The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 32 The Art of Manipation

Volume 5 War and Peace Chapter 32 The Art of Under control

On that day, I had to lead Zhang Shilei and others back to Fuzhou. I was always absent-minded and depressed all the way. Shi Cundao's words made me unable to settle down, but I couldn't tell anyone that I could only hold it in my heart.

In the next two days, there was no movement in Heggis. It goes without saying that Su Jing's joining made a subtle change in Heggis' mentality. He felt that he automatically changed from the attacker to the defender. They were waiting for us to make a move, but this silence did not represent fear and shrinking, but on the contrary, it

In the evening of this day, Su Jing finally came back. She first went to Xinzhou to see Shi Cundao and came to Fuzhou with a military order to see Pu Qixiong. There was no problem with the military order. Shi Cundao's signatures, handsome seals and fire paint were all available, and the words above were also extremely warm and Action - As expected by Shi Cundao, the next plan of the Feifeng Army is to raid the Wu Sizhong Battalion in Fuzhou, tear a man from the southwest, that is, the rear of the Hejis Army, and finally meet with the Hong Lie Army in Fuzhou.

Su Jing waited for Pu Qixiong to verify the military order issued by Shi Cundao and said, "At that time, General Pu will also ask General Pu to send your army out of the city to meet him."

Puqi said with a difficult face, "I'm afraid this... is not appropriate."

Su Jing said, "What's the matter?"

Puqixiong said, "Then I said bluntly. Marshal Shi has already had a military order first. If the Feifeng army goes to Fuzhou, we will only be responsible for opening the door to welcome guests, and will never go out to attack the enemy, so... At that time, General Zhao can open the door in person and send someone to meet the order

Su Jingluo frowned and said, "Our army has only 200,000 people, and it will be pursued by the enemy at that time. I'm afraid it will be difficult to enter the city safely without your army."

Pu Qixiong shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's hard to violate the military order. If Su Jianshen has any objection, you can negotiate with the marshal. Don't embarrass me."

Puqixiong's frankness is already generous. What he said is also the truth. I kept looking at her to remind her that she couldn't agree. Unexpectedly, Su Jing thought for a moment and said, "In this case, we don't force it. Marshal Shi must have his own concerns, but when the Feifeng Army enters the city,

Pucciong said, "This is nature."

I stamped my feet with chagrin. Su Jing glanced at me and said, "Then the younger generation will leave." Pu Qixiong got up and said politely. I hurriedly said, "I'll send Su Jianshen on behalf of the old general." Pu Qixiong said, "That's so good."

Su Jing and I came out and walked to a path. Seeing that there was no one around, I stepped in front of her and said anxiously, "Why don't you look at me?"

Su Jing said indifferently, "I know what you mean, but the general has long thought that Shi Cundao would not send troops to help. It's useless for us to beg him."

I said, "So what does my mother have to do?"

Su Jing didn't answer, but asked me instead, "Xiaolong, let me ask you, how many soldiers and horses can you mobilize now?"

I held my chin and thought for a moment, "About 60..."

"Why are there so few? Aren't you a former general?"

I smiled bitterly and said, "If you are Shi Cundao, don't worry, will you really hand over the military power to me?"

Su Jing thoughtfully said, "It seems that although you have high prestige in Hong Liejun, you don't have real power - at least nominally you are still the No. 2 figure of Zuo Jun, right?"

I wondered, "Why do you always ask this?"

Su Jing said, "Because the general's next plan is to use 150,000 Hong Liejun in Fuzhou City, no one can be missing!"

I was surprised and said, "Shi Cundao is reluctant to give up both melons and dates, let alone 150,000 horses."

Su Jing said, "So you have to figure it out, whether it's an inducement or a hard grab. In short, you have to find a way to deal with Pu Qixiong!"

I subconsciously looked around and said carefully, "What on earth is Mom going to do?"

Su Jing came close to me and said, "The general's attack time is not the day after tomorrow at all."

"When was that?"

"In the early morning of tomorrow, that is to say, there will be another five or six hours at most, and the Feifeng Army will attack the central part of Wu Si."

I took a breath of cold air: "Then why did you tell Shi Cundao..."

Su Jing interrupted me and said, "The key to this operation is here. The general knew that Shi Cundao would not cooperate, so he did not tell Hong Liejun the real purpose."

"Why in the early morning?"

"Because the Heggis are good at fighting at night, we specially chose the time in the early morning."

I nodded and said, "Mom, this is cheating Hong Liejun from top to bottom." I was worried, "So what did she plan?"

Su Jing said, "This general did not tell me in detail. As long as I convey it to you: as soon as you hear the signal of the attack of the Feifeng army, you will take the Fuzhou soldiers out of the city to respond. As for what to do later, she will tell you in person." Seeing my hesitation, Su Jing said, "You won't even believe the general, will you?"

"Of course not--" I said with concern, "It's not easy to seize military power. It's impossible to convince Pu Qixiong, so I can't kill him, can I?"

Su Jing said, "Don't you usually have a lot of ghost ideas?"

Am I for: "The biggest problem is not Pu Qixiong. You should know that people convince me because I am a sword god, but leading soldiers to war is similar to a three-year-old child. Will those generals listen to my command?"

Su Jing said, "There are no children in the army, let alone in terms of seniority. If your rank is higher than them, they should listen to you."

I shook my head vigorously and said, "Your words are bullshit to those who lead the soldiers." At a glance, Su Jing has no experience of living in the army. Through my experience of more than a month, I deeply understand that it is not easy to survive in the army. Military rank is by no means the most important thing. As long as there is a group anywhere, there will be gangs, especially the army. The reason why Hong Liejun is still stable is due to Li, in the army, he is either the son of the historian or the disciple of Shi Cundao. Everyone serves a boss with the same interests, so that he will not fight in the same room. Zhu Xiaofeng's unswerving appointment of Shi Cundao has to say that he has his scruples, and my appearance is purely an accident. I don' That is, I can be closer to the handsome case every time I have a meeting, but when it comes to power, I have never been in this circle. In the past, I could get along well with others because I didn't care about this. Now I want to insert such a bar, and the result is difficult to predict. If you want a car to run, the engine No matter how high our military rank is, it is equivalent to a car logo, which does not touch the core part at all. What can you do if the following middle-level generals don't listen to you? I believe that in terms of influence, any of Stitcher is above me. Although their military rank is not high, they are definitely more powerful than an ordinary general.

But it's useless to say these words to Su Jing, and I understand that this will be a very critical action, so I just said to her, "Let me deal with what you go."

Su Jing said, "Remember, it's early tomorrow morning. Success or failure is in this move. You have to prepare early!"

I waved my hand and said, "Go ahead."

Su Jing rose into the air and looked at her distant back. I muttered, "There is such a flying master whose information is not equal. Can Heggis not lose?"

The next brunt of the brunt is to deal with Pu Qixiong like this. It is basically impossible for the old man to send troops without permission in violation of Shi Cundao's military order. I have to think of another way. I turned my eyes and reached out and called Zhang Shilei to order, "Go, invite General Pu to my Then he added, "Aso ask someone to send me a few dishes and bring a few jars of wine."

Puqiong came soon. Because it was a private meeting, the old man did not wear a military uniform and casually walked in and said, "Is there anything wrong with me?"

"It's okay." I pointed to the wine and dishes on the table and said, "I have been taken care of by the old general for so long, and I have no chance to express my gratitude to the old general today."

Puqiong smiled and said, "This is out of sight. Your grandfather and I have been born and married like brothers for so many years. If you are not afraid of seeing you, I have always regarded you as my own grandson."

I hurriedly laughed and said, "This is the best." I said that I came to the Honglie Empire this time as a grandson for others. It seems that the task has been completed well, and it is almost "all the people are grandchildren".

Pu Qixiong sat down at the top, picked up the wine bottle and said with a smile, "This thing is taboo in the army."

I can see what the old man said, how can soldiers not love wine? Now there is no war in the defense of the city. Besides, what's the big deal to drink a little wine as the commander of the army?

I picked up the wine pot and filled him with a glass and said, "Anyway, I have something to do the day after the earliest. Let's have a good drink today."

Pu Qixiong picked up the glass and sniffed it. He smiled and said, "How can you say so much to me, the old coffin? I'm afraid this wine is malicious, right?"

I tightened my heart and said, "You have wronged me. Am I such a conscienceless person?"

Puqiong put down his glass and said, "You'd better tell me the truth. Do you have something to ask me for help?"

A flash of light in my mind, hesitated for a moment, and finally decided that I couldn't tell the truth, but I couldn't fool him. The old man is not stupid. I usually stay away from him. Today, I want to please him. Of course, he won't think that I'm really filial...

Therefore, I hesitated and said, "This... I don't know if I should say it or not."

Puqiong glanced at me and said, "I'll just say I have something to do." He took a chopstick and put it to his mouth and said calmly, "Actually, if you don't tell me, I know. If you can find me about this, it shows that you still don't treat me as an outsider."

I tested, "Do you already know?"

Pu Qixiong looked at me with a smile and said, "You have been in the army for a month and haven't brought troops. Your hands are itchy, aren't you?"

As soon as I heard that he thought that I was taking power from him. Although the donkey's head was not right, he was also crooked, so he took the opportunity to droop his face and said dejectedly, "I can't hide anything from you." With that, he picked up the wine glass and held it high in front of the old man: "Then give me some advice."

Pu Qixiong took it over and drank it all, and then said with a straight color, "If you are the emperor's title of Zuoqian General, you are second only to the marshal and my husband in this Hong Lie army. It is said that this soldier should have been brought to you a long time ago, but you should also understand that you

I said, "I understand, the emperor meant to let me hang a false title, and my main role is not to lead the troops." As I spoke, I filled the old man with another glass and handed it respectfully.

Pu Qixiong took another sip and said, "That's right or not. You are the sword god of our Honglie Empire. It goes without saying that you can inspire morale and invigorate the army. If you can lead troops, it is of course the icing on the cake. Why don't you think about the emperor and It's just that your age experience is there. If you really want to hand over tens of thousands of horses to you, the first one to be worried will be the marshal.

I poured wine and said, "Yes, it seems that my grandfather has never wanted me to command the army."

Pu Qixiong said, "You have wronged the marshal. In fact, he is more anxious than anyone else. Think about it, what did the emperor say at the oath meeting before leaving? The meaning is very clear. In the future, the position of the grand marshal must be yours. If you can subdue the three armies with the power of the sword god and win thousands of miles away with wisdom, how happy would the marshal be?

I said, "I don't dare to think about winning thousands of miles away. The problem is that I don't even have the power to mobilize a person now."

Pucciong smiled and said, "You're complaining about me."

"No, no, I know it's all my grandfather's meaning, but in fact, you still take good care of me."

Puqiong said, "As long as you understand, the marshal dares not let you command the army easily. That's the reason: you are too young. Others can defeat the battle, but you can't!"

I laughed and said, "What's the reason?"

"You are our sword god, which is the first reason why you can't lose. In addition, it is common for others to lose the battle. If you lose, someone in the court will immediately calculate the small account, saying that the marshal is crony, and actually let a novice who has never been on the battlefield lead the army. At that time,

I touched my mouth and said, "But isn't this qualification also slowly accumulated? If you don't let me do it, how can I have the qualifications?

Pucciong said, "The marshal has discussed this with me. Judging from the previous example of you taking someone to save Stiwey, you still have a certain understanding. The marshal also decided to slowly give you some opportunities to exercise, and the burden on you will become heavier and heavier in the future."

I hurriedly filled Puqiong with wine again, pretending to be surprised and said, "Really?"

Puqiong smiled and said, "Don't think it's a good job. As soon as you walk on this road, you can't even think of a lot of troubles."

I said, "For example?"

Puqiong said, "For example, how to convince your subordinates to you? These guys are all unruly thorns. If they don't accept you, it's hard for you to walk.

I pretended to be distressed and said, "I don't have any experience in this."

Puqiong smiled and said, "So I said that you asked the right person. I have been in the army for more than 50 years, and I dare not compare with the marshal. At least there are few people in the Hong Lie army who are older than me. When it comes to training this group of little rabbits, I still have experience." Speaking of this, Puqixiong couldn't help drinking a large glass of wine, and his conceit was beyond words.

I was busy with him: "Then teach me."

Pu Qixiong wiped his lips and said, "It's simple to say. This leading a soldier is like driving a car. The people below are horses. Some horses are arrogant but run fast, and some are calm, but they are too conservative. It's knowledge to put whoever puts it in his head and let whoever grasp the direction."

I laughed and said, "That's far away. I haven't even held the reins yet. Can you teach me how to make them afraid of me first?"

"I'm afraid that on the one hand, the most important thing is still a word of service. It's always more difficult to convince people with virtue than to suppress people with pressure. For example, now, power is enough, and this German character has not been established yet."

"How to stand?"

Puqiong smiled and said, "This is not something that can be said in a few words."

I flattered, "Anyway, it's okay today. Just tell me in detail."

Puqiong pondered for a moment and said, "Then I'll tell you two things. I remember that your grandfather sent me to take 3,000 sergeants to intercept a team of the enemy, and there were less than 100 people. As a result, one of them missed the net because of my negligence. After that, your grandfather hit me with 30 military sticks On another occasion, he also sent a veteran general to escort food and fodder, and led the army to 30,000. As a result, the man was ambushed halfway. He set fire to all the grain trucks without being defeated, and only took more than a dozen riders to break out of the encirclement. Your grandfather not only did not punish him, but also comfort him.

I said, "It means that grandpa treats you as a brother, so he is demanding of you?"

Puqixiong shook his head and said, "The old general, me and your grandfather are very close brothers in private, but I took 3,000 people to intercept 100 people. I shouldn't have missed it. I was careless that the man who ran out of the other party went back to report the news and delayed the military plane; and the old general was ambu He burned the food and fodder so that the other party could not get any good. It was really difficult to make a decision at the moment, so your grandfather punished me. Instead of resenting him, he felt that he deserved it.

I scratched my head and said, "What does the old general mean by telling me this?"

Puqiong said, "This is the way to lead the army. No matter how your subordinates make friends with you, your subordinates are subordinates. The rewards and punishments must be clear. The most obvious thing about your grandfather is that no one who has been punished by him complains about him, and he is ashamed to feel ashamed to see him."

I suddenly said, "That is, the distinction between public and private?"

Pu Qixiong said, "It's not that simple. The military law is nothing more than human kindness, and the proportion of this has to be accurate."

I shook my hand and said, "It's too difficult."

Pu Qixiong smiled and said, "In the future, you will study hard with me and your grandfather. Who in Hong Liejun dares not to sell your face?"

As soon as I heard this, I knew that the old man had drunk a little too much, so I quickly took advantage of the victory to chase and toasted repeatedly. Pu Qixiong had been a horse all his life. It was worth talking about. The glorious performance was countless. In addition, I was on the side. The old man drank a drink and had a These are all things out of my heart. To be honest, I like this old man very much. If it hadn't been for the special task today, I really wanted to have a good chat with him. In this way, one of us had an intention and the other had no intention. I quickly poured the old man into my mind. After half of the wine went down, Pu Qixiong's head fell on the table and snored. I called him a few times and didn't answer, so I ordered someone to carry the old man back to his tent to rest.

It was already late at night in the middle of the month. Zhang Shilei and others followed me sleepfully and asked, "Young master, are you going to sleep too?"

I did two breast enlargement exercises and took a deep breath and said, "Sleep? Young master, I'm going to do something earth-shaking! Beat the generals and drums, and let the generals above the captains of the whole army come to the account for a meeting!"


I bought a new keyboard, with complete letters, sensitive keys, and at least the words... It's still so slow. At the beginning, I lied to my father to buy me a small overlord learning machine under the guise of learning typing. I really shouldn't have played Contra and top mushrooms. At that time, my brother's girlfriend was teaching people to learn computers. She told me that typing should have the correct finger position. I sneered and said that I would not rely When I went to the house, I thought that inventing such a great game as Contra in the future was the king's way, but it turned out to be a cup.

---re-spite and cut-

Later, I thought about it. It really has nothing to do with the finger position. Of course, it has nothing to do with the body position.

--swer and cut--

My sister-in-law doesn't read my books, does she??? RO