Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 128 Hardship

When everyone slept until midnight, they were suddenly awakened by a miserable "quack-quack-quack-" sound. Zhou Xirui and Zhong Yueming quickly got up and lit it with a flashlight and were shocked. A huge snake with a thick bucket was staring at two green light bulb-like eyes and swallowing the frog man. These weak creatures fled miserable everywhere. , there is no ability to resist at all, and there is a bad smell around.

Suddenly, the two of them were indignant. This fucking snake is too bullying and weak. How can such a meek and kind creature be allowed to be mutilated? The two immediately rushed over. Acuo's knife fell, and the snake was immediately cut in two. They quickly dragged out the frog man in the snake's mouth, but unfortunately he had suffocated and died.

A female frog man and a small frog man squatted on the edge of the body and let out a miserable cry. It seemed that the dead frog man was the husband and father of the family.

Zhou Xirui found that the little frog man was the little guy who invited him to eat centipedes. He was very unbearable. He walked over and gently stroked his bare head. The little guy raised his head and tears flowed out of his bulging eyes. Zhou Xirui took out a candy from his pocket and handed it to him. He shook his head and slowly turned back to the hole where they lived with his mother.

This made Zhou Xirui and Acuo have an indescribable sadness in their hearts, so they had to go back to the tent and continue to sleep. When the first ray of sunshine in the morning penetrated through the mist, the frogs had already stepped on the dewdrops to go out for food.

Zhou Xirui felt a strong urge to pee, opened his eyes and found that the morning sun shone through the tent, and it was already dawn. He got up and pushed Zhong Yueming beside him. The two put on their clothes and walked out of the tent. Dimo also woke up. He turned over and put on his clothes and followed them out.

The three of them collectively ran to a secluded place to pee and peed into the grass. A giant caterpillar came out of it and seemed to have poured it into someone's house. This guy is more than a foot long, covered with long hair and long tentacles on his head. His body is colorful and looks terrible. This guy is probably very angry because he was drenched. He raised his head and screamed at the three people, as if he was protesting.

"This caterpillar looks poisonous, and its whole body is so bright." Zhong Yueming said, "In nature, the brighter the color the insect is, the more it warns that the predator is poisonous." Before the voice fell, a small frog jumped over, grabbed the caterpillar, bit half of it, and chewed it. Get up.

"Don't eat, don't eat!" The three hurriedly waved their hands to the little frog man, but the little guy had chewed and swallowed it. When he turned his head and was about to jump back, suddenly he covered his stomach and kept vomiting, his skin began to appear colorful red, and his body began to twitch. The parents of the little frog also saw it fall to the ground and jump over anxiously. At a glance, they saw half of the caterpillar beside the child. They were immediately shocked and let out a burst of sadness.

"It seems that they also know that this thing is highly poisonous. What should we do now?" Zhou Xirui was worried about the little frog man. He wanted everyone to find a way to save him. This toxin is a heart-like toxin, which can cause the membrane potential of animal's heart muscle, especially the bone muscle, continue to decline, causing heart failure, and it is time to find a plant containing ethyl mi to detoxify," Dimo said.

"Then don't look for it. I'm afraid this little frog man won't work any longer," Zhong Yueming said. He saw that the little guy had begun to twitch. You look in the surrounding grass. If you find red bacteria, call me and I'll confirm it," Dimo said.

The three of them looked for each other separately, but they turned over the nearby grass, but found nothing. Seeing that the little guy's breath was getting weaker and weaker, everyone became more anxious and began to look for them in the distance.

Zhou Xirui looked for it and suddenly remembered that Xiaopei's grandfather said that there must be an antidote near the poison. In that case, could it be the grass where the worms came out? Because he peed there just now, no one had looked for it.

He prayed that there would be there. He went to open the grass, and a few Yinhong mushrooms were exposed. Zhou Xirui was overjoyed and quickly called Dimo to come over quickly. Dimo came over and said in surprise, "It's this fungus that contains an antidote."

They picked off the mushrooms. Zhong Yueming went over to help the little guy. Dimo crushed the mushrooms and stuffed them into the child's mouth. Zhou Xirui returned to the tent to bring water for him. After more than ten minutes, the child slowed down. Zhou Xirui took the child into the cave where he lived and asked him to rest in it. The child's parents looked at them gratefully and kept staggering behind them.

Perhaps this is where trust and gratitude come from. More and more frogs gather around them and silently watch their every move. They need firewood to cook, and the frogs will spontaneously hold them to dry the branches. They don't eat insects, and frogs will carry branches full of wild fruits.

Dimo even experienced the superstar-like feeling here. The boy stood on a high stone. He sang a sentence, and the frogs should say " quack". Dimo was not tired of such tricks. Zhou Xirui and others responded patiently to his singing, but this guy completely ignored everyone's feelings. I feel very good.

Several boys dug a big hole in the distance and buried the bodies of the frogman and the snake to avoid causing disease after rotting. Finally, after putting away the tent, several people were ready to leave.

Two elderly frogs jumped to them, shouted at them twice, jumped two steps, turned around and shouted at them twice, and then waited there, "Are they trying to show us the way?" Zhou Xirui said, "Great, I was worried about us getting lost."