The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 1 Single-handed straight into

In fact, I hate novels such as "I came to a completely strange world when I opened my eyes". What nonsense? It doesn't conform to the law of nature at all, and it lacks sincerity. You are in a hurry to travel, and you don't even bother to think of a good excuse. Look at me, the second volume is only worn...

However, I really came to a completely strange world...

This strangeness means that it is not the kind of strangeness that was thrown into the corner to wake up, although I did wake up in a corner.

It's a sunny noon. I'm lying in the bustling downtown area. The first thing I see is the neat building. The people on the street are full of wind, and the shouts of buying and selling on both sides are one after another. This is a start with nothing new - crossing is nothing more than two major genres, one is to wake up in One is on the street, I belong to the latter, and the people on the street also wear ancient clothes, skirts, robes, simple and complicated, cloth clothes and satin are the same color, but no matter what clothes they wear neatly and fit. From the perspective of mental state, this should be a peaceful and prosperous era.

I got up and checked myself nervously first. I was still me, wearing the clothes I had just worn in the Longmen Inn, and I had a little bottom in my heart - I wear it myself! Because time travel is also divided into my own wear and soul wear. I wear it together with software and hardware, and the soul wears a set of system. I'm more willing to wear it myself. It's easy to wear soul wear to a rich family, but most of them are nameless concubines, and what's worse is to wear it on the master Brothers bully half to death before they can pretend to be pigs and eat tigers or something.

Although I wear strange clothes and behave absurdly, not many people on the street care about me. Shengshi is like this. It is not surprising that the common people are also knowledgeable. After all, I am also yellow-skinned and dark-eyed like them, and a strange suit will not cause inhumane onlookers. It's just that a few passers-by threw their eyes at me or something, and they probably just thought I was drunk.

I used this temporarily stable space to sort out my thoughts: just now, I was still in the Longmen Inn to listen to Lao Wu and Jin Chengwu. The reason why I was suddenly thrown here was because of Su Jing's bracelet. At that time, it came into contact with the golden jade coat, and then the bracelet was bright, and I came here, so The two culprits that led to my crossing this time were bracelets and golden jade clothes. I heard Su Jing say that when the bracelet regains its color, it can take people back, and what gives it energy is a rare magic stone on their continent. The next logic is simple: the jade on the golden jade clothes of the Han Dynasty, and this kind of The attributes of the magic stone are probably the same. The two collide, so it gives the bracelet full of energy. At that time, I was brought here when I was holding it - I just didn't expect that the bracelet with 502 glued could still be used!

These causes and consequences are not complicated. The biggest possibility here is the federal continent mentioned by Su Jing. This is not so much a crossing as an accident. Unlike all other travelers, I am not excited or sad, because I understand a certain fact: I have to go back. I can't do anything here, let alone do anything.

Before proceeding to the next step, I still checked the items: Su Jing's bracelet is still in my hand, but it has become dim and full of cracks again. This thing is useless for the time being, but I may have to rely on it when I go back in the future; the things in my trousers pocket have a wallet The thing can basically be thrown away now - of course, I'm just saying. In addition to the wallet, there is also a string of keys in the pocket and a lighter with the mobile phone, and a box of cigarettes in the pocket of my coat. I took out my mobile phone and looked at it. The signal grid on the screen was dry. Unexpectedly, I was told that "emergency calls only". I was not too disappointed. If I could call this I put away my belongings and tentatively walked to the middle of the street, so that there were more people who followed me. They looked at me, avoided me from afar, and passed by side without looking back.

Using a short time, I sorted out an idea: no matter where this is in the federal continent, I have to find their head or the person in charge first, explain the situation to him and then ask him to send me back, but I'm still a little confused about what to do. If there is no accident in the federal continent, it should be sealed. The city-state alliance that built a system is similar to that of ancient Greece. The most talkative person here should undoubtedly be the emperor or head of a certain country, but how can I meet these people?

I suddenly had an idea and remembered my identity. It doesn't matter if I say it has nothing to do with this continent, but it's not shallow to pursue the origin - my previous life was a sword god that no one knows here! As for this, it seems not difficult to prove. I remember that when Su Jing first saw me, although I didn't have any sword spirit, she still regarded me as the sword god, because even if I didn't have any martial arts, the position of the sword god was still there! With this, I have a guarantee in my heart. Judging from their fanatical worship of the sword god, the whole continent is good at martial arts, which is easy to do. Can people who are so obsessed with martial arts not see who I am - can corn not know Li Yuchun? Can the wire not know Guo Degang? **Can you not know Sora Aoi?

I was a little surprised when I thought of this. No wonder these people looked at me with awe in their eyes. I'm sure that someone already knows who I am!

I unconsciously raised my belly slightly and strutted proudly in the eyes of admiration. People were more and more happy to see me like this...

But it's not enough to be admired by all the people. I haven't done my business yet. With this in mind, I randomly stopped an aunt who was about to pass by me and tried to be approachable and said to her, "You know who I am. How can I see your emperor?"

The aunt glared at me angrily: "Are you crazy?"

I was hit hard, but when I thought about it, I was relieved: it seems that she probably doesn't know who I am, which is no wonder. It seems that she has to find a martial arts practitioner to ask.

At this time, I happened to see a big man, and I immediately grabbed him and said, "Take me to see your emperor."

Unexpectedly, the big man screamed and ran away from my hand.

"Don't be afraid of this, right?" I muttered. I asked a few more people. They either hurriedly dodged away or looked at each other. Unexpectedly, the people of the Federation said that the sword god was looking forward to the sword god, but they were all Ye Gong's good people. A road is coming all over me, and no one will pay attention to me.

Just then, I suddenly felt that someone patted me behind me. Looking back, I saw a young beautiful woman in a purple robe with a goose egg face and a plump figure. A pair of peach blossom eyes were looking at me with a smile. Seeing me looking back, the beautiful woman asked with a smile, "What are you What about it?"

Seeing that she was extraordinary, I thought that there was probably a door, and casually said, "I want to see the head here."

The beautiful woman smiled and was charming. She stretched out a boneless white hand and waved to me, "Then come with me."

"Where are you going?"

The beautiful woman glanced at me and said, "Where does so much nonsense come from? Of course, it's to go where you want to go." After she finished speaking, she turned around and led the way. I was happy and hurriedly followed. Looking from behind, the woman was elegant. Her long black hair was simply tied up with a dragon-shaped golden hairpin. There was still a small night pearl in the dragon's mouth, which turned slightly in the dragon's mouth as the beauty walked. Needless to say, Even if it is expensive, at least it has to be the inner room of the prince and nobles. Such a person comes up and takes the initiative to talk to me, and he probably sees my identity.

"Do you want to recruit me for a rebellious prince?" My mind was full of such a messy idea, and I followed her through a street corner. The beautiful woman came in front of a gorgeous house with black and red columns. I didn't want to see it, so I had to follow her in.

This house is even more luxurious. First of all, it is a huge hall with nearly 300 square meters of terrain. Looking up, it is surrounded by attics. The stair guardrails are hollowed out with reliefs, and the decoration is exquisite. The people walking upstairs and downstairs are also gorgeously dressed. Among them, there are many extraordinary women, and Man - this place looks like a brothel!

Seeing that I was slowing down, the beautiful woman said unhappily, "Why, you went back on your word?"

"What do I regret?" I didn't know why, so I followed her again.

After a few more steps forward, someone shouted, "Grandma Hou, you miss me so much!" I was shocked. Before I could figure out what was going on, I saw a fat man in his forties who rushed out from inside and jumped in front of the beautiful woman. A pair of small fat hands shook and pulled the beautiful woman's arm. Suddenly, he said bitterly, "You have no conscience for such a long time. Are you fascinated by the descendants of the backyard

The beautiful woman laughed and casually touched his chin and said, "Can't auntie make money?" Although you sound good now, if there is no money in your aunt's waist, I'm afraid your fat face will turn faster than a dog.

The fat man said aggrievedly, "Look at what you said, it hurts my little heart." This guy weighed at least 230 catties, but he wiped his face with fragrant powder, pinched a handkerchief on his three fingers in his right hand, and waved it around while talking, which made my hair stand upright. I didn't quite understand the conversation between them. Looking at his words and actions, the fat man did not dare to offend the beautiful woman Avoid the suspicion of men and women.

I secretly looked around while they were talking, and I found that the men infested here were all heroic. Any one of them could be the hero in the idol drama. Judging from their tiger backs and bee waists, they obviously had unique skills. I gradually saw that the eyebrows came - this must be the private hall of a big man, a place to recruit talents, similar to the place for the four princes of the Warring States Period to entertain guests. As for the fat man, I also suddenly realized that this person should be a man of castes, just a clown who can be teased by the powerful.

At this time, the fat man also saw me. He swept me up and down coldly, curled his lips at the beautiful woman and said, "Auntie, what do you mean? Isn't there a man who satisn you in such a big restaurant? He also brought one from the outside.

The beautiful woman smiled and said, "Don't talk nonsense. I just like him. It's serious to give me a room, and you can't pay for it." With that, he threw a piece of gold into the fat man's arms. The fat man immediately smiled and said, "It's not your words - Xiaolan, open a room for Grandma Hou!"

"Coming!" A handsome man with six abdominal muscles on the stairs answered and ran downstairs quickly. First, he sang to the beautiful woman with a smile on his face, but after seeing me, his face changed and he was a little reluctant to say, "He is not from our restaurant!"

The beautiful woman pinched his shoulder and said, "You also talk so much nonsense. Let's go."

The man named Xiaolan had no choice but to lead us upstairs and open a door. The beautiful woman entered first, but the man got stuck at the door and stared at me angrily. Obviously, my arrival was a serious threat to their status. I stared back rudely and said proudly, "Don't just be jealous of the virtuous Only when you have the ability can you straighten your waist!" Xiao Lan stamped her feet and left angrily.

It is said that a dignified sword god should not argue with such a little person, but I can't see a man's narrow-minded and have such beautiful abdominal muscles. The question is, are you on the same level as me? I can't measure myself! You deserve to be called Xiaolan.

Running Xiaolan, I also entered the room. I found that the decoration here was very ingenious. It was obviously a place to entertain the dead phoenants, but it was a red candle light cup on the gums. It was three points of elegance but with seven points of ambiguity. The beautiful woman looked at me with a cross-legged Very 's good'?

I smiled indifferently: "Don't you know who I am?"

The beautiful woman became more interested, and her eyes flowed and said, "Who are you?"

I waved my hand: "It's boring to say it too clearly. Let's know it."

The beautiful woman smiled and said, "You are really funny - do you know who I am?"

I came straight to the point and said, "With all due respect, I'm afraid that the girl's family is at least some kind of prince?"

The beautiful woman's expression changed slightly, but she returned to normal in an instant. She praised, "My eyesight is good. I guessed it just once."

I said proudly, "That's natural. I not only know who you are, but also know what you want to do with me..."

As soon as the beautiful woman heard this, she held her chin in her hand and said with a smile, "I admire you for you if you can guess my identity. As for the one in the back, it's not good--" She smiled, "Everyone knows what to do here..."

I said, "Then let's get to the topic quickly."

The beautiful woman smiled and said, "Why don't you have a few drinks first?"

"I can't. I'm in a special situation and I'm running out of time. You'd better hurry..."

"Good, cool! Sure enough, I didn't see you wrong. I just like straight-handed men. She suddenly stood up and strode to the bedside. Her shoulders slipped. She had taken off the purple robe, revealing the thin blaspite clothes inside, and the round and delicate curves also appeared. She looked back and saw that I was still in a daze by the table and said annoy, "Why don't you take off your clothes?"

I: "..."


Khan, why do I think the taste of this chapter is far more powerful than the chapter of the Black Mountain old demon dealing with the fire in stone? Do you see any clue about the situation of the dragon, sheep and sheep...

--re-spite and cut-

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