Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 158 First Victory

Acuo stared at the cruel scene and grabbed Zhou Xirui: "Forget it, even if we go to the restaurant to wash dishes, it's better than death!" Zhou Xirui smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I just observed that although the steel guy has reached the second stage of technology, he didn't With the acquisition of Neidan, I'm sure to beat him." Atso and Dimo looked at him half-heartedly and didn't say anything. They all knew that this guy was very stubborn, and no one could stop him from doing what he wanted to do.

Zhou Xirui asked the young man around him, "Brother, which one is John?" The young man pointed to the man wearing a white hat sitting at a table under the stage and said, "It's the one wearing the white hat." Zhou Xirui thanked him and squeezed over there.

It was hard to squeeze under the stage. At this time, "steel" had been shouting on the stage for a while. The tragic death of the "leopard" just now deterred the people under the stage, and no one dared to fight. John suddenly heard someone say that he wanted to sign up for the war, so he quickly looked back and was very disappointed.

There was a teenage child standing in front of him. Although he was close to an adult, the childishness on his face could tell his age at a glance: "What are you doing? Get out of here," John roared impatiently. I want to sign up, do you hear me?" Zhou Xirui's eyes were as fierce as an adult, which made John's heart stern.

"Well, you boy, think about it. If you can't win, there is only one way to die." John was shocked by Zhou Xirui's eyes, and he muttered, "What's your name?" My name is Leo," Zhou Xirui said in the name of this world. Isn't this your nickname? John said, "Death!" Zhou Xirui remembered the name given during the boxer trials. "Okay, there will be 20 gold coins if you win," John said, "20 gold coins?!" Zhou Xirui was shocked and secretly said these 20 gold coins in his heart.

Soon it sounded on the stage: "At the beginning of the game, the "Death" challenge "steel" bets, "steel" wins one for ten, and "Death" loses 100". Although Zhou Xirui's odds are high, the stage still shows a one-sided trend, betting on "steel" one after another, and there are also a few people who want to make a fortune and feel dizzy. On Death, I hope he can be a dark horse.

As Zhou Xirui jumped on the stage, the game began, and the voice of one side of the stage was very loud, "Steel, heavy punch!" Steel, kill him!" Steel, use your combination punch..." and so on.

Zhou Xirui glanced at the audience under the stage, and there were people waving their fists everywhere. The atmosphere before this competition was much warmer than what he had just seen. These audiences are well dressed and sanctimonial, but on certain occasions, they become so bloodthirsty.

Because in fact, these are not just spectators. They support different boxers because they bet on different boxers. In fact, this is a pure gamble for them, just like a beast.

When he came on stage, Zhou Xirui still politely raised his fists at the "steel" and made a courtesy. However, this action made Zhou Xirui very embarrassed, because this guy leaned against the dirty rope and looked at him with disdain, putting on a strong man's posture. The expression of contempt made Zhou Xirui very unhappy.

"Kid, how old are you? Have your hair grown?" Steel sneered and said contemptuously to Zhou Xirui. Because he grew up in a remote mountainous area, Zhou Xirui's face was very "simple", with a local atmosphere, and his age was also a minor. This guy still laughed at him in the ring. It can be seen that "steel" is indeed a veteran and his mentality is very relaxed.

Zhou Xirui ignored him. The two met, which meant that the game had begun. He raised his hands slightly over his shoulders, punched him as a striker, and the other punched his right cheek. The legs are separated and the knees are slightly bent, controlling the center of gravity between the legs. The tip of the elbow sank, with the chest and back pulled out, posing a standard practical gesture.

"Steel" sneered again and swam around him, with a very brisk pace. This guy obviously didn't pay attention to him. He didn't protect his head with both hands, but casually put it on his chest and kept making provocative gestures towards him. His movements reminded Zhou Xirui of the sensitive cobra, and his posture also teased himself like a snake.

Of course, Zhou Xirui doesn't want to be prey. After a shaky forehand fist, a backhand fist immediately hit his face door.

On one side of the "steel" head, he sensitively dodged his blow, and then a hidden upper hook hit Zhou Xirui's abdomen fiercely. This guy's movements are really fast. To be honest, the feeling at that moment was painful and numb, just like passing through electricity.

Before this, Zhou Xirui had never had such a desperate actual battle with a black boxer. Unlike professional boxers, black boxers move much faster and often. Professional boxers are used to withdrawing or blocking later to defend against attacks, while black boxers rely more on flexible dodging.

Zhou Xirui's fist was dodged by "steel" again and again, which made Zhou Xirui feel very weak, as if he was hitting the air.

But Zhou Xirui knew that as long as this guy was hit by himself once, he would be finished. The power he could release was very terrible. Of course, if you use the power of Neidan, this guy in front of him can't pass half a move, but because the other party doesn't have Neidan, Zhou Xirui doesn't want to use it, so he feels psychologically fair and calm.

Zhou Xirui had to admit that the movement speed of "Steel" was indeed very fast. This time, he did not dodge or defend. Instead, he twisted his waist and turned his crotch and kicked the kneecap on the side of the left leg of "Steel". At that distance, his fist could not reach Zhou Xirui's face.

The leg made a crisp sound. The leg was immediately kicked off, and the kneecap faintly showed a black bruise. The guy fell to the ground with a scream and tried hard to stand up, but his legs trembled and he still couldn't get up.

There was a silence under the stage, and then angrily scolded. From the stage, the people who lost money threw bottles and stones at the "steel" and roared, "Kill this son of a bitch!" Punch him to death!"

Zhou Xirui looked at the "steel" that broke his leg and was dying on the stage. He turned around and got off the stage. There was an uproar under the stage. He had never won the black boxer who did not kill his opponent. The people below watched Zhou Xirui walk off the stage like monsters.

As soon as he got off the stage, Acuo immediately came up with Dimo. A very obscene man next to him rushed up and gave Zhou Xirui a hot kiss. Zhou Xirui was notware of this guy's move, wiped the saliva on his face and almost vomited. The man made a heavy bet on Zhou Xirui, won a lot of money, and immediately became his loyal fan.

When John handed a paper bag containing 20 gold coins to Zhou Xirui, he felt relaxed. In this way, he could improve the situation at home and pay back Coach Donare's money. He didn't have to worry about having no money to stay in a hotel and no money to eat. Holding the money he earned, he had a great sense of satisfaction.