Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 270 Misentering the Alien Base

The Great Salt Lake is located in the northeast of Utah. To the southwest of the lake is the desert of the Great Salt Lake. Two cars walk slowly by the lake, surrounded by silence and darkness.

Zhong Yueming said: "This salt lake is said to be unsinkable. The deepest lake is 11 meters. It is the remnant of the ancient Lake Bonneville. The lake contains 4 billion tons of salts such as sodium chloride and sodium sulfate. As the lake gradually shrinks, the shore of the lake also declines again and again, forming multi-level terraces. There is a flat Bonneville salt flat in the middle.

At this time, Xiaopei had woken up Mariana. She looked at the people around her in horror and found that they were all strange oriental faces, and immediately trembling.

It seems that the little girl is already a frightened bird. Xiaopei tried his best to comfort her in a gentle tone and told her how she was saved and her future arrangements, asking her if she would like to go to school in Montana.

The girl was silent for a while, nodded to tell everyone that she was willing to go and said thank you, which made everyone very relieved and finally did the right thing.

Gradually, everyone's sleepiness came up. Zhou Xirui said to Liu Peng, "Let's change and drive. You go to bed first. I'll call you when I'm tired of driving." The car winds along the lake, and the lights swept past all the way to the ancient desert salt beach and primitive desolate mountains and valleys.

Zhou Xirui drove in a daze for two hours. Their car suddenly fell into a soft sand for no reason, which suddenly scared Zhou Xirui to wake up. He quickly woke everyone up. Everyone wanted to open the door and rush out, but it was too late to sink down.

After feeling the roof, it seemed that the air was not stuffy. Instead, the car rowed down a slope and seemed to enter a huge space along the gentle slope. Everyone had no choice but to sit still and wait for the car to slide to the bottom.

Time seems to have stagnated in this dark space, and I don't know how long it took. They finally slipped to the bottom. At this time, everything in front of them was so shocking.

This is the interior of a huge underground building. The surrounding lights are as bright as day. They reach the ground floor, and there is no one around. It seems that it is time to rest now.

Dimo carefully observed the surrounding architectural style and said affirmatively, "This place should be built by lizard people. It seems that we have another chance to grab a spaceship."

"What are you doing to grab the spaceship?" Acuo asked, "It's good to go out," the guy looked around and said helplessly.

"Haha, what are you doing to grab the spaceship? Don't you want to explore the universe? And it is possible to find what you earthlings dream of," Dimo said.

"Cosmic exploration? This is very exciting! But what is the dream of earthlings of? I can't be interested in those things about the treasure." Acuo came to the spirit.

"A substance that can prolong people's life, you people on earth are called rejuvenation, haha," Dimo laughed.

"Rejuvenation? This thing is good. If I give it to my parents, won't they ever die? I'm interested in this." Zhou Xirui also came to the spirit.

"Yes, this substance can indeed open the door of immortality. In the words of you earthlings, it is a gift from God, haha, but this substance is said to be found on some planets of black holes," Dimo laughed.

At this time, a huge lizard man walked to the bottom and accidentally saw several earthlings. He immediately drove a huge forklift and rushed over cursing.

This race is bloodthirsty and cruel. Although it is very advanced in technology, it still likes to eat raw meat and may even be similar to each other.

When this guy saw a few delicious earthlings, he wanted to kill them with a shovel and take them back to eat. To his surprise, as soon as his forklift approached, it was overturned by a huge hot force, and he was also lifted out of the car at the same time.

For good, this guy is rough and thick, so it's nothing serious. As soon as it landed on the ground, it was like a tiger rushing over in an instant. Zhou Xirui also had to admire the tenacity of the lizard man. He quickly punched and threw the lizard man on the shelf of the forklift. After all, this guy is driven by flesh and blood. He fell into pieces and burned.

Zhou Xirui didn't want to engage with these rude and ferocious reptiles anymore. He urged Dimo to find the spaceship quickly.

Dimo found a huge hole at the bottom of the building. There was some light in the depths of the hole, which seemed to hover some spaceships. Looking deeper, it was dark inside, feeling like the vastness of the universe, revealing some strange mystery.

There is an iron ladder next to it that goes all the way to the depths of the hole. It seems that it hasn't been used for a long time. The ladder looks rusty and can't walk on it at all.

Everyone climbs down the ladder, which is cold and humid, but it is very suitable for reptiles to survive. Zhou Xirui did not go down the stairs, but jumped down, but when he jumped down, he felt something wrong. His body did not fly down lightly, but fell vertically and helplessly. This feeling was really scary. He couldn't control his fall at all, which was equivalent to jumping vertically down from the cliff.

The people on the ladder saw him falling at an amazing speed and shouted his name. Xiaopei was eager to jump down and was pulled by Zhong Yueming.

Zhou Xirui struggled in such fear for a while and found that the struggle was futile, and his body still fell so quickly. But after falling for a long time, it seemed that it was still far away from the spacecraft below. After this shock, I was very tired.

Zhou Xirui's advantage is that he can calm down quickly in danger, and he feels tired and falls asleep. I don't know how long it took after this sleep, and I woke up still falling.