Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 259 The Man-eating Tribe

While talking, several Maori men in the dark drove several strong prisoners down from the mountain with leather whips and tied them to several pillars not far from the fire.

Black Annes said: "Those prisoners of the Mohawk tribe were captured after the defeat of the hillside full of coca trees with this tribe not long ago.

And the Indian word "Maurian" means "man-eating tribe". According to the tradition of our Maori, every time we fight, we have to bring the prisoners back to the tribe. In the ceremony of celebrating victory, we first give these prisoners to the women in the tribe to see one by one, and they will select the warriors who should not die prematurely.

Those prisoners who escaped death are either assigned to families that have lost their husbands or fathers on the battlefield to fill the vacancies, or stay in the tribe to replenish the Maulian army.

Then, it is up to the women to decide which prisoners should be executed at the celebration ceremony.

"Man-eating tribe? Will the prisoners who need to be executed be eaten? Xiaopei asked with a pale face.

"Of course it will be eaten, hey hey" I don't know why Black Anne's smiling face at this time looks a little ferocious.

Sure enough, the women in the village surrounded the prisoners. Several of the older women pulled off the captive's robes, looked at the strength of their muscles, tore off their trousers, and pulled down their biological organs with a stick. In the end, they seemed to be satisfied with only two of them, two of them. The old woman came forward to untie the rope and took away a man.

"This mother is so insulting, just like picking his mother's animal," A Cuo said dissatisfiedly, as if this scene made his self-esteem as a man a little unbearable.

"Well, this is still good. You can see how miserable the remaining prisoners are?" Black Annes snorted coldly.

The Maori's death penalty was a very cruel torture. The prisoners were tightly tied to a wooden stake, and the Maori cut off fresh meat from him and roasted it on the fire in front of him.

Seeing this scene, everyone was eating suckling pork happily. When they were stimulated by this scene, they immediately felt that the meat tasted like human flesh.

Black Annes said: "This kind of torture will last for two or three days. Sometimes in order to make the tortured person suffer more, he will be fed later, and at the same time cut meat on his body until the prisoner is dying, and finally dig out his heart to eat with everyone."

"Wow!" Everyone couldn't stand it any longer and ran to the grass to vomit. Unexpectedly, it was so cruel. Isn't this the same as the torture in ancient times?

Black Annes was more excited to see everyone vomit: "Haha! Women and children also attended this ceremony. Although Mian is famous for his bravery and good at fighting, he is still a matriarchal clan.

Although the chiefs of the tribe are composed of men, their members are all designated by women. Women are the authority of the master, although they have to attend all ceremonies. Children are also encouraged to participate in this extraordinary feast, which is a traditional education that allows them to see the world.

Another hereditary tradition of Indians is to scalp the enemy. Unlike the ancient Eurasian army, the Indians who won the battle did not show the enemy's generals to the public, but cut off the scalps of the generals and soldiers of the enemy army who died in battle.

The scalp is a trophy of the Indians and a symbol of courage and glory. If the warriors go to the battlefield for the first time want to cut two scalps, most of them are taken home and given to their mothers to make them proud of themselves.

At the celebration ceremony after the end of the war, the tribesmen held up various scalps with sticks to dance. After the celebration ceremony, some scalps were thrown in the wilderness, and some were kept and made, collected as souvenirs, or used to decorate deer skin tents.

The two key points of scalp production are air drying and decoration. After the scalp is air-drying, according to the interests and hobbies of the warriors who process the scalp, the meaty part is coated with different bright colors, and sometimes decorated with colorful beads to enhance the effect. Hair is often dyed golden or crimson with dyes.

Some Indians cut their scalps while they were still alive. The black earch of the Soviet tribe scalped a U.S. soldier during the war against the U.S. army.

Because the soldier sharpened his teeth hard, the black moult's knife was blunt, and the black moult finally ended the soldier's life with a bullet.

According to my father, there were also people who survived after being stripped from other tribal members. An engineer named Thomson and five others went to the grassland to repair the wires and met a group of Indians opposed to the U.S. military.

Thomson's companion was killed, and he injured his left arm. A knight of the Hini tribe stuck his neck to crush him, and then cut a saw with a knife at the root of his head and lifted his scalp. It is said that Thomson was later rescued and was able to live to tell others about his experience of losing his coat.

Black Annes smiled and said, "If you know the history of our Indians, you will know that some tribes not only cut their scalps, but also split the enemies' corpses.

In the battle of sheep horns, General Caster's army of nearly 200 people was completely destroyed, and the hillsides of the small sheephorns were everywhere, but there was not a complete body. Needless to say, the battlefield at that time was terrible.

Some of the U.S. soldiers' limbs were separated, some were cut off, and some were cut into a deep groove on their thighs.

According to the Indians who participated in the war at that time, before the men had completely ended the war, two obese Indian women were checking whether their work was complete, stripping the bodies of American soldiers with long knives and cutting off their limbs and limbs.

When peeling off the clothes of a soldier pretending to be dead, he held his breath and did not move, but when two fat women cut his male organs with a knife on his ** body, he couldn't help screaming and jumping up.

At that time, the men of the tribe were not far away, and the soldier ended up suffering the same fate as his comrades-in-arms.

The Su and Hini tribes not only punished the U.S. military, but also punished the neighboring Indians. In a tent in the blunt knife village of the Sini tribe, American soldiers found a necklace made of brown fingers, an Indian woman's arm, and a bag made of deer skin containing the right hand of twelve Indian babies.