Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 61 Monster Removal Journey

This time, the boss's wife packed up and handed over the hotel affairs to her husband to take care of. She wanted to go back to her hometown with Zhou Xirui and her party to lead the way for them.

She has been away from her hometown for more than ten years. The grass and trees in her hometown are so vivid in her memory. She is eager to go back and have a look, but fear is always lingering in her heart. Before leaving, she went to the temple to ask for several strings of Buddha beads for each of them, and she also wore two. She prayed in her heart for Xiaopei. It can successfully eliminate demons.

The boss's wife's home is in a remote village in Futian County, not far from Mount Fuji. Their cars can see Mount Fuji in the distance. For the first time in their lives, the group came into such a close contact with this beautiful mountain that is often seen on TV and movies.

Especially when I saw it for the first time, a shock entered everyone's heart and sighed with the magic axe of nature. The boss's wife proudly and enthusiastically kept introducing the beautiful mountain and the local customs here. Speaking of her hometown, she seems to have endless words. Maybe everyone has a deep love and attachment to her hometown!

After getting out of the car and walking, they entered the mountains. Along the way, they saw many houses with grass-roofed and wooden walls. The grass on them was cut neatly and looked fresh and natural, giving people the illusion of traveling through time.

The old bridesmaid said that this is called a high mountain house. This kind of house is a traditional building in the mountains of Japan. The most obvious feature is the huge roof that can withstand thick snow. From a distance, it looks like a monk with his hands together.

The government has preserved the houses and surrounding farmland, fish ponds, shrines, and various craftsmen' workshops, and built parks for locals to recall the living conditions of their ancestors. Here you can also see with your own eyes how the early Japanese lived together to produce and live together, and see what the early religious worship was like.

They walked for a long time, and a deep canyon appeared in front of them. The green river flowed in the canyon. Fortunately, the weather was good, so the air was particularly clear. There is a small alpine lake in front of the canyon. Dozens of houses are built on the hillside on the side of the lake. Rice fields on the hillside are planted, but few people have been seen for a long time. What is strange is that when local people plant rice seedlings, they do not plant rice in rows and rows like in China, but take the center of a rice field as the center and form multiple concentric circles.

The traditional house on the hillside is much larger than everyone thought. When you go in, it can accommodate dozens of people, and even their own livestock. These houses have their own characteristics. Their common characteristics are thick and strong eaves, which look like a pair of hands folded from a distance.

As time goes by, reinforced concrete houses will become more and more old and ugly; while Japanese wooden houses built in traditional ways are older, the more traces of life they are. The older they are, the more humanistic they are. The older they look, the more comfortable they are. They seem to be like a jar of aging and intoxicating them.

The boss's wife pointed to the front and said that 20 small rivers would bring her to our village. Along the way, she picked wild flowers and was very excited like a child.

As the more I walked in, as the boss's wife said, the farmland along the way was deserted, and the paths were already difficult to find. It was a desolate scene. After walking for more than two hours, they came to a small river, which was sparsely populated and the trees were gloomy. Opening the bushes, the boss's wife brought everyone to the village with her memory.

Their uninvited guests shocked the black birds that fell on the roof and flew away with their wings. A group of animals with long hairs and tails got out of the abandoned houses in the village and ran into the trees and disappeared. The boss's wife put her hands together and said, "This is the boss of the civet. We treat spiritual animals like civets and foxes as gods. If we can't hurt them, we will be retaliated by them. They are very cute animals and have always got along well with the mountain people.

Next, the boss's wife tells the story of a black-hearted villager, which happened in ancient times, probably in the Edo period! Because the clothes sewn with the fur of the beaver and the fox are the favorite luxury of the ladies in the city, the price is very expensive. There is a remote place where villagers have been friendly with these animals for generations, and no one has ever thought about these animals.

But there was a man in the village who was a famous local gambler and had a bad temper. He beat his wife to death after losing money. His wife and children have been living under his horror and abuse. One day, he was very depressed after losing money. When he came home, he saw his youngest son feeding the rice at home to a little fox. When I was about to pick up a stick and smash it, I suddenly had an idea and came up with a way to make a lot of money.

He secretly set a trap in the yard and put fox's favorite food on the trap. These animals never wanted to beware of humans and let him catch dozens of them at once. He said with a wild smile, "Get rich." His wife and children were so scared that they knelt down and persuaded him to let the animals go, but it attracted him a severe beating.

He scratched the animals by the river and threw the fox's body into the river, and the blood dyed the river red. He stretched out the skins with bamboo strips, hung them under the eaves, dreamed of making a fortune happily, and went into the house to sleep.

The next day, his wife found that he was dead in the bedroom, and the skin of his whole body was peeled off and died very painfully. There was a legend that he was peeled off by the gods of these foxes.

After listening to the story of the boss's wife, several people felt that these animals were quite terrible. It seemed that in Japan, every plant and tree carried aura, and it was easy to cultivate into demons.

Everyone helped the boss's wife clean up her old house, and everyone decided to rest here tonight. It was covered with dust and spider webs. As soon as the doors and windows were opened, some small plush spherical black things quickly slipped into the cracks in the wall.

Xiaopei curiously pry into the crack and asked the boss's wife, "What is this?" John translated it into English to the boss's wife. The boss's wife smiled and said, "That's a dust elf. It's a very cute elf!"

"Dust Elf?" It's really a strange thing. It seems that I have seen it somewhere. I suddenly remembered that when I was bored at Zhou Xirui's house, I saw Hayao Miyazaki's cartoon Totoro, and there was such a thing in it! Haha, it turns out that there are really dust elves. Xiaopei thought happily that there must be a chinchilla. That's great. The world is really wonderful.

After cleaning with everyone, the boss's wife took out the ingredients in her backpack and made a simple Japanese food. Everyone sat cross-legged at the table and chatted while eating. The boss's wife said that the monster washing red beans by the river usually appears in the morning. Let's go to the river tomorrow morning to look for it!

She thought for a moment and reminded everyone: "Don't go to the back of the village. There is an abandoned ancient well in which there lives a monster called Crazy Bone. According to the old man, it is a monster that was pushed into the well after being killed and condensed because of resentment.

In the silent night, if someone passes by the ancient well, you can hear the terrible rattling sound from the ancient well, which is chilling.

Later, after a long time, it practiced a step further. Many dead souls surrounded the mad bones, and it turned into a white cloth wrapped image and wandered in the air. It whispered to passers-by, "Drink water!" If you drink water according to its meaning, it will disappear. If you don't drink it, its bones will make a sound and dance. Those who see it will immediately die.

Later, this demon was cultivated to enter people's dreams. If you meet wild bones in your dreams, remember to drink water."

After hearing the boss's wife's words, everyone sighed that Japan is really evil and rampant. It was getting dark outside, and the birds also chattling into the forest to rest. Everyone also took out the sleeping bag in their backpacks and slept in the living room.

At midnight, Zhou Xirui dreamed of coming under a huge circular wall. The wall towered into the clouds and could not see what was at the top. A voice came from the top, "What are you doing here?"

"I don't know how I got here?" Zhou Xirui answered honestly. Is there anyone you want to meet? The voice continued to ask. The person he wanted to see, he remembered Li Wen: "Yes! I want to see Li Wen."

At this time, a door suddenly opened on the wall, and the voice said, "Go in, the person you want to see is inside!" Zhou Xirui was surprised, but walked in with anticipation. It turned out to be a big lake. This lake is very familiar, right! This is the black pool where Li Wen died.

The huge water monster that ate Li Wen suddenly floated out of the water and was furious when he saw the water monster, but then he remembered that he had killed the monster? Sure enough, there were many wooden nails inserted in the monster. The monster swam to the shore and vomited vigorously, "Wow!" A ball of minced meat with cloth was spit out. The cloth he knew was Li Wen's.

He was so scared that he ran out, and the meat was entangled together with a ferocious smile: "Haha, don't you want to see me? What are you running for?" Seeing that the meat rushed over like a snake, in a hurry, he remembered the method of Xiaopei's teaching, carried up the spiritual power of his whole body, and patted it hard.

I only heard a "bang" in shock. The invisible voice screamed. The huge round wall disappeared. In front of him was an ancient well, and the ancient well also disappeared. Zhou Xirui woke up in horror and sat up. Looking around, I found that the others also woke up in shock. They all sat in a frenze for a long time and didn't come back to their senses.

Zhou Xirui asked everyone, have you all had nightmares? Atso muttered, "I saw my mother. She died miserably!" After crying, others also said that they dreamed of the lost closest person.

Xiaopei said, "This monster should be the mad bone in the ancient well. Its cultivation has taken a higher level, taking advantage of people's psychological weaknesses to devouring weak souls. In fact, demons are also very afraid of bold and powerful people. They can't eat such a strong soul. Strangely, as soon as I was about to use my spiritual power in my dream, I heard a loud "bang" and woke up suddenly." Others also nodded and said they heard it.

Zhou Xirui laughed and said, "It's the sound of beating desperately when I was chased!" Zhong Yueming said with approval, "Oi, you saved everyone just now, and you have made great contributions!" Xiaopei also nodded and said, "You can use your spiritual power now. It's really a lot of progress!"

It was already dawn outside, and the boss's wife got up to prepare breakfast for everyone. Everyone discussed the matter of washing the red bean monster at the table. Xiaopei wanted to go alone, but everyone thought it was not appropriate. It was safer to go together. The boss's wife said, "Monsters are afraid of noise. If there are too many people, they will not show up."

Zhou Xirui patted the table and made everyone quiet: "Now Xiaopei and I can do witchcraft. Let us find it. Just stay in the house and don't go out. Don't fall asleep. We will come back immediately after destroying the monsters, and everyone will leave here immediately."

After dinner, Zhou Xirui and Xiaopei came to the river, but they walked around for a long time and did not see the red bean washing monster mentioned by the boss's wife. The two sat by the river a little depressed. At this time, singing and chattering suddenly sounded in my ear:

"Wash and wash! ...Wash and wash!

Wipe it! ...Wipe!

Grind! ...Grind, grind!

Bean grinding! Grind it into powder and eat it!

People, people, people! Grind it into powder, eat it and eat it!"

Looking along the song, as expected, there was a mother-in-law washing red beans not far away. They were overjoyed, suppressed their excitement and fear, and walked over.

At this time, the monster seemed to feel something was wrong with them. As soon as he looked up and saw the Buddha beads on them, they suddenly disappeared. At this time, the two realized the mistake they had made, and Zhou Xirui was so annoyed that he took off the Buddha beads and threw them on the ground.