Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 284 Homo sapiens

After sucking the liquid of the hunter in the air, these sharp-billed monsters threw the remaining skin on the ground. One of the sharp-eyed monsters saw the alien hiding behind the stone at a glance, and immediately flew down like a glider. Liu Peng rushed over like a harpoon.

Liu Peng immediately flashed into the air. His gravity-free boots that could overcome gravity played a key role. In an instant, his fist wearing soft metal gloves had hit the air raider.

Suddenly, the huge roar was deafening. Unexpectedly, this pair of inconspicuous gloves expanded Liu Peng's boxing power to a terrible state, blowing up the guy full of biogas in his body like a bomb, coupled with the explosion and burning of biogas in his body, where this guy fell down. A big hole was blown up.

Zhou Xirui picked up a broken wing. The small hole like a jet plane actually played a role in propulsion after burning. He curiously touched the texture of the monster, which was hard like steel, not much like flesh and blood.

"What is this thing? Is it a machine or a bird? He asked puzzledly.

"Of course it's an animal. Didn't you see it smoking body fluids?" Liu Peng said.

"Ha, you earthlings think that dragons breathe fire is a myth, but in fact, there are dinosaurs that can breathe fire. Similar to this air attacker, there is a kind of dinosaur that has a special airbag to store biogas. Generally speaking, the stories in the myth are basically based on facts. Your underdeveloped technology can't explain it, so just Some incomprehensible phenomena are myths," the toad laughed.

The air raider was shot down by Liu Peng, and the other monsters were afraid and no longer dared to fly down to attack them. But the sudden scene shocked everyone.

A huge strange plant suddenly grew underground, with long tentacles straight into the sky. Once those pilots accidentally touched the plant, they were firmly trapped and collected them back.

At this time, a group of strange creatures ran out of the root hole of the plant, with octopus-like tentacles, with green, round bodies and heads. They tore the air pilots with their tentacles, took out the soft tissue in their abdomen, and cut the rest and fed them into the swallowing hole on the trunk of the plant.

"This is a symbiotic relationship. Green creatures help tentacle plants tear up their prey, and tentacle plants help green creatures hunt. This is a bit like ants on earth feeding some kind of aphids, moving them to the leaves every day to feed. Aphids secrete a kind of honeydew to feed ants. Natural phenomena always exist in a regularity." Liu Peng thinks it's interesting.

When the green creatures heard their movements, they immediately gathered around and stared at them. The toads tried to communicate with these creatures to see if they could understand whether they belonged to intelligent creatures.

He hit his right hand with his left hand, and a leading green creature responded with the same action. At this time, Dimo came over with a spaceship. Such a big thing appeared above his head. These green creatures immediately ran into the hole of the tentacle plant, and the plant immediately shrank to the ground and disappeared.

"Dimo, it's not the right time for you to appear. As soon as you communicated with those green creatures, you scared them away," Liu Peng opened the intercom and complained.

"Ha ha, those are Homo sapiens, belonging to the early life forms of intelligent creatures. These guys can eat people, and scaring them away is protecting you," Dimo laughed.

Zhou Xirui drilled 300 meters of rock under the ground with a portable drill. Others also collected some nearby soil. Dimo sent a message in the air: "I found a strange sea in front of me."

"Strange sea? Let's take a look." Zhou Xirui's curiosity was aroused again.

Dimo continued: "About 100 kilometers away, the jelly-like sea looks appetizing..."

"Jelly!! Appetizing, wow ha ha..." I took a step first. Atso took out the folding metal and quickly unfolded into a giant motorcycle and rushed out.

Zhong Yueming also asked Dimo to release his mechanical unicorn and quickly followed the steel beast.

Xiaopei spread his bat-shaped wings and flew over. Liu Peng also started his flying boots to follow. Toad head and Zhou Xirui went directly on Dimo's spaceship and flew to the seaside.