao, and it is still a legitimate industry, so they can't resist the hospitality of others. In the end, they asked for a few little girls who are good-looking and let them sit next to talk and chat! Zhou Xirui has been running outside in recent years. He feels that it is not easy for people to live and does not treat them as young ladies. He just regards them as fellow villagers. They are all domestic people and have a way of living. Some things are understandable.

Uncle Li, an old guy, also wants a Russian foreign girl. This girl is not ugly. Sitting next to them, everyone is about the same height, but she stands up much higher than Uncle Li. Everyone sings for two hours. Zhong Yueming's heart is still in the casino. The two perverts also said that they opened a room in the nightclub. When I asked the young lady to sleep, Zhong Yueming said okay. I'll pay the bill first. I asked, damn it! The total cost is more than 30,000. There's nothing I can do. It's impossible to fight in China. Anyway, he doesn't care about the money he wins. After Zhong Yueming paid the bill, he called Zhou Xirui and several people who didn't want girls to gamble together.

They took a taxi with Zhong Yueming to Jin Yan*. Several people stood behind him and looked at him for a while. The boy was lucky. Zhou Xirui yawned and was sleepy, and A Cuo also said that he would go back. Zhou Xirui put his hand on Zhong Yueming's shoulder and said that they would go back first. You almost went back to rest early. The boy was too lazy to go back and nodded.

After sleeping until the next day, Zhong Yueming came back in confusion and told the situation after Xi Rui left last week with a regretful face. At first, he could still win. Later, he said to himself that he would almost stop playing. Slowly, 50,000, 100,000, 150,000, 230,000, 260,000, 350,000, 420,000, 560,000 670,000, when I hit more than 700,000 at most, I felt that I wanted to win more. I said to myself that I would not play if I had 1 million, so I began to change dramatically. 700,000, 650,000, 580,000, 480,000, 380,000, 190,000, 70,000, 5000 fast, in the end, less than two In an hour, it was only 200, and finally I had to take a taxi back. Now I regret it. If I had known it, I would have come back with Zhou Xirui. It didn't take long for other people to come back. When they asked, they had lost all the money they brought last night, and now they are regretful.

Zhou Xirui thought for a moment and said, "Zhong Yueming and I will go again, and I will win back all your losses!" No one knows that he has been playing big at the gambling table since he was a child. He is very skilled in this industry. Zhong Yueming looked at him suspiciously, but it was always good to have a glimmer of hope to get it back. Jenny was also tired of Zhou Xirui and wanted to go together. Zhou Xirui was too lazy to be pestered by her and said, "If you want to go, go!" But it's better not to bet."

The three took a taxi and came to Jin Yan*, or went to the VIP private room*. In just two hours, Zhou Xirui won more than 10 million. After playing for more than an hour, the chips on the table have increased to more than 50 million, which may be because the number of wins is too large, which has attracted * attention. They sent someone to check, but there was no sign of a thousand.

Finally, a man came, looking very ordinary, but * people obviously respected him. Zhou Xirui saw that this man had a great deal and did not dare to neglect him. The man sat down and gambled with Zhou Xirui, but he still lost. In the end, the man gambled and asked the waiter to bring 300 million chips and wanted to make a bet to get it back. As a result, the other party still lost. He looked at Zhou Xirui coldly and felt as if it was threatening.

Zhou Xirui didn't move. He didn't believe that this man dared to be tough here. Opening a casino in Macao regards safety as the most important thing. Who dares to gamble here if something happens? The man turned around and walked away, and a horse next to him said something in his ear.

When he changed his chips into a check, Zhong Yueming was so excited that he was almost crazy. He admired Zhou Xirui and threw himself into more than 367 million! They can buy the casino, but Zhou Xirui is not happy and vaguely feels that something is going to happen.

When she went back, Jenny insisted on buying something. Zhou Xirui threw 2 million checks to her and asked her to come back early. Their submarine is about to leave Macao and start traveling around the world. Sure enough, when she returned to the ship, Jenny called in panic and said that she had been kidnapped and asked to redeem her with a ransom. The other party asked for 700 million.

300 million, how can it be such a coincidence that they just won this number? It must have been done by the man who lost money. Zhong Yueming scolded angrily, "Tell that bitch not to go, but don't listen. 300 million yuan to redeem her. Damn, this woman is not worth it!" Uncle Li and John were very excited to see Zhou Xirui win back so much money, and when they heard that he wanted to share the money equally, they were very angry and disagreed with saving the woman.

But Xiaopei stared at them and roared, "They are all adventurous together. How can they not save them? If you are kidnapped, can they not save them?"

Zhou Xirui thought for a moment and said, "Since everyone is a member of the same team, there is no reason why she was kidnapped! Take this money to save her first, and I'll win it back for you next time." Everyone heard the captain say so. After all, the money is won by others. Although they are not happy, it is not easy to say anything.

The kidnappers on Jenny's side asked them to remit the money to the account first. Zhou Xirui said that I remitted all the money. What if you don't let people go? I will remit half, and I will remit the other half after you release. The other party was silent for a while and said, "Yes, but people have been taken to Thailand to get it." Zhou Xirui really wanted to curse. The kidnappers did not want to release the hostages after getting the ransom at the beginning, but now they have to agree with them.