The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 9 Prison Practice

In the evening, I showed them the mold on the kang. Everyone praised and gave a thumbs-up and said, "Brother Long still has a way."

I was angry and laughed and said, "Don't flatter me, think about what to take out!"

Qi Xiaohuan looked at it and said, "How about taking the wood?"

I said, "Can you carve the same as a chess?"

Qi Xiaohuan said, "It's not difficult to have materials and tools at all."

"Are you sure?"

said to him, "His mother is a carpenter."

I: ""

Qi Xiaohuan said, "It's okay to find a stone to grind. The main reason is that we don't even have wood now."

I clapped my hands and said to everyone, "Starting tomorrow, look for wood, and then find everything that can be used."

Wu Ying said, "Let me first report on the first position of my widow's guard today... There are two rounds of fixed whistles, on the edge of the iron gate and next to the wooden door outside. When we work, there is only one guard for every 20 people, almost 50 people. At night, only two shifts of mobile whistles are rotate They don't have specific chastity to stand guard.

I said, "So that is to say that there are only four guards in the whole prison?"

Wu Ying said, "That's it."

I dragged my head and said, "The mother's "1000 people have been watched by less than four women. Why don't we go straight and rush out?"

Yu Manli said contemptuously, "How can those men be as bold as us?"

I gave him a blank look and said, "Why didn't you run away earlier?"

Yu Manli smiled and said, "Didn't you meet Brother Long before?"

I solemnly said, "Okay, let's re-plan the specific steps. I suggest that the time should be set at the time when the guard is most likely to be sleepy on the third watch. Geng Ling needs the key mold. You can figure out the rest of Qi Xiaohuan; the first lock on the door of the cell will be handed over to

Wu Ying said, "I'll find the wire."

I continued: "The first wall is easy to do. I think I can jump out by stepping on Yu Manli's shoulder. The most difficult thing to solve is the second wall. We need a long rope..."

Yu Manli said, "This is also easy to do. Aren't we ready-made quilts? Tear it open is the rope.

I looked at him with new eyes and said, "You're not stupid at all."

Yu Manli smiled and said, "I'm the best at embroidery and hemp rope.

"But the light rope doesn't work, and we have to be able to hold it on the wall, so we still need a flying claw."

Speaking of this, everyone is in trouble. Where can I find flying claws in such a place?

At this time, there was a little relief in the room. The sound of water and the newly poured Gong bucket made an echo of please take it off. Everyone couldn't help but look over. The man saw more than a dozen pairs of eyes staring at him and moved to the corner of the wall uncomparably. Wu Ying suddenly stepped over and grabbed the iron He said, "Look what I found?"

The iron handle is an iron plate bent into a semicircle connected to the barrel. As long as it is used a little, it is a small rake... Everyone can't help but rejoice. The peeing voice said to Wu Ying, "Put it down, put it down, pee your hand..."

I bumped my two fists into each other and said excitedly, "It seems that the two most difficult things to solve have been experienced."

Geng Ling suddenly said lightly, "But the most important problem has not been solved yet."

Everyone said together, "What's the problem?"

Geng Key looked at me and said, "Xiaolong, do you know where it is less than 5 miles away?"

I said, "Say it."

Geng Key said, " Less than 5 miles away is the Jinghan garrison camp guarding Kyoto. It took a moment to arrive from riding a horse. Our biggest problem is not how to escape, but how to escape after escaping. Is there no intention for you to set up the male prison camp here?"

I frowned and said, "This is really a problem."

Geng Key said, "So we have to calculate the way to escape in advance. That's the point."

I laughed and said, "You are very confident."

Geng Key said, "There are no talented masters in those female guards. Everyone works together. It's really not difficult to go out."

I asked, "How do you know there is no master?"

Geng Key said, "I can see that at least one of them is not even a sword boy."

"What do you think?"

Geng Ling hesitated for a moment before saying, "Since everyone is one of our own, I'll tell the truth. Do you know why they are so afraid of me? Because I'm going to reach the sword boy level soon.

As soon as he said this, everyone in the room was stunned. After a long time, Wu Ying was shocked and said, "Have you ever practiced kung fu?"

Geng Ling said, "A few years ago, a Taoist aunt stayed at my house for a few days. When she saw that my bones were good, she passed on some superficial tricks and practice formulas to me..."

I blurted out, "Mu Nianci, you are."

"Who is that?"

I shook my head. I guess Mu Nianci was because Hong Qigong taught her a few tricks. When she stumbled around the world, she could be regarded as a second-rate master. The difference was that she met a white-bearded beggar, and Geng Ling met an old nun. Thinking of this, I suddenly felt unbalanced Don't you see these messy masters teach me messy stunts?

But I also saw hope from this... For such a long time, I finally found a person who practiced sword spirit. The big plan to prove my identity was here. I took Geng Ling's arm and said, "Brother Geng, so you have sword spirit?"

Geng Key said, "Not yet, it's just coming soon."

"Do you have to ask the sword boy to give birth to these things?"

"This is a part of it."

I put my arm in his arms: "Look at my level?"

Geng Ling arched her hand on my vein with a suspicious face, and her expression was very solemn...

The day of plain snow is coming! I can't wait to see the reaction of the guys when he said the two "Sword God" in shock. Seeing the deeper and deeper appearance on Geng Ling's face, I said proudly, "Tell them, what level am I?"

Geng Ling touched it for a long time and twitched, "That little dragon also... You don't seem to have a level."

I almost. Spitting blood to death, he jumped and said, "How can I not have a level? Will you see it?"

Wu Ying said cautiously, "Brother Long, I guess you should not be unhappy. Why do you always say that you are the sword god? We know you are afraid that we will think you are selling, but brothers, even if you really sell it, we will not dislike you..." Others said one after another: "Yes!"

I was about to cry and shouted helplessly, "I'm not!"

Everyone said in a coaxing tone of the child, "Okay, no, no."

Geng Ling laughed and said, "Xiaolong, I really can't help you with this."

"Forget it." With a sad face, I took out a silk roll from my waist and handed it to him and said, "Do you know the Yu above?"

Geng Yao looked at it casually. In less than two minutes, his eyes had gently pouted out of his eyes and said in a trembling voice, "Who wrote this?"

I curled my lips and said, "You can still cheat, the sword god of your daughter's country, Su Jing."

A slaughed: "Brother Long is here again."

Geng Ling raised his remaining right arm and said in a low voice, "It may really be written by the sword god

Wuying Good Temple said, "How did you see it?" Most of him, Yu Manli and others are illiterate.

Geng Ling ignored him and said to me in shock, "If you practice in this way, won't other people's five years of hard work be worth ten days of her?"

I corrected him: "Exactly, it's three days."

Geng Ling's handboat with silk trembled: "It seems that this is really a swordsman's handwriting"

Everyone was surprised and said, "Do Brother Long really know the Sword God?"

I disdainfully said, "Didn't I say that I slept with her?"

Geng Ling solemnly raised the silk roll over her head and handed it to me: "You must keep such a precious thing carefully."

I didn't answer: "Since it works for you, you can take it."

Geng Ling didn't seem to hear what I was saying. He said blankly, "I'll take it?"

"Yes, I can't understand the above, and I don't plan to learn it. What's the use of it?"

Geng Ling said solemnly, "The mystery of the sword, this thing is the treasure that can cause the cross-to-war between countries. Did you give it to me like this?" Hearing him say that, my heart is balanced again. It turns out that this thing is equivalent to the Jiuyin Zhenjing in their daughter's country. Our buddy is not ignored. There is a top master who rushes to teach me and I still disdain to learn. What kind of awesome is this!

I laughed and said, "Then I don't want it even more. Look, brothers, who want to learn, and teach them by the way."

Wu Ying and others can't believe: "Can men also learn martial arts?"

I said, "Why not? Except for the fact that they lose HP every month, their women can do better... Well, let's continue to talk about our business. Brother Geng, according to what you mean, where should we go after we escape?"

Geng Ling put away the silk rolls in a precious place and stabilized his mood and said, "This is the capital of the country to the north, so you must not go there. Going south through a field is the suburbs of the city. I mean, let's take advantage of the night to go through the villages there and then do something. To the east, There are a few people in the district, and the pursuers should not go there to get them.

I lost my boxing: "Then it's settled. Tomorrow, everyone will still do their own things. Let's go when the time is right!"

Everyone said, "Okay!"

That night, Geng Ling lay in ** and couldn't help but take out the silk booklet several times. Finally, she jumped to the ground. She squatted at the door and looked at it word by word through the weak moonlight through the cracks of the door. She couldn't help saying, "Su Jianshen is really a heavenly man The level of a swordsman that can only be achieved in ten years can be slightly achieved. If the qualification is higher, it can reach the early stage of the swordsman in five or six years!"

Wu Ying jumped and said, "No, is it so exaggerated?"

I asked, "Why are you exaggerating?"

Wu Ying said, "The owner of the house where Manli and I do chores is a swordsman in the early stage. With this, she doesn't take any Beijing name and only hangs a false position in the pole army. She also has a few hundred taels of silver yuan a month, which is equivalent to the state spending money for it."

Yu Manli also turned over and sat up and said, "So as long as we have studied for ten or eight years, we can still eat the national salary like her?"

Wu Ying chiseled a chestnut on his forehead and said, "Don't forget that you are a man. When will a man be an official in the daughter's country?"

Geng Ling said, "But look at the meaning between the lines. The biggest drawback of this fast-growing method is that the foundation is not solid. Even if the level of innate deficient people is raised, the sword spirit can only be equivalent to that ordinary people practice so much in ordinary time, but there is an empty high level. Su Jianshen The method was originally used for those who are extremely talented. This kind of person has different physical conditions and can make up for the deficiency of sword spirit by himself. Lord Sword God's book is to save time for this kind of person and enter the stage of understanding the sword saint as soon as possible... She wrote this secret book to make the daughter's country appear a few more in a Kensei is good at resisting the invasion of the Haggis Empire, but there is no such person in the world.

I, Sun Zhi, said, "To tell you the truth, I'm this kind of person."

Everyone consciously filtered me. Wu Ying jumped out of bed and said, "Then I will also learn. Even if I can't become a swordsman, it's good to be a sword boy. Brother Geng, please teach me."

Geng Ling said, "If you want to learn from everyone, maybe you can use it when you run in a few days."

A man heard that he was absorbed in learning martial arts and sat up one after another. Geng Ling said, "Everyone is a novice. First, learn the introductory meditation posture from me, and your hands are naturally folded in front of the lower abdomen. At this time, the meridians of the whole body are in two rings to hoard Dantian

As soon as I heard that it was the same, I was too lazy to get up. I closed my eyes and listened to him continue to say, "Don't worry about this step. You have to really calm down. Some people may take a little longer."

Everyone knew that this was a secret book written by Lord Sword God himself, and he did not dare to be timid when he practiced it. One by one, he sighed for a long time, but there was no noise at all. After a long time, Geng Ling said again, "Have you calmed down?"

Only five or six people replied miscellaneously, "Quiet down."

Geng Ling stopped talking about the estimate and waited for nearly ten minutes and said, "What about this time?"

Only two or three people said this time: "Okay, what's next?"

Geng Ling opened his eyes slightly in the dark, and then closed it again, but still didn't say anything. This time, he waited longer. After only half an hour, he asked again, "Are you quiet?"

Everyone seems to have understood it, and no one can estimate it anymore. Geng Ling nodded with satisfaction: "At this moment, look inside...

Sure enough, someone immediately asked, "What does it mean to look inside?"

Geng Ling was not in a hurry. Sui said slowly, "As you exhale and forget yourself, your consciousness enters the body with your breath, which is internal vision."

Someone said impatiently, "It's too difficult."

Geng Ling said patiently, "Don't worry, reaching this step is indeed a bottleneck for beginners. Let's do it again."

When I opened my eyes, I saw more than a dozen men sitting on the head of Hangzhou, all holding their breath. I only felt that this scene was fun and weird. None of them paid attention to me. Only Geng Ling's slow voice leisurely guided everyone: "Sh... Suck..."

I unconsciously followed his rhythm to breathe, and my mood naturally calmed down timidly. Geng Ling whispered, "The Sword God Book said: The way to breathe and vomit lies in nature rather than in the division of urgency. If you have no worries, you will naturally be born. If you are born naturally, you will be empty. If Geng Ling's tone was originally slow, but the more he said it, the louder he became. In the end, his voice was almost fierce. At first, I was originally in a quiet place. With his words, I sucked into his nose as if I had been caught by something, as if it had really stained people's thinking. It was like a person who The small pimple slid down my body to my lower abdomen. When Geng Ling's last words were drunk, I felt the movement of the three-inch place under my navel, and Dantian was poked in a hole by the small pimple. It was cold and hot... E