the first house in history

Chapter 101 The Crisis of the Lazy Cat

It is said that I signed up for Zhan Zhao, went to participate in the stage competition of the TV station, and started a month-long training, tossing Zhan Zhao to exercise every day.

I haven't tried to exercise in the park in the morning for a long time. There are still many old men and old ladies. Zhan Zhao and I wear sportswear and do aerobic exercise all the way. The goal of a day is to run at least two laps around the park.

Then this is not over. Next, the frog jump 500 times, push-ups 500 times, find a tree pull up 500 times, and warm up.

Next free fight time, Zhan Zhao and I will train alone. As his coach, I must be strict with myself, be cruel, and strive to beat him up every day, otherwise this guy will not have a sense of crisis.

A few days later, Zhan Zhao realized why my martial arts skills were so high. I always beat him down. I hate Zhan Zhao's boxing background, which also practiced immortality. Every time I fell to the ground, I could stand up tenaciously and fight with me for 300 rounds.

The training was basically going smoothly. After a few days, Di Qing's hands were itchy and they had to join us. Then several more came. I said that there were just a few more partners, so my team expanded to more than ten people. In addition to Di Qing, Zhu, Shuangxia, Shen Zhongyuan and Ouyang Chunquan came, the most hateful Zhang. Three Lisi also have to join in the fun.

Everyone's reasons for coming are very special. The two heroes said, "We have to support our future brother-in-law. Wouldn't it be shameful if we lose, and if we are disabled, won't it hurt people (Ding Yuehua)?"

Zhan Zhao pointed to his nose angrily and asked, "Am I that bad?"

Di Qing said, "Exercise and protect the country. I will do the same if you don't ask me, so there is nothing special."

I said, "Big brother is still a good man, and you are the only one."

Ouyangchun said, "It's time to lose weight. Don't be careless. Isn't this a weight loss and bodybuilding class?"

I said, "Mr. Ouyang, you haven't recovered since you just came back from Myanmar, have you?"

Specially said, "I always stay in the kitchen, and the edges and corners are flattened. It's time to accumulate murderous spirit."

My face is full of cows: "Master V5."

Zhang San and Li Si said, "Can I get bento when I come here?"

I said, "Get out of here, you two came to dismantle my stage."

Shen Zhongyuan said, "I'm here to fish in troubled waters."

We all said, "Just touch it slowly."

So we pulled the brigade to run in the park every day and accompanied Zhan Zhao for special training. We were almost misunderstood by others as the national martial arts team.

But the effect is not bad. Every day, Guan Gong fights against Qin Qiong, Di Qingdou, specializing in VS Ouyang Chun, with endless joy...

A month passed in the blink of an eye. It's time to go to the stage. Before leaving, Ding Yuehua came to see us off and sent things to Zhan Zhao in big and small bags: "This is a change of clothes for you. This is a snack for you. This is an mp3 and psp prepared for you. When you are bored, entertain me. Mine I saved the photos for you to enjoy on your mobile phone, and two of them were pasted in my wallet. If you miss me, you must look at me more..."

As he spoke, he cried, hugged Zhan Zhao with runny nose and tears: "Zhan Zhao! Don't admit defeat. Don't humiliate me. Think about me when you are injured. Think about me when you can't beat others. When you return from victory, I will..." She suddenly lowered her voice and whispered in Zhan Zhao's ear. Then we saw Zhan Zhao's face turn red with a red scarf. Color.

What did this say? Zhan Zhao was excited and shy again. He jumped to the top of the car and shouted, "Drive!"

I said that I have been in this era for several years, and I was too excited to ride a car as a horse. Everyone present especially wanted to know what Ding Yuehua said to him and be so excited. Bai Mei secretly whispered in my ear, "She said she would give him an unexpected hot dessert."

I'm dizzy. It's so fantasising that I can't see that Lady Ding dares to love and hate so much. I'm convinced.

I quickly pulled the excited Zhan Zhao down from the car, pushed into the back seat and drove away. This time, Xu Sheng was not allowed to be defeated.

We rushed all the way to the TV station to prepare for tonight's game. It is said that an acquaintance introduced by Macheng came to receive us. First, they arranged a place for us to live, and then revealed some information, saying that this time it was a league with foreigners. Let's let go. If you can win, you can win. There is no inside story, and we are not afraid to wear small shoes.

Before leaving, I stuffed a cigarette for the man. Anyway, I couldn't let people work in vain. I said that I had to invite him to dinner when I turned around, and then looked at Zhan Zhao, who was still excited, and told him not to distract me at the critical moment. Go and take a shower first.

No more gossip, let's play in the evening.

Today's opponent is a Thai. Before playing, he performed a piece of popularity. As soon as he came on the stage, he learned what to challenge the limit. He turned over and kicked the board, flipped his head and played splitting, and stepped across the bridge to show his flexibility.

I saw that it was good and quite awesome, but it was short and creative. I asked Zhan Zhao if he was confident?

Zhan Zhao yawned carelessly: "Who are you talking about? Is it necessary to answer?

I looked at him as if he was unwilling to go on the stage, and I knew that this guy was in a state. Naturally, Zhan Zhaoxiu was also flexible. After all, he had been a royal cat before.

However, he saw Zhan Zhao on the stage lazily, as if he was not amazing, and almost fell on the stage with his head. But when he must have lived in his body, he suddenly moved. At that time, the whole audience was dazzled.

Is this still a person? After a while, he disappeared with a swirling sound, climbed to the ceiling, and then fell to the ground and circled around. With the shadow shaking, you could almost only catch up with his shadow.

At this time, the results have been seen from the training in the past few days. Such a skill is clearly a scene that can only be found in the comic Naruto, which is comparable to shadow splitting!

A moment of thunderous applause completely overwhelmed the Muay Thai boy just now.

Take a break and prepare for the competition.

In the first round, the boxers were in place, and the referees introduced each other, and then whistled.

However, the two saw their fists and feet, and they tested each other for a while. The Thai boy was really flexible and crawled around like a monkey. Unfortunately, Zhan Zhao chased him behind his buttocks and hit him.

Why do I look more and more like angry parents beating their children?

Three minutes came in a blink of an eye. At the end of the first round, the two sides divided equally.

I approached the ring to cheer up Zhan Zhao: "Why are you not used to it? I used to be beaten first, but now I have to beat others first. Do you want to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

Zhan Zhao lowered his head: "I'm sorry, I'm sleepy."

Hey, why did you fall asleep at this time? I'm speechless.

At the beginning of the second round, the opponent appeared on the stage but did not respond. He and the referee looked at the lazy cat who was still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai and said what was going on?

The referee was very dissatisfied and patted Zhan Zhao's face: "Hey, it's time to play!" Unexpectedly, Zhan Zhao also snored, and the referee was so angry that he pulled him into the middle: "You comrade are so outrageous. How can you fall asleep during the game?"

Zhan Zhao stood there crookedly, as if he was about to fall to the ground at any time. When I looked under the stage, I knew that he was in state.

Sure enough, as soon as the bell of the game rang, at the moment when the opponent's whirlwind-like series kicked down in front of him, Zhan Zhao suddenly opened his eyes and hit the left hook, hitting the opponent's leg bent, breaking the sharp roundabout kick, and then kicked the Thai boy off the ring with two feet.

This shocked the audience, and the beautiful left hook attracted thunderous applause.

The next game was three days later. I watched the referee incredibly declare the winner Zhan Zhao, and my heart said that the good play was still ahead.

In the next two games, they were overwhelming victories without any surprise. Zhan Zhao's reputation began to become louder and louder. I said to Zhan Zhao, "Have you ever thought of winning the championship one day?"

Zhan Zhao shook his head: "Actually, I just want to sleep."

"Cut!" I couldn't help contemptuing him, "You have nothing to pretend to be a master. Tomorrow is your last opponent. It is said that he is the champion of the American professional arena. He has several stages of karate and is also proficient in boxing and wrestling. Beware of the old horse tomorrow."

Zhan Zhao didn't even talk and fell asleep.

I said to myself that I have to add materials for tomorrow's game, and I must leave the deepest impression on Ding Yuehua...

———————————— Scene switching, final night——————————

Finally, I survived to this moment, looking at the excited audience, as well as the excited hosts and guests on the stage, why do I have a feeling of impacting the Olympic Games?

Under the expectation of many Americans, the American players made a gorgeous debut, attracting countless fans to roar. The host took the opportunity to comment on it and advocate their opponents incomparable, presumably to make a strong contrast after our Chinese side wins.

Then Zhan Zhao came on the stage without any gimmicks. He was still lazy. The whole audience was calm and the host was stunned. It took him a long time to come out and say, "The Chinese player is a hero who is new to our program. He is a dark horse who has passed all the way through the way. He is quite potential."

That's it. If you know it's a dark horse, you won't say a few words. I said you'll favor one over the other.

No more nonsense. At the beginning of the game, the American players were really not covered. As soon as they came up, they were thunderbolts. They were entangled with Zhan Zhao. Zhan Zhao was still delaying tactics. He forced him to be strong, and he was allowed to be arrogant, just careless to keep a drip of water.

I think he still plans to make a gorgeous reversal in the second round, but unfortunately I won't do what you want. I pointed a hand under the stage, and an invisible sword spirit could shoot the acupuncture point on Zhan Zhao's body, and his action was slow.

is this gap. The other party punched him in the middle of Zhan Zhao's cheek and almost flew out of the ring.

This time, Zhan Zhao suffered. With my plot, he was beaten by the other party one after another.

One punch, two punches, three punches... His forehead began to bleed, his cheeks were slightly swollen, and the blood mixed with sweat almost blocked his sight. Zhan Zhao became more and more passive, but he was still stubborn and stood in the ring.

Just like the legendary Rocky!

I called Ding Yuehua, and the other party was anxious to call me. I deliberately said in a gloomy voice, "Zhan Zhao is working hard with his best!" Then I opened a video call so that Ding Yuehua could clearly see the situation first-hand.

Zhan Zhao is still struggling...

At the end of the first round, Zhan Zhao lay there, panting and made a winning gesture to Ding Yuehua on the other end of the phone.

Ding Yuehua suddenly cried: "Zhan Zhao, you are good! Whether I win or lose, I will keep my promise to my knight.

"No!" Zhan Zhao stood up stubbornly, "I will definitely win, for you and for my own dignity."

At the beginning of the second round, Zhan Zhao still stood there upright, with the empty door open.

He gave up defense and dodge. He chose to die together. When the opponent's fist fell on him, he also wanted to hit back fiercely, no matter where he fell.

At that moment, I saw a powerful small universe bursting in front of me.

The crying fist was unstoppable. I watched Zhan Zhao's punches and punches. I watched Zhan Zhao stand up again and again. His image slowly grew tall at that moment, like a mountain that could not be crossed, standing in front of his opponent.

As the competition grew, his opponent gradually became timid, but Zhan Zhao's power slowly returned, and the decisive battle was in the third round.

When I was resting, I came to Zhan Zhao's side, comforted him as if nothing had happened, and took the opportunity to untie his acupuncture point.

When the game bell rang, I turned around and left the field. As a result, there was no need to care. The victory only belonged to Zhan Zhao.

I bought two cans of Red Bull in the supermarket on the street and prepared to celebrate with Zhan Zhao later. There was a news broadcast on TV, and a foreign news caught my attention.

A vicious* incident occurred in Tokyo, Japan. Five bandits hijacked a home appliance store, kidnapped the owner of a video game store and a reporter as hostages, and said that they would find Zhan Zhao within 24 hours. Otherwise, they would attack the TV station and expand the war.

According to the Japanese people who witnessed the incident at that time, they called themselves Boss Lu, Han Laoer, Xu Qing, Jiang Ping and Xiaobai, and suspected that they might be Japanese Chinese.

When I finished reading the news, I was dizzy. Why did I go to "Tokyo" to make trouble? At this time, Zhan Zhao came out and patted me hard and said, "Why did you slip away first? It's not interesting. You don't look at me to get the trophy."

I pointed to the TV and said, "Don't mention your trophy. The Five Rat Brothers are coming to see you."

"What?" Zhan Zhao was a little stunned, rubbed his head and said, "I just got several punches on the head. Don't scare me."

"What are you scared of?" I pulled him into the car quickly, "The author said, the next article is "Five Rats in Tokyo."