Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 79 Storm Center

When everyone returned to the boat, Uncle Li was very happy, and the cat rushed over to lick everyone like a storm. It made everyone scream and laugh, and scattered to avoid this guy's excessive intimation. Zhou Xirui greeted him and hugged the guy's thick and warm neck tightly. Indeed, he also wanted to die. From time to time, the cat turned around enthusiastically and licked his face.

Uncle Li said that he could only fish on the boat every day when he had nothing to do. Occasionally, he locked the cat and went ashore alone to buy some food in a nearby store. He was a little stuffy and panicked.

Uncle Li asked Zhou Xirui about his expedition this time. Hearing what he said about the crazy bone, he said happily, "Fortunately, I didn't go." He felt that he may not be able to pass the test. It was right not to go, so as not to drag everyone down everyone. After listening to the expedition, he went to the kitchen with a simple smile and said that he wanted to cook for him. Let's make something delicious.

John asked Zhou Xirui, "Head, where are we going to explore this time?" Zhong Yueming said, "Go to the United States!" Haha, you can go home," John frowned. He didn't want to go home to face his mother's terrible way of speaking. Every word she said seemed to be cursing.

But Zhou Xirui also agrees: "Let's go to the United States. Hey hey, let's go to the Grand Canyon!" John muttered, "There are no monsters in the Grand Canyon. What are you going there for?" But now that the "head" has spoken, I can only shake my head helplessly and set the route.

In the afternoon, Zhou Xirui lay leisurely on the glass cover and looked at the blue sky and white clouds. From time to time, seagulls flew in the air. Although the sea breeze blowing over still carried the chill of early spring, the salty and wet air made people feel very fresh. The cat leaned against him tightly. Since Zhou Xirui came back, the cat has never left him, as if he was afraid that the owner would dump him again and not take him with him.

Xiaopei and Acuo scrambled to cast a net on the deck and made a noise. Suddenly, Liu Peng found that the light in front of him suddenly dimmed, and Liu Peng roared. No way!" John looked at the sky doubtfully. There was still a blue sky and white clouds, and there was no sign of hurricane.

"Everyone go down to the submarine and close the glass cover," Liu Peng roared anxiously. Perhaps the tremor in his language made everyone realize the danger. He quickly went down to the submarine, put away the glass cover and dive below the sea.

Zhong Yueming suddenly roared, "Damn, why did we drive here?" Liu Peng went to look at the instrument and jumped out a few words from his mouth in fear: "Japanese Dragon Triangle". He was afraid of reading it wrong and read it carefully: "25 degrees north latitude, 142 degrees east longitude, it is the Dragon Triangle." He sat down in a chair.

Everyone looked at them puzzledly. Zhou Xirui patted Zhong Yueming and asked, "What's going on?" Zhong Yueming suddenly turned around and punched John: "How did you fucking set the route? Do you want everyone to die here?" I set it correctly. If you don't believe it, look at the record. How did I know I would be brought here?" John replied in a low voice.

Zhou Xirui dragged Zhong Yueming away and asked anxiously, "What's going on?" Liu Peng said, "Well, let me tell you!

The Dragon Triangle is a mysterious place south of Japan. Since the 1940s, countless giant ships have mysteriously disappeared on this cold sea. Most of them have not been able to send out distress signals before they disappeared, and there is no clue to answer their fate after their disappearance. If the scope of this sea area is marked on the map, it is exactly a triangular region very similar to Bermuda. It is known as "the closest devil's sea" and "deep blue tomb".

Although the Dragon Triangle is not as famous as the previous one, its "kill" is by no means inferior to the former. In the Japanese Devil's Triangle, ships mysteriously disappeared, submarines could not return, and planes disappeared out of thin air... This sea area has given the notoriety of the Bermuda Triangle in the Pacific Ocean, known as the Magic Dragon Triangle, which is located in 13 million square kilometers of deep water of the Pacific Ocean. Japan's Devil's Triangle, which local fishermen are used to calling this demon. The ghost triangle is the dragon triangle.

25 degrees north latitude and 142 degrees east longitude, which is the central coordinate of one of the most mysterious triangles on earth. Over the centuries, strange events such as the inexplication of ships and the mysterious disappearance of planes have occurred in this area again and again. Why is this so? No one can solve this puzzle. It is said that after many years of disappearance, a ship suddenly appeared in the port, but the people above disappeared, and the coffee was still hot. It seemed that the people above had just left.

Zhong Yueming continued: "In January 2001, a Chinese cargo ship Lin Jie and 19 crew members suddenly disappeared on the sea outside Nagasaki Port, Japan. Without a call for help and finding the wreckage, the cargo ship seemed to have evaporated on earth, and it was impossible to know what had happened to them.

John nodded and said, "I also know that area. When I was in service, I heard the officer talk about what happened here during World War II:

In World War II, the submarines of the fighting sides also suffered bad luck in the Dragon Triangle. U.S. official statistics: One-fifth of the U.S. submarines on missions or passing through here are missing due to non-combat factors, with a total of 52.

The officer also talked about a strange incident. At 4:58 a.m. on March 22, 1957, an American cargo plane took off from Wick Island to prepare for Tokyo International Airport. The crew was 67 soldiers.

The flight time is scheduled to be nine and a half hours, and the fuel prepared on the plane is enough for a 13 and a half hours. In the first eight hours, the plane's flight was normal. At 2 p.m., the pilot sent a signal that the estimated arrival time was 5 p.m., and all the aircraft's equipment was in normal condition. At this time, the weather in the area where the plane is located is sunny, and the conditions are almost perfect for the plane to fly.

One hour and fifteen minutes later, the pilot sent a signal 300 kilometers away from Tokyo, and the air traffic control center replied that it hoped it could arrive within two hours. However, the American plane never landed at Tokyo Airport.

The search and rescue team searched thousands of kilometers of the sea, but finally returned to no success. No one knows what happened to this plane built for war and flew in almost perfect conditions.

After listening to John's speech, everyone felt a chill in their hearts. Zhou Xirui prayed silently in his heart, wishing that everyone would be safe and not encountering these strange things.

Suddenly, John pointed to a rotating image on the dashboard and exclaimed, "The storm is coming!" Everyone watched in fear that the thing was rotating in the direction of the submarine.

John tried his best to give the submarine full power to avoid the storm, but the spiral storm had a strong suction, making everything around him unable to break free.

Soon the submarine was involved in the center of the storm, and the whole submarine was constantly rotated and collided with the surrounding reefs or some involved shipboards. Everyone seemed to be thrown into the drum washing machine and thrown up and down in the submarine.

Zhou Xirui endured the huge disgust and shouted at everyone to grab the fixed thing on the side. He was worried that the submarine would be knocked open, so everyone would really die.