Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 111 Samsung Fantasy City 4

They were taken to a magnificent hall. The throne on the hall was empty. The old man motioned everyone not to look at it and knelt down quickly. After a long time, a voice sounded around: "Where did you aliens come from?" Zhou Xirui peeked at it, and the position above was still empty, and the sound came from all around, but it was not determined which direction.

Zhong Yueming replied, "We are traveling here from Hangzhou. I don't know this is the king's territory. Please let us go!" The voice sounded again: "I haven't heard what you said, but I can let you go, but the woman wants to stay and be my new queen."

"Ah!" Xiaopei was shocked and furious. He immediately stood up: "Farm, come out!" Atso also stood up and carefully judged the direction of the sound. The old man was shocked by Xiaopei and shouted tremblingly, "Kneel down! Get down on your knees!" With that, he pulled her sleeve.

Xiao Pei shook him away, jumped to the throne, and kicked off the screen behind the throne, but the back was empty, and the voice disappeared. Everyone looked around, and there was no trace of the king of Shu. Zhong Yueming picked up the old man who shook up and said, "Where is the speaker?"

The old man shook his head and said, "Alas! You are determined to die, won't you sacrifice a woman? This life is gone," Xiaopei stared fiercely and said, "Dedicate your wife to the King of Shu! Anyway, it's just a woman!" Who knew that the old man shamelessly said, "I offered it long ago, and the king of Shu made me Yanjun." "You..." Xiaopei felt that he was about to be pissed off by the old man. Is this still a human being?

Acuo flew up and kicked the old man away. Everyone carefully walked around the palace, but still couldn't find the king of Shu, so they had to walk outside the palace. Zhou Xirui said wait. He returned to the hall to escort the old man out and let him walk in front to take everyone out of the palace.

After leaving the palace, several people let the old man walk away and walk along a street not far from the palace gate. They found that it was still full of prosperous people coming and looking at it. Taverns, brothels were opened everywhere, and sugar people, jewelry and snacks were made on the street. It seemed that this was the capital of ancient Shu, which was very prosperous.

A few people are very eye-catching when walking on the street. Obviously, their height and clothes are different, and their appearance is also very different. Wushan people's face is a little concave and looks a little ugly. So they were soon surrounded like monkeys. Zhou Xirui said, "Damn it, these people look at their hair! Everyone quickly got out of the city and tried to get out of the old snake ditch.

Several people desperately pushed away the onlookers and ran to the gate not far away, but they were surrounded by the army sent by the King of Shu. These soldiers were all brave and good soldiers. This ancient Shu country was very good at fighting and often provoked border wars, so after several people were besieged in turn, they were a little overwhelmed.

Dimo said in Zhou Xirui's backpack, "Alas, you are so powerful, why can't you exert it?" Zhou Xirui said, "I also feel that there is a rolling power in my abdomen, but I just can't use it. Why is that? Recently, after being restrained by this, I have not been agile when absorbing the spiritual power of the demon fox in Japan.

Dimo said, "I don't know, maybe it's limited by your physique and talent!" Everyone was surrounded by the army more and more tightly. Xiaopei simply took out the flute and motioned everyone to take out the sachet. She wanted to blow all these people unconscious and was unwilling to fight with these people anymore.

Who knows that after Xiaopei blew the soul-rehen song, these people did not fall asleep. Xiaopei said in horror, "Do these people often eat people to death?" Looking at the ordinary people in the distance, they were already asleep. The soldiers quickly captured them and tied them up, but did not take them back to the palace, but went out of the city. Several people were very worried and didn't know where they would be taken.

They were taken to the previous barracks and thrown into a large wooden cage behind the fire-headed army cooking, and there was also a wooden cage next to it, which was also full of men and women. These people seem to be a little different from Wushan people. Their faces are not so concave. Zhou Xirui asked a short and dark-skinned girl next to them, "Aren't you from Wushan people?" He asked in a low voice, and the translation box on his body immediately translated into a language that girls could understand.

"We are not. We are from the defeated Ba tribe and have been captured here!" When the girl saw that the firehead army of the Wushan people outside was holding up a big pot to cook, tears suddenly fell down and shrank into a ball of fear and wanted to hide in the middle. What's wrong?" Zhou Xirui asked her puzzledly.

"If they want to eat people, they will eat women first," the girl said tremblingly. Sure enough, the fireheads came in to pick people. They chose the girl who talked to Zhou Xirui. After the girl was picked, she screamed in fear and desperately grabbed the cage and refused to leave. The fireheads beat and dragged her out of the cage. Zhou Xirui wanted to help her, but she was tied by a rope and could not move.

After stripping her naked, those people hung upside down on a ten-centimeter diameter rattan hanging between the two trees, and then cut her throat with a sharp knife. Blood spewed out of the cut throat of the Ba tribe girl. She twisted her body fiercely and waved her bound arm up and down. Gradually, her movements slowed down and her body ** from time to time.