Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 117 Mot's Cult 1

After dinner, the Tibetan mother chatted with Xiaopei, and the topic was naturally his son. A 16-year-old boy wanted to marry himself, and his mother solemnly proposed that Xiaopei fainted at that time.

In the afternoon, when I saw Sangji kissing Xiaopei, my Tibetan mother said, "Don't you already like each other? According to our Tibetan habits, there can only be one son in the family. His brother has stayed, and Sanji will get married sooner or later. Xiaopei came out of the house in a trance and asked herself, do I like Sanji? I don't know. Even if you like it, you can't marry him because of it! Well, there is no way to avoid the sudden problem.

Seeing Xiaopei's embarrassed appearance, Zhou Xirui said, "Let's go quickly tomorrow and try not to hurt the Tibetan mother and his son. After dinner, I will tell your mother what you mean."

In the evening, listening to Zhou Xirui finish talking about Xiaopei's meaning, the Tibetan mother looked sad. Her mother clenched Xiaopei's hand hard. Sanji stepped back a few steps and a large drop of tears rolled out of his clear eyes. Looking at Xiaopei, she looked fixedly, stretched out her hand, slowly put it back, and finally said, "I don't I like you. Let's go." Turning around and running, Xiaopei's tears soaked his whole cheek like a flood.

When he left, Xiaopei kept telling himself that he should apologize to Sanji, but just wanted to say goodbye? Or do you want to relive the feeling of being kissed, or are you looking for a reason to stay? I can't tell. She searched the whole village but couldn't find Sanji.

Xiaopei didn't know how embarrassed he looked when he left, and he didn't know how to say goodbye to his Tibetan mother. She left the village disappointedly and kept looking back, always feeling that Sanji must be watching her silently somewhere.

Xiao Pei shouted loudly around: Sanji, goodbye! She knew that she could not stay, and her soul had drifted like her companions. But perhaps in the next few years, Xiaopei's heart will always be attached to Sanji, the 16-year-old boy who made her cry.

Everyone just wanted to leave here quickly. It seemed that they owed a lot to the simple mother and son. After two days of walking, they entered the Motuo. Motuo is the last county that flows through China before the Yarlung Zangbo River entered India. It is the most remote county in southeastern Tibet and the only county in China that does not have access to roads.

Due to the dangerous environment and frequent disasters in the Yarlung Zangbo River Grand Canyon, barriers and gaps that are difficult to overcome have formed, making Motuo an "isolated island" on the plateau and a "land away from modern society". It is also known as a mysterious place by the outside world, and is called "White Horse Gang" by Buddhists, which means: a hidden lotus holy place.

There is a magical legend in the local area. A long time ago, Guanyin Bodhisattva sent a magical macaque to practice in the Snow Country of Tibet. The macaque came to a black mountain rock, devoted himself to practicing Bodhi compassion and had a deep understanding of Buddhism.

At this moment, a rock witch living in a nearby place came to him and said in a very admiring tone, "Let's get married!" After the macaques married the witch, they gave birth to two kinds of small monkeys. They have different nature and hobbies. Some live on snowy mountains and some in the woods.

Three years later, when the father monkey went to visit the little monkey in the woods, the little monkey had multiplied to more than 500. At this time, the fruit on the tree had been eaten up, and there was no food. The father and monkey returned to the divine world, took barley, wheat, beans, buckwheat and malt, and sprinkled them on the earth, so that they were full of self-grown grains. Because the monkeys got enough food, their hair and tails became shorter, and they gradually learned to use language. In this way, they became human beings and ancestors of the snowy plateau.

However, the monkey on the snowy mountain did not receive his father's favor and lived a very hard life. His mother's magic rock girl sympathized with him and moved to the mountain to live with him. Gradually, the monkey on the snowy mountain became uncertain. Her mother's temper was also very grumpy. Whoever dares to enter the forbidden place of the snowy mountain will meet The avalanche was buried on the snowy mountain forever by the magic rock girl.

There is a very strange and powerful religion here, called the Magic Rock Religion, which is dedicated to these two mothers and children. The locals all believe in this Magic Rock Religion. Before coming here, Sanji's mother advised everyone not to come here. It is said that the magic rock religion here sacrifices living people to their gods. And there are often backpackers who disappeared after entering here.

Although what the Tibetan mother said is so mysterious, how can it stop the curiosity of this group of people? On the contrary, it prompts them to explore the secret of the legendary horrible magic rock religion.

After entering the territory of Motuo, the road became difficult and dangerous. The group of people passed by death from time to time. Huge and irregularly shaped stones along the way would suddenly fall, and everyone escaped from death three times. When Liu Peng was avoiding the stones, he scraped his shoulder, and blood kept dripping along his arm.

Zhou Xirui simply bandaged him and continued on the road. At this time, the pain was nothing. The most important thing was to escape from danger quickly. However, there is no road here, because there is no road. The daily necessities in Motuo County have to rely on special backers to carry in. The backers have put big logs on the broken road, which need to pass steadily and quickly.

Before the sun rose to the top of the mountain, everyone climbed the first peak on the way. There is almost no road to this mountain. It is all climbing along the mudslide slide towards the peak, and there are countless peaks like this here.

According to the plan, they will walk more than 20 kilometers today to a place called 113K. 113K is a village naturally formed by the construction of roads. Almost all of the dozens of people living in this village are migrant workers who built highways in those years. These Menba migrant workers thrive here with their wives and children.

At 2 p.m., they walked to a small village. This is an old village, and dozens of wooden buildings are built on a slope that can be illuminated by sunlight. Everyone was finally able to rest and unanimously decided to cook here. Liu Peng's arm was still bleeding. Everyone had different degrees of scratches. They were simply bandaged and continued to travel in the afternoon when he was full.

When they arrived at the reception station at night, they did not dare to lie on the dirty and disgusting mat, set up a tent, chewed a few mouthfuls of compressed biscuits and fell asleep. It was probably caused by shock and fatigue.

When everyone woke up in the morning, golden beams of light shot into the house from the window, and the thick fog floated in with the fragrance of vegetation. This reception station is actually a lonely and barren slope. Zhou Xirui was surprised to find that the hanging wooden building was surrounded by a large circle of branches, and there were countless about ten catties of melons lying on the black soil in the circle.

These unknown black-skinned melons lie freely on the soft and comfortable black soil, enjoying the morning bath of sunshine. He ran to pick one and cut it on the floor in the room. He picked up a piece of black melon and smelled it. A faint fragrance was divided into several pieces and distributed to everyone. He also took a big bite, which was sour and astringent, and quickly vomited on the ground.

Several people came out of the reception station and "intrude" into the residential area of the Menba and Luoba people. The Luoba people are the original indigenous people of Motuo. Luba is the name given to them by the Tibetans, which means "southerners". Luoba has his own language and no words. Roasted mountain rat meat is the best place to treat guests here.