Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 137 Pirate Paradise

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the sea in the distance, and waves of sea rushed towards them. Everyone enjoyed everything on the seaside. Xiaopei and Zhou Xirui dragged some trunk branches of coconut trees, and everyone raised a bonfire here.

Put the king crab and its limbs and feet with branches, then string the fish and shrimp caught and grill them on the fire. Zhong Yueming also went back to the boat to get a few bottles of beer. Everyone lay on the beach and enjoyed the oncoming sea breeze, drinking beer and eating seafood. You talked about the past of the journey, and unconsciously it was dark.

Acuo lay comfortably on the beach and said, "Well, let's sleep here tonight!" How comfortable!" He stretched out. Zhou Xirui kicked this guy: "No, get up. Everyone get up. Let's go back to the boat to sleep!" In case there is any monster on it, it is not safe. And it's not safe to be close to the sea." At this time, there was a sharp cry from the coconut forest, and I don't know what animal roared.

Everyone looked inside and saw the dense coconut forest during the day. At night, it looked like a piece of black pressure, revealing some horrible depression. Zhong Yueming quickly pressed the remote control settings, and everyone jumped to the automatic assault boat and returned to the submarine.

This night, everyone lay on the deck, but did not open the glass cover. Looking up, they could see the stars. The waves shook the submarine, as if they were lying in a baby's cradle, sleeping soundly and soundly and soundly.

Before dawn, Xiaopei woke up early, opened the glass cover, sat on it thinking about things, and quietly waited to see the sunrise. Gradually, the sky turned light blue and became lighter and lighter. In a blink of an eye, a red glow appeared in the sky, slowly expanding its scope and strengthening its brightness. She knew that the sun was going to rise from the place where the water and sky meet, so she couldn't take her eyes off it.

Sure enough, after a while, a small half of the sun appeared there. The red was very red, but there was no light. The sun seemed to be carrying some heavy burden, slowly and step by step trying to rise up. In the end, it finally broke through the clouds and completely jumped out of the sea. The color was so red and lovely. In an instant, the dark red thing suddenly emitted a dazzling light, which made people's eyes hurt. At the same time, the nearby clouds also added a little How glorious.

Zhou Xirui was also prickly opened his eyes, rubbed and sat up, looked at Xiaopei sitting on the glass cover, and looked at the island not far away. The seabirds had already roared and jumped into the air and flew to the sea to find food.

He went down to the boat, spread an egg for everyone, prepared the bread, and prepared a glass of milk for each of them. Since Uncle Li did not come to explore, these jobs have been basically taken over by Zhou Xirui. It is hard to imagine a dress to reach out and open his mouth to do the chef's work. Maybe this is the great change brought by the journey!

After it was finished, Zhou Xirui roared upwards, "It's all over for breakfast!" The lazy guys above cursed sleepyly. Fuck, why don't you call you to have dinner? Zhou Xirui cursed helplessly. During the meal, Xiaopei said, "Go to the shore today. I want to stay on the boat." Zhou Xirui looked at her and nodded.

After dinner, everyone went ashore in an assault boat and bathed in the cool sea breeze. Looking at the clean and charming beach and charming coconut forest in the distance, the white clouds dotted the blue sky, and the skyline is full of the sea and the sky. The pleasant scenery is memorable.

Everyone decided to go to the island to have a look and walk into the coconut forest. The monkeys jumped under the shade and between the branches, chased and fight, and played as if no one else. Everyone looked at these lovely creatures with great interest and walked a little further in to find a wild banana forest full of tired fruits, and monkeys also sat on the branches to enjoy these delicacies.

Acuo climbed a banana tree three times and twice and cut down a hanging banana. It weighed dozens of pounds. Everyone nibbled bananas and continued to walk forward. Through the banana forest, there was a grand canyon, and below was a small stream, and there were beaches covered with small stones on both sides.

Walking in this deep valley of cliffs, waterfalls and clear streams are wonderful everywhere. The magnificent scenery can be said to be the most amazing work in heaven and earth.

Just walking on the beach, the humidity was heavy and a little cold. They tortuated along the beach, jumped up and down, and walked for hours. They saw a cliff gap that could lead to the outside. They decided not to walk along the canyon, but to go out through the gap to have a look.

After going out, they found several hills outside. After wandering around the ravine for a long time, they could finally hear the sound of seabirds. It was estimated that it was not far from the seaside. They walked through a shrub and coconut forest and suddenly saw a shed built with coconut branches on the beach in front of them. There are also some men around, who are yellow-skinned Asians.

Zhou Xirui just wanted to go there and was pulled by Zhong Yueming. He booed and asked everyone not to make a sound. Following the direction pointed by Zhong Yueming, they found that some men and women were tied to the coconut tree not far from the house. Looking at these people seemed to be of all kinds of people.

"What do these people do? Why are those people tied up?" Acuo asked puzzledly, "Maybe these people are pirates!" Zhong Yueming said, "Those are the people tied up from the boat." So what should we do now? There are only a few of us who can't save them! Let's go back quickly!" Liu Peng said.

Zhou Xirui said, "Let's wait and see. When it's dark, we'll see if we can secretly let them go." "It's useless to let them go. This is an island. How can they leave? Are you going to send so many people away with a submarine? Liu Peng said.

"Let's have a look. Maybe we can call the police!" Zhong Yueming said, "It's not realistic to call the police. This is the high sea. Should we call the U.S. Navy and let them maintain world peace?" Liu Peng laughed. People must be saved. If it were your relatives, could they not be saved? Zhou Xirui said firmly.

In the meantime, a pirate ship marked with a skeleton sailed to the sea not far away and dropped its anchor. The boat was put down, the taken property, and several beautiful white women came to the shore. First of all, a big man with a burly face came down, with a pistol and dagger around his waist and diagonally across the Minnie Hill in his hand.

"Damn it, it's equipped with a heavy machine gun!" Zhong Yueming said in surprise, "How is the firepower of this gun?" Zhou Xirui asked.

Zhong Yueming frowned and said, "The M134 7.62mm machine gun was a six-ball aircraft machine gun developed by the United States during the Vietnam War. This high-speed aircraft machine gun is mainly used in helicopters and can also be used as a vehicle-mounted weapon for mechanized infantry.

This machine gun is characterized by a circular arrangement of multiple barrels, relying on the shooter to rotate a handle to make the barrel rotate continuously to complete continuous shooting.

Its rate of fire is as high as 6,000 rounds per minute, which is exactly 10 times that of an ordinary machine gun. As Hollywood movies say, "No creature can survive under the strafing of this machine gun." The original English meaning of "gun" also refers to artillery, so it should be more appropriate to call it "mini cannon".

"Damn, no creature can survive, and we still have to save Mao!" Acuo said nervously that this is a fucking heavy machine gun. Compared with this power, his bamboo stick is just like a toothpick, which is not enough. Let's take a look again. Maybe we can find an opportunity after dark," Zhou Xirui said.

As soon as the pirates who got off the ship came back, the pirates who stayed here immediately took out a large bucket of wine and sent the roasted meat in a large pot and sent it to them, which seemed to be rewarding them. Damn, the pirate's life is fucking heroic!" Acuo said enviously, "You don't want to join the gang, do you?" Liu Peng ridiculed.

The robber's head, with a fleshy face, picked up the meat with a dagger and nibbled it while pouring wine. Suddenly, he glanced at the beautiful white women, as if he was interested. ** walked over with an evil smile, and the women trembled and retreated back.

As soon as this guy waved his hand, the two crooked pirates walked over, held the women with an evil smile, threatened them with a knife, and stood up straight. The pirate's head walked over, poured a sip of wine, stretched out his hand and tore one of the women's clothes with a "bang". The woman covered her clothes desperately, but she was still stood by The two pirates scratched the edge.