Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 275 Earth-like Planet

Nia ignored the miserable howl of the female wolf and walked forward slowly with the wolf cub in her arms. The female wolf followed not far away. At this time, a dazzling light flashed in the air, and a disk-shaped flying saucer landed on the plain under the hillside.

Nia started the antimatter device on her wrist and flew over. At this time, the flying saucer had stopped on the plain. In a rotating beam of light in the middle, several people floated down. These people with black hair and yellow skin seemed to belong to the earthlings in the solar system in a corner of the galaxy. It seemed that their technology was relatively backward. How did these people get here?

Nia is searching for their civilization in her mind. The technology should not have reached the level of being able to fly a spaceship. Judging from the shape of this spacecraft, it seems to be the technology possessed by the crawling higher intelligent creature lizard man.

At this time, the two people who got off the spacecraft suddenly made her understand why these backward earthlings could reach this terrestrial planet.

This is a Martian and Pluto. Yes, the races of these two planets are relatively advanced. Pluto people are slightly inferior, but they are also more advanced than Earthmen.

And Zhou Xirui and others also curiously looked at the beautiful woman standing in front of them. The snow-white skin color did not have a trace of blood, smooth as a freshly peeled egg. The blue and intelligent eyes seemed to penetrate the infinite dark curtain of the universe. The symmetrical body is no different from that of earthlings, with red hair. Eye-catching as a flame.

She looked at them quietly, as if she were thinking about something. Dimo, a Martian, was also very surprised when he saw her. In terms of his cosmic aesthetics, she was a shocking beauty. The toad-headed guy was also very knowledgeable and immediately looked dull and drooled.

It's just that for Zhou Xirui and several earthlings, this beautiful woman's facial features are impeccable, but because she doesn't have a trace of blood color, she always looks a little strange. Acuo even thinks of vampires and suddenly shivered.

Of course, Niya is not interested in figure out what these inferior races are thinking, but she has lived in the forest for a long time and is a little lonely. She happened to see so many aliens and is interested.

"What are you doing here?" She asked with great interest.

"We want to come to black holes to find substances that delay aging! Dimo shook his head and said in a posture that he thought was very handsome. He pulled one hand on the shoulder of the toad's head. After being influenced by the aesthetics of the earthlings, he thought he would look more handsome when standing next to the toad's head.

I didn't know that the toad's head had the intention to make a fool of him. When he saw him leaning against himself, he suddenly moved his foot and made this guy lean empty, "Dong!" He fell to the ground with a sound.

"Haha, how do you know I'm a princess?" Nia is happy.

"Of course I know that you are the most beautiful princess in my heart." Dimo muttered and got up. Unexpectedly, he was really crooked. He was immediately excited to see that he could talk to the princess.

"Your Majesty, what kind of planet is this?" Zhou Xirui asked politely. The newcomer's territory has not been familiar with it. Of course, it is the best to meet a princess. At least it will not be tied back and roasted by the locals. Zhou Xirui and others are all making this small calculation.

"This is a star-like, we are Yami people, and Yami people are the most technologically advanced race in the universe," Nia said in a plain tone. She thought she was just telling the facts. Dimo and Toad were stunned. They thought it was too arrogant.

Zhou Xirui and others don't feel anything. Anyway, they are also the most backward. Whether others rank first or last in technology, they don't seem to have much to do with themselves. Now what their lower races want most is to take a hot bath and have a delicious dinner. I'm looking forward to getting this Princess Yami's style. Wait.

However, after the princess asked, she seemed to lose interest in several of their aliens. She bowed her head and gently touched the wolf in her arms, turned around and was ready to leave.

At this moment, Nia has weighed these aliens and thought that these people are not a threat to terrestrial planets. She is ready to turn around and look for delicious mushrooms in the grass.

"Hey, princess, at least we are guests. You can't just shake off, can you? You have to treat us to a meal or something, right? Acuo couldn't help shouting.

"Eat? Ha ha, okay!" Nia laughed. It was very interesting. No one had asked for it. She suddenly found these aliens very interesting.

"Then come with me, hehe, what do you want to eat? How about grilled octopus? Nia thought for a moment and said.

Grilled octopus? What kind of fish is octopus? Isn't it delicious? Acuo's saliva flowed out, and there was a gurgling in his stomach. For a long time, their group stayed in the spacecraft and ate dehydrated food, and the very terrible thing was that the lizards ate all the insects, earthworms, and more deadly air-dried toad people. The food stored in the spacecraft was all disgusting. That's why they have eaten insects for a long time and really want to eat a normal meal.