Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 129 Mermaid Song

After sailing for two consecutive days, it was still calm and did not encounter horrible deep-sea beasts such as octopus and sea monsters. Several people talked on the boat when they had nothing to do. Zhong Yueming loved to show his heroic posture with a heavy machine gun. Zhou Xirui said, "Throw that thing away. When you get to the United States, you are found to have heavy weapons, and you won't be locked up and censored!" Zhong Yueming shook his head like a rattle and resolutely refused to throw away his treasure.

Suddenly, the sea was strange, and there was no wind. Although the submarine did not rely on sails, the speed also slowed down. Zhong Yueming drove the horsepower to the maximum, which was still very slow. Everything around seemed to be static, which made everyone feel a little suffocated, and they couldn't breathe in depression for a long time.

Xiaopei said that this was not right, and the surroundings were too strange. Sure enough, a reef appeared around the boat, which was not available at all just now. There were beautiful half-human and half-fish girls sitting on the reef. These girls had snow-white skin, long hair, and faces as bright as the moon.

These beautiful mermaids sang beautiful songs, and the men began to hallucinate. Zhong Yueming saw that one of the mermaes was actually Peima and was waming to him. He stood up and walked over there.

And A Cuo actually saw his mother. He was so excited that he rushed there. Zhou Xirui saw Li Wen, who turned into a beautiful mermaid and also called him softly. Liu Peng saw that the owner of the tile village was looking at him charmingly. He didn't dare to go there, but his eyes did not leave her. Dimo's taste is the strangest. What he sees is actually an alien tripod.

Seeing several men, Qiqimu walked to the fantasy in a daze. Xiaopei was anxious. She blew the soul song to resist the mermaid's song. Soon the men fell on the deck and fell asleep, the mermaid's fantasy disappeared, and the speed of the submarine became normal.

Xiaopei was relieved, closed the glass cover, took a few blankets to cover everyone, and fell asleep himself. When he woke up listening to the seagull's cry, it had been a long time in the morning. Zhou Xirui looked at his watch and knew that he had overslept and hurried down to prepare breakfast, and several other people also woke up one after another.

Liu Peng remembered in a trance that he dreamed of the owner of the house last night, wondering that he still seemed to be attracted to her. Is he actually infatuated with her? This is really weird. When he talked about this with Zhong Yueming, Zhong Yueming said, "This may be a kind of sadomasochistic psychology. Although you don't accept her in traditional morality, you are actually eager to be abused by her." Liu Peng shook his head. He refused to admit that he had this kind of psychology, but he also knew that Zhong Yueming's analysis was reasonable.

After driving for a while, the seabirds in the sky gradually increased, and a coastline appeared in the distance. Everyone suddenly became excited and saw the land again. Liu Peng said on the radio that the island covers an area of 120 square kilometers. "Wow, this island is very big. We must go and have a look," Atso said.

While talking, the ship is getting closer and closer to the coast. It seems that there are many people standing on the shore, which scares them, because according to this comparison, these people are giants. Is there really a giant country in the world?

As the ship approached, they found that the stonemen were generally seven to ten meters tall and weighed 30-90 tons, and some stone statues weighed as many as ten tons with a hat. The stone statues are carved from a whole block of dark red fiery. All the stone statues have no legs, and they are all busts with similar shapes. The facial expression of the stone statue is very rich, and its eyes are specially inlaid with shiny obsidian or shiny shells, which is particularly expressive.

All the forehead is long and narrow, the bridge of the nose is high, the eye socket is deep and concave, the mouth is raised, the big ears and shoulders, and the arms are close to the abdomen. All the stone statues face the sea, with a cold and majestic look. From afar, it is like a team of warriors preparing to go on an expedition, which is spectacular. In the face of this cleverly conceived giant stone statue, several people will naturally have a series of questions: when was the stone statue carved? How can such a tall stone statue be moved to the seaside?

What kind of people live on this big island, and what stage has their civilization progress entered? Why has there never been any record of this island in the log?

With these questions, they came to the island and took them to the center. There was a grassland in it. The grass here was extremely tall and beautiful, more than a meter high. The scene in front of us shocked several people. There were very huge cattle-like animals everywhere, each of which was as tall as an elephant, had strong muscles, and looked as terrible as a bison.

What's more shocking is that the people who graze these animals are more than five meters tall and are unusually strong. They stand on the edge of a cow-like animal like an Optimus Prime and wave a tree stick to drive them.

Soon the giant found Zhou Xirui and others. He felt extremely excited and strode over. The sound of his walking made Zhou Xirui feel that the earth was trembling at every step.

They quickly wanted to escape back to the submarine. The giant stopped them and asked them in a thunderous voice, "Where did you come from?" Zhou Xirui heard the words in the translation box and boldly told the giant that he was from China. China?" The giant looked at him curiously, and the giant continued to mutter, "Our wizard said that we are the center of the earth, and there is no continent except this continent."

At the center of the world, Zhou Xirui feels funny in his heart. It's really an arrogant country. The giant doesn't know how big the world is. It's really a primitive wilderness.

Next, the giant invited several foreign guests to his house. He said that his name was Gary and he was a herder living in a nearby village. He said that the island is called Rapanui Island, and there are Rapanui people like him who have their own country and king. The king is a kind and kind monarch who lives in the city of Nicaea not far from here.

Zhou Xirui and several giants entered his village. The buildings here are very tall and all made of red rocks. And Gary's home is in a red house in the easternmost. Gary's wife is as tall as him, but their four-year-old girl is just as tall as Zhou Xirui.

This four-year-old girl named Nia has crimson curly hair and is a baby like a doll. She has a strong interest in several people as tall as her and quickly established a good relationship with everyone. She moved out all her candies and wants to make new friends. Share.

The candy here is unusually large. A piece of marshmallow is actually made of a basin and wrapped in bright sugar paper. Nia sometimes sleeps with this soft candy as a pillow. During the meal, Nia's mother invited everyone to dinner. The huge bread was bigger than several people's heads, and the cup containing milk was as big as a bucket.

The next day, Nia's father will take Zhou Xirui and others to Nicaea City to play. Although Zhou Xirui and others are very worried that the giants will watch them, Nia's father promised not to do so. People from other continents often come here to do business, so no one will watch.

But Nia insisted that Xiaopei stay and play with her. She pestered Xiaopei and begged her father. Later, both of them agreed. The father smiled and said to Nia, "I will bring you a doll you want most when you come back."

Giant Gali drove a car pulled by a huge animal like a cow and took several people to the city last week. He thought that he would sell Zhou Xirui and others to the circus and get a bag of gold coins. He could buy a doll for Nia and a small farm to live a rich life.

With a good thinking in his heart, he couldn't help humming proudly. Zhou Xirui and others were also a little nervous. Suddenly, he came to the Giant Kingdom and suddenly became a dwarf. It's really uncomfortable to be scared and afraid of being watched. I just couldn't resist Gary's enthusiasm and wondered what the giant's city was like, so he came and wanted to go back with Gary at a glance, but Gali wanted to sell them.

After Gali and Gali came to the market, Gali did not stop. He quickly drove the animals pulling the cart to a huge tent on the open space next to the market. He asked Zhou Xirui and others to wait for a moment, and he would come out immediately. He went in and negotiated the price with the circus owner.

Then he took Zhou Xirui and others in to meet the boss. The boss handed him a bag of gold coins. Gali turned around and told Zhou Xirui and several people, "You watch the circus for a while. I have something to do. I'll pick you up later." After that, he went out.

Seeingjia li leave, Zhou Xirui asked the boss, "Where are we going to watch the circus?" The boss smiled and said, "The person who brought you just now has sold you to me. In the future, you will learn how to perform, not watch others perform, haha!" After waving, the two tower-like giants came over and waved the whip in their hands, signaling them to follow to the training ground.

Zhou Xirui and several people are furious, damn it! This old boy Gary actually cheated everyone. Several people decided to fight. A Cuo raised his hand and shot the bamboo stick directly into the eyes of the Black Tower Giant. Suddenly, the two guys fell blind and squatted on the ground to cover their eyes. Taking this opportunity, they escaped from the tent.