Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 65 Lewd Hell

There was a strong sunshine in front of them. They suddenly found that they had come to a beautiful university campus. The students were bustling around. The teaching building here looked very magnificent, and the environment around the school was very beautiful and pleasant. Walking on the campus, it felt like walking in a big garden. Everyone I feel a little relaxed at this moment.

At this time, they saw Liu Peng, who was walking in front of a quite beautiful girl, who looked like a school beauty. The boys passing by couldn't help salute her. She walked proudly, holding her book humbly behind her and acting as a flower protector.

The girl is proud and capricious and regards Liu Peng as a servant. Although she is nominally his girlfriend, in fact, he doesn't even dare to hold hands. In his heart, the girl is the goddess, that is, holy and noble. He is willing to be enslaved by her, and even squandered the girl the living expenses saved by Jane every month, and spoiled her to the extent that it was unparallable.

"Zhang Ailing said that if a woman really loves a man, she will fall into the dust. Isn't it true that a man loves a woman!" Zhou Xirui sighed!

However, such an honest and silent boy did not touch the girl, and was finally dumped by her. There was a girl named Zhang Yang in the department. His father seems to be a coal owner, and his family is rich and arrogant. This boy claims to be invincible all over the school, and countless girls are playing with him. Under the attack of flowers and brand-name clothes, this proud and vain girl soon got him.

When they were having fun in the girl's rented house outside the school, they were met by Liu Peng. He rushed to teach Zhang Yang a lesson, but was knocked to the ground because of his weakness. The girl not only ignored the previous relationship between the two, but ruthlessly kicked him, let him get out, and said contemptuously, "You are a coward!"

It was raining heavily outside. He walked silently, and he couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears. In recent years, he paid silently in exchange for such a result. The girl's words made you a cowardly, which deeply hurt his heart. He became more silent and inferior.

Depressed emotions permeated around him, and even a few people standing beside him and looking at him felt very depressed. Such depression is easy to be insane or commit suicide, and fall into hell. The only thing that can save him is himself. Xiaopei said melancholy that she felt that this hell was more painful than other hells, which came from her disapproval or contempt for herself. You can be hit by anyone, but you can't have no confidence in yourself and be defeated by yourself.

Next, they breathed a sigh of relief. Liu Peng spent all his energy on learning to forget unpleasant experiences and seek confidence in professional ability, which was a correct way to solve the problem. When he graduated, he successfully passed the master's degree. The scene in front of him showed that he entered the research institute after graduation and became the youngest marine life expert. It seems that evil spirits can't defeat diligent people here.

Everything around suddenly changed. Outside the Vietnamese market, several beautiful Vietnamese girls were pushed out in disgust by the mothers-in-law in the market, and a girl bumped into Liu Peng. Liu Peng stretched out his hand to help her up, turned around and walked forward with John. The girl caught up and said two words of Vietnamese. They didn't understand and shook their heads when they thought it was a thank you. John jokingly said to Liu Peng, "That girl has a fancy to you!" Haha" Liu Peng also smiled and said, "They thank me for helping her again.

They came to a public toilet, and John pointed to it: "Brother, do you want to go to the toilet?" No, I'll wait for you outside!" Liu Peng lit a cigarette and shook his head. After John went in, Liu Peng saw the girl coming towards him and just wanted to ask her why she followed him? The girl raised his hand, and a strong fragrance hit him, and he felt confused. He couldn't help but be helped by the girl in a car and got into a deep mountain cottage.

He was brought to the charming village owner. The village owner immediately smiled when he saw him. She told Liu Peng in blunt Chinese that she liked Chinese men. He ignored his plea to leave and announced to the people in the village: "I will marry the newcomer tonight."

So the village owner's room was decorated very festively. After the banquet, the village owner came in drunk. Liu Peng now feels very embarrassed. He thinks that he is a man at least, but he is at the mercy of a woman. And he even had some fear in his heart.

The owner of the village came in and pulled Liu Peng and sat on him: "Do you like me?" I have married. Please let me go!" He lied. The owner got angry when he heard this: "You are my person now. What else do you mention that you have married? Let's see how I deal with you!" After saying that, Liu Peng was tied to the pillar.

She waved to the crowd to leave, took out two red pills and poured them down for him. This is a kind of ** made by her secret. The medicine is very strong. Suddenly, his face is red and his ears are red, and his lower body is as hard as a steel braze. Originally, an ordinary person can't stand it, let alone two grains. Then he gave him a black insect egg-like thing.

The woman kept posing in front of him. Liu Peng was tied up and couldn't move. He felt that the blood all over his body was about to boil and was about to break through the blood vessels. The woman laughed and said, "I'm on the worm. If I don't understand the worm, your blood vessels will burst and die!" Reaching out and touching his lower body and asking, "Do you still want to leave?" He trembled and said, "I don't want to!"

"Do you know who you are?" The woman asked mockingly. I'm from the owner of the village!" Liu Peng trembled and prayed. The woman ordered someone to untie his rope, lay down and waved to him, "Come here!" Liu Peng kept catering to the needs of the village owner and watched her face survive.

"This is a ** low hell. If he doesn't overcome his fear of this woman, or he enjoys the pleasure of being enslaved, he will stay in this hell and never turn over!" Xiaopei introduced.

Several men don't say anything. Although this woman is very evil, this ** evil picture can arouse the desire to be abused in a man's heart. So they empathize with Liu Peng's experience. This test is too **. They basically have little confidence in whether Liu Peng can break free.