The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 29 Wither

Now, I also have two good news. The bad news is that Su Jing only has 30% of her usual strength. The good news is that she is confident. It seems that it is still more than enough to deal with a guy who can fly with a sword. To be honest, I still have an imbalance in my heart: a girl from other places is so awesome that the old goblin who has been cultivated for thousands of years in our country can only be helpless. If it goes on like this, when will she enter the world's top 500?

Hearing that Su Jing was willing to help, Lao Wu and Jin Chengwu were relieved. Xiao Qianying bowed down and said, "Thank you, sister." She said with tears in her eyes, "I don't know what merits Xiaoqian had cultivated in her previous life, and she was helped by nobles."

Su Jing picked her up and said with a smile, "This man is so thick-skinned that he is rushing to get married."

I broke down and said, "This is not your daughter's country, okay?"

Old Wu suddenly said, "No!"

I stared at him: "What's wrong with you?"

Lao Wu said, "Although I don't know these spells, I also know a little about it. That man has Xiaoqian's bones in his hand. As long as there is a spell, I'm afraid that Xiaoqian will lose her soul, but others don't have to do it by themselves."

I was stunned and said, "What should I do if I take chastity thousands of miles away?"

Lao Wu said, "If this is the case, even if Su Jianshen does not appear here, it will be in vain. The only way is to ask a person who is proficient in this skill to also curse and crack it."

"Then who do you think will?"

Lao Wu said, "This is not a difficult spell. As long as it is a monk who has worshipped the teacher, he should be able to do it."

Jincheng Wudao: "But where can we find the monk? Although we are from the right path, we have always respected the temple Taoist temple. We really don't have such friends."

I dragged my chin and muttered, "The monk said, now the monk of Shaolin Temple seems to be able to walk, but it's okay for them to perform a golden gun to prick his throat or run cool on the wall. I'm afraid he doesn't have this skill to catch ghosts. As for the Taoist priest..." I

Old Wu said, "If you know each other, you know each other. Why do you pat your buttocks?"

I took out Liu Laoliu's business card from my butt pocket and showed it to him: "Do you think this man is reliable?"

Jin Chengwu looked up and said, "It's obviously a charlatan. I've seen a lot of people like this."

"I thought so, but Su Jing said he could feel the difference from him."

Su Jing said, "It may also be an illusion. I dare not guarantee the ticket."

I took the business card and said, "Whether it's true or not, try it first." I dialed according to the phone above, and a mechanical voice told me that the subscriber you dialed to was out of charge...

I put down the phone and said, "It's down. I'll go to the park tomorrow to find him."

Su Jing said to me, "Go to bed early. It seems that we have a lot of tasks tomorrow."

I wondered, "What task?"

"Don't forget the agreement between you and me, and find three people every day."

"...I don't mind any of these. I'll just ask: Can we start at 8 o'clock?"

Su Jing ignored me and said to Xiaoqian, "I will definitely come back before 12 o'clock tomorrow." Then he said to me, "It's not good for you to sleep too much."


The next day, when my door rang, I didn't even look at the few points. I opened the door like a ghost, and then washed and dressed by myself. I took the car keys with sleepy eyes. Su Jing stood outside the door and asked me, "Have you thought about the direction of finding someone today?"

"Not yet." When I came outside, I was finally sober by the morning breeze. I put away my car keys and said, "I was asked by you. I've made up my mind. Come with me."

I led Su Jing to the No. 24 station and watched two cars passing in front of me. As soon as the third car came, I took her into the car and pointed to the driver and whispered to her, "It was in his car the day I was struck by lightning."

To say that it is not easy for others to find, but the driver will not change it. As soon as Su Jing asked just now, I already thought of this.

Su Jing stood behind the driver for a while and shook his head at me: "I don't feel anything. Ask him if he has any special experience recently."

I looked at the "Please don't chat with the driver" sign in front of the car and swallowed the waterway: "Master, do you remember me?"

The driver turned his head and looked at me. His expression was indifferent, but now he suddenly opened his eyes wide: "Is it you?"

"Do you still remember me?" I think it's impossible to have an impression of which industry you see countless people every day.

The driver shivered, "I've only met you once in my life. How can I forget it so quickly?"

I was embarrassed to say, "Where did you drive that car last time?" I found that the car he drove today was no longer the last one.

The driver said angrily, "I'm going back to repair it. I'm suing the insurance company. They have to say it's man-made damage, so I wonder how the big hole can be man-made. A group of our drivers stood on the roof of the car with a magnifying glass. They insisted that the local weather forecast did not receive a thunderstorm warning, nor did they hear the thunder that day, saying that they would not report it if they didn't hear it.

I said indignantly, "I heard it, and I'll prove it to you!"

The driver said, "Do you think you are a millet?"

I laughed and said, "Master, haven't anything else happened to you these two days?"

The driver glanced at me while driving and said unhappily, "Say, I've had such an accident after driving for so many years, because my advanced worker of the year is gone."

I said to him, "It's not your fault."

The driver said, "There is no place to reason. Do you think those chicken farmers know that a sick chicken can be infected. Are they willing to raise it? I can't help it. If you eat badly, you have to settle accounts with them. Didn't you know it earlier?

I'm speechless. I'm the chicken with bird flu, but that's right. If the master hadn't pulled me now, I would have been a fooled. I stared at Su Jing fiercely: Which of these bird flu foot-and-mouth disease was not imported from outside? If the federal continent doesn't mess around, it won't be so troublesome.

Su Jing and I found two seats in the back and sat down. I compared it to her: "One-third of today's task has been completed."

The car passed a few more stops, and the seats were full of people. At one stop, a young man dressed as a white-collar worker came up. I was happy when I saw this man and said to Su Jing, "Two-thirds."


I showed it to Su Jing.

"Are you sure?"


The white-collar worker was still on the phone when he got on the bus. He touched the bus card on the card reader with the phone in one hand. There was a bunch of bright red roses in the arm of his hand holding the phone.

I couldn't recognize people, but when I saw this bouquet of flowers, I suddenly remembered. The last time I saw him, he also had such a handful of flowers in his hand. It was so impressive to take flowers on the bus.

Judging from the suit on the white-collar worker, he probably works in a more decent company or with hard regulations. Judging from the bus card in his hand, this guy has no money. He should be the kind of person who has a relatively stable job and is tired every day. But he must be a romantic person. It's the first time I've met someone who can send a bouquet of flowers to his girlfriend every day.

The little white-collar worker kept calling after getting on the car. It seemed that something serious had happened. His expression was so serious that he kept whispering, "What do you mean by no feeling? What do you say is too general. If I have anything wrong with you, I'll change it - if you don't want me to send flowers every day It's because of this, why on earth..."

As soon as the people around heard this content, they all stood up their ears. The white-collar worker looked around and lowered his voice: "Bedeed, you haven't known me well yet. How do you know that I'm not suitable for you?"

To be honest, I was also surprised. I thought he was sending flowers to his girlfriend. Listening to him, the girl of the other party didn't like him. The two of them didn't have any eight characters. This guy was just shaving his head and being hot.

At this time, someone happened to get out of the car next to the little white-collar. The little white-collar stepped over and was about to sit down. When she saw a trembling old lady coming up, she hurriedly put her aside and said, "Sit here."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got out of the way, a fashionable girl sat down, and the little white-collar worker said in astonishment, "Well, I gave this to the old lady."

The girl glanced at him and said confidently, "What do you mean by giving up? This is your family?"

The little white-collar worker quarreled with someone while talking on the phone. He wanted to explain a few words to the phone. The other party had already hung up. The little white-collar was originally a smiling baby face. It seemed that she usually had a good temper. At this time, she said patiently, "Even if I didn't let it ."

The girl sneered, "Hey, that's interesting. You said that the seat is not yours. Why do you let me carry forward my style? If you want to take a taxi for the old lady, what did you say about me?"

This buddy was frustrated in love and was unreasonable. Finally, he couldn't help bursting out. He shouted at the girl, "Get up!"

The girl was shocked and subconsciously stood up. The little white-collar worker held the old lady to sit down. She scolded the girl with a blue face: "Rerespect the old and love the young. Have you learned it since you were a child? Is that how your teacher taught you? Can you be exhausted after standing for a while?"

After a series of rhetorical questions, the girl blushed and looked at the white-collar worker and said, "It's my fault..." But I felt a little wrong. Although the woman admitted her mistake, it seemed that it was not because of shame. She stared straight at the white-collar, as if she were looking at the person she was looking

When the little white-collar worker saw that the other party was soft, he also softened his tone and said, "Forget it, I was in a bad mood just now."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the girl heard this, she put her face up again. She only saw that the people around her looked at her strange eyes, so she didn't attack again. She sneed at the feet of the white-collar worker before she gave up.

The white-collar worker couldn't laugh or cry, but he didn't say anything.

Su Jing looked at this scene and said with interest on his face, "Interesting."

When the car arrived at the next stop, the white-collar worker got off the car, and Su Jing slapped me: "Keep up with him!"

As I followed her, I asked, "Is there a door?"

Su Jing said, "Not yet, maybe soon."

Next to the station is a row of office buildings, and the white-collar workers probably work near here. He looked very depressed. He carried the bouquet of flowers in one hand and walked forward with his head down.

At this time, a red Mercedes-Benz double-seat trotted past him, crushing a puddle of mud on the road, splashing the small-collar trousers with mud.

"Hey..." As soon as the little white-collar worker raised his hand, the sports car creaked and stopped. A beautiful woman in the car wearing sunglasses around a red scarf turned around and looked at the white-collar brother coldly. He said, "It's not eye-catching to walk. Didn't you see that it's all mud

I can't laugh or cry in one sentence. I've never seen such nonsense.

The white-collar worker stared at his trousers and said extremely depressed, "Miss, I haven't said anything yet..."

The beauty of silk scarf took off her sunglasses and threw them aside, took out a half-meter-long wallet, and said bluntly, "Tay, how much money do you want? I've seen a lot of people like you. Don't you just want to steal some money?"

The white-collar worker lowered his head and hugged his trousers and said, "Let's go. I don't want your money. I'm unlucky."

The beauty in the scarf was quite surprised and hesitated, "Then I'm really leaving."

The little white leader waved his hand without raising it.

Then the silk scarf beauty threw her wallet casually and glanced at the white-collar worker in a low-quality suit. She shouldn't have muttered a few words: "Unlucky!"

I said to Su Jing, "This woman has the style of your daughter's country, right?"

Su Jing shook his head and said, "People with real status never bully men."

However, the woman's words floated into the ears of the white-collar worker. Obviously, she was touching the pain. This morning, she was rejected to confess, and then encountered an unreasonable woman. Finally, she was splashed with mud. She didn't say anything but she was unlucky, as if she was a pile of stinky shit The clay figurine is also rustic, not to mention a battered man. The little white-collar finger scarf said sharply, "Stop!"

The silk scarf girl was shocked. She stopped the car and said with a guilty heart, "What do you want to do?"

The little white collar said angrily, "You splashed me with mud. Didn't I say anything? You also complained. Yes, I don't have a car, a house, no money or power. The girl I like doesn't like me, and I'm cold-eyed when I do something good. Now you actually bully me. So what if you have money - did you earn the money yourself?

The beauty in a silk scarf blushed inexplicably, but her tone was beyond doubt, "Yes!"

The little white-collar worker was stunned and then said, "So what? Can you bully people?"

The silk scarf beauty blushed and said, "I didn't mean that... I went to work on my first day today. I was in a hurry. I'm sorry."

While dragging my chin, I wondered, "Why did I meet these women today?"

Although it is said that the leopard is weak, the performance of the white-collar worker is lackluster. Personally, I think that his language is pale and his movements are monotonous, and he does not express the anger of the critical point at all. If I meet such a person, I will not know him at all. But it's strange that whether it's the girls on the bus or the silk scarf beauties at this moment, they are not the generals of white-collar workers. These two people don't seem to be easy to mess with.

The white-collar worker was probably stunned. Seeing that the other party apologized so quickly, he could only wave his hand, but there was no good voice: "You go."

The beautiful woman with a silk scarf did not leave immediately. She looked carefully at the white-collar worker and stopped talking. Finally, she pointed to the flowering Ai in his hand and said, "Can that send me?"

I was shocked on the side. I don't know whether this woman is heartless or shameless. She still wants something from others after rubbing the mud...

The little white-collar said subconsciously, "This is what I'm going to give to my future girlfriend!"

But the next sentence said by the silk scarf beauty was even more eye-opening. She said to the white-collar worker affectionately, "Well, I'll be your girlfriend!"


The first attack in this book appeared... He has a very special power attribute, but this attribute is probably not liked by all men. You will understand after reading the next chapter. D