God-eating blood

Chapter 2 Cruel Fighting

In the open space east of Tianze Town, a large group of orc teenagers are now divided into four teams, each of which is estimated to have about 30 people.

These orc teenagers in Tianze Town not only learn hunting skills, but also fight skills every day.

Although the green orcs are the lowest race among the orcs, most of the green orcs usually rely on their own brute force to fight without any skills. However, there are several green orcs who have served in military service in Tianze Town. They are really powerful soldiers who have fought on the battlefield.

When they retired, they were recruited as the escort of Tianze Town by Salo, the owner of Tianze Town.

Now, their four guards are mainly responsible for teaching the many orc teenagers in Tianze Town and guiding the most powerful hunting team in Tianze Town. Many of the skills of hunting beasts in the hunting team were learned from these four guards.

Morin has already looked at the four tall green orcs in front of him in one of the four teams. Morin's heart is full of worship. Morin has seen these four green-skinned orcs take action with his own eyes. Like the kind of bison saved by Morin before, even adult orcs like Sark have to rely on traps to hunt. And these four green orcs can knock down this bison with any punch.

Although Molin is kind in nature, he is quite yearning for this strong force.

Every time he learns fighting skills, Morin is particularly serious, so he also gets the attention of four guards.

"Today's course is different from the past." Four guards stood there, like four huge unshakable peaks. One of the guards named Kent coldly glanced at the many orc teenagers in the four teams and said majestically, "Today's course is to elect candidates from you to join the hunting team. The elected will be strictly trained by the four of us for a year, and then we can officially join the hunting team!"

When the orc teenagers heard that this was the election of the hunting team, their eyes were full of excitement.

The hunting team is a great honor for many orcs living in Tianze Town. The hunting team, usually only the most powerful orcs in the town can join, and the ability to join the hunting team also represents the recognition of the whole town.

Every orc teenager clenched his fists. They are just children and are eager to become a powerful warrior and be recognized by the town. Joining the hunting team is the goal of every orc teenager. In every hunting team election, these children will work hard.

This time is no exception.

In the eyes of every orc teenager, there is a serious and solemn look.

Morin is the same as them.

Although Morin is kind in nature, he is extremely longing for strength. Morin knew in his heart that if he could be selected, he would definitely get more rigorous training for four guards, and this kind of training was an excellent opportunity to make Morin stronger.

"Must succeed!" Mo Lin thought to himself in his heart.

"Like previous elections, only four of so many of you will be selected, that is to say, only one of your four teams will be selected as the strongest." Another green orc guard with a horrible scar on his face said in a low voice, "Next, you have to fight with each other, eliminate part of it first, and then fight until the final winner is selected, understand?"

"I understand!" All the orc teenagers roared.

They all know the rules of this kind of election.

"Now I'll give you ten minutes to prepare. Prepare well."


"Pulson, as long as you defeat that human boy this time, you will be the strongest in our team." Orc teenagers are surrounded by orc teenagers who are much taller than others.

In these four teams, they usually carry out some mutual fighting training. In the usual fighting training, the team where Morin is is usually won by Morin. Even in the other three teams, it is difficult to find out who is Morin's opponent. Although Morin is very strong among these orc teenagers, these orc teenagers don't like to get along with Morin.

First of all, Morin is human, which is different from these orc juvenile races.

Second, Morin's kind nature is incompatible with the rage in the orc's bones.

Three, for every training and hunting, Morin will use his mental strength to let those beasts escape. So that these orc teenagers can't learn hunting skills at all, these orc teenagers are naturally very dissatisfied with Morin. They don't even call Morin's name, but Morin 'Human Boy'.

If Morin hadn't been better than them, I'm afraid he would have been bullied by them.

In today's election, orc teenagers naturally don't want Morin to win.

Pulissen looked coldly at Morin in the distance, and a wisp of coldness flashed in his eyes: "Don't worry, I won't let this human boy win."


"Molin, come here for a moment." Kent's guard waved to Morin, and Morin hurried over.

"Uncle Kent." Morin shouted.

Kent nodded with a smile. Kent appreciated Morin very much. Morin is a human. Human beings are not as good as orcs in their bodies. However, in the past fighting, Morin has been far ahead of other orc teenagers, and in the fighting, Morin has never used his spiritual power.

"Morin, although I know that you have never used mental strength in your past fighting training. However, I still want to remind you today that today's election prohibits the use of mental power, do you understand? Kent said with a smile.

The orc is physically strong, which is unmatched by human beings. However, human beings can awaken their spiritual power more easily than orcs. It is extremely difficult for orcs to awaken their spiritual power. No green orc in Tianze Town has awakened his spiritual power.

"I know." Morin nodded.

Looking at Morin's simple and flawless eyes, Kent couldn't help sighing secretly.

This rule that does not allow Morin to use mental power is actually very unfair to Morin. After all, human beings cannot be compared with orcs in terms of body, and human beings can exist on an equal basis with orcs because of spiritual power. Unfortunately, Tianze Town is a village of orcs, where you can only follow the rules of orcs.

"If Molin can pass this time, even if everyone in the town opposes, I will focus on training him. With Morin's fighting talent, he should be able to become a good warrior. Kent thought to himself.


Ten minutes passed quickly.

Under the gaze of the four guards, the orc teenagers of the four teams also fought fiercely.

The target of Morin's first battle was an orc teenager named Linsey. Molin is now only ten years old and about 1.5 meters tall, while Linsai has reached 1.6 meters tall and is much stronger than Morin.

This is the advantage of orcs. In terms of physique, whether it is an adult orc orc underage, it is not comparable to ordinary human beings.

"Roar!" Lindsay let out a roar and rushed straight to Morin.

In the face of Linse, who was much stronger than himself, Morin was not nervous at all, but was particularly calm.

When Linse rushed to Morin and raised her arm to hit Morin, Morin's body suddenly moved.

Morin suddenly took a step forward and directly stepped from the front of Linse to Linse's side. Then Molin raised his right foot and swept it directly at Linse's leg.


Linse was directly swept to his knees.

"You lost!" Morin said indifferently.

Kent in the distance has been paying attention to Morin. Seeing Morin's easy victory in the first battle, he couldn't help nodding slightly.

Although Linse is stronger than Morin, she is also much stronger than Morin in terms of strength, but she is not as good as Morin in terms of flexibility. Mo Lin also grasped this point. When Linse raised his fist to attack himself, he hid directly to Linse's side. Linse was slow to react and had no time to respond.

Morin's attack is also just right. If Morin's right foot sweeps on Linse's thigh or calf, he must not be able to knock Linse down. Linse is an orc. His thighs and calves are extremely strong, but the leg fat between his thighs and calves is quite fragile. Molin swept Linse's legs and won the loser.

This is also the reason why Morin has always been undefeated among these orc teenagers. Morin will not foolishly fight head-on with these orc teenagers, but uses the weaknesses of these orc teenagers to knock them down with one blow.

These orc teenagers fight with a brute force.

And Morin's fighting can use his brain.


The fighting is still going on. Soon, Morin's team has reached the final stage.

Morin vs. Pulson!

The winning party will be able to enter the hunting team through the election.

The two of them are standing in an open space at this moment, and the eliminated orc teenagers are watching not far away. Maurin and Pulson are the two strongest people on their team. For them, this is a battle between dragons and tigers!

Pulson's height has reached an amazing 1.7 meters, which is absolutely second to none among many orc teenagers. Even many people think that Pulson has the hope of growing to three meters in the future. Among the green orcs, the green orcs that can grow to three meters are the strongest green orcs.

Plissen stared at Morin coldly.

In the past fighting training, he has never defeated Morin. Pulissen is much stronger than ordinary orc teenagers, and in terms of strength, it is also unmatched by other orc teenagers. However, Morin never confronts Pulson head-on, and every time he uses his flexibility to attack Pulson's weakness.

Pulissen knows very well that if you want to defeat Morin today, you must use other methods.

At the beginning of the fight, Pulson rushed directly to Morin at the fastest speed, but Pulson did not attack immediately. He knew very well that once the attack was launched, Morin would dodge. If he attacked now, he would only suffer the same end as Linsey.

Morin watched Pulissen rush over directly, but did not attack, and his face gradually became solemn.

Although Pulson has never defeated Maurin, Morin does not dare to despise Pulson at all. Pulissen rushed over like this. If he didn't dodge, he would definitely hit himself out with his strong body.

Morin hurriedly hid to the left.

"I knew you would hide in this direction!" Pulson's eyes lit up.

Through the fight with Morin, Pulisson found that Morin usually dodge to the left in dodging. Now that he has seized this opportunity, Pulison's fist hit directly to the left at the moment when Morin dodged. Who knows, Molin just smiled and dodged to the left was just a false shot. Molin moved his footsteps and instantly moved to the right.

"You've been fooled!" Pulson roared.

The fist that was originally hit on the left suddenly changed to the right.

"It's not good!" Morin's face changed.

I didn't expect that Pulson was so cunning. I judged my real dodge direction early in the morning, and now I can't change the direction. Morin has to fight against Pulson.

Morin quickly raised his arm and resisted in front of himself.


Pulissen's huge fist hit Morin's arm, throwing Morin's whole body more than a meter away. Molin's arm was directly high and pusy, and there was a pain.

Pulson is more than a little stronger than Morin in strength, and a punch with all his strength is not a joke for Morin.


"Good to Pulson!"

"Down with the human boy!"

The orc teenagers around are shouting one after another. They all hope that Pulson can defeat Morin.

Pulson smiled at the corners of his mouth and looked down at Morin.

"I will only be the one who wins today!" Pulson roared, gave Morin no chance to breathe, and continued to rush to Morin.

Although Morin resisted Pulissen's fist and faced Pulissen's fierce pursuit, he still did not have any nervousness or anxiety.

There was a smile on Pulson's face.

In his opinion, he is already winning. Once Morin dodges, whether on the left or right, he can attack, and if Morin does not dodge, he will be directly knocked away by his strong body.

"See if you are hiding to the left or to the right this time!" Pulson thought proudly.

Seeing that Pulson had rushed to Morin, Morin still stood there calmly.

"Hmm?" A trace of doubt gradually appeared in Pulissen's heart: "Isn't he going to dodge?"

You should know that with Pulson's strong body and high-speed running, this collision force is quite terrible. If it hits Morin, the impact force is no worse than the lethality of Pulissen's fist.

"If you don't hide, you will only lose worse!" Pulson roared, like an arrogant bison, and crashed into Morin fiercely.

Morin stood there quietly. When Pulisson was only one step away from Morin, Morin's body suddenly burst!

"Drink!" Morin roared, and his strength was all concentrated on a pair of fists. His fists directly hit the impacting Pulsen and hit Pulson's chest fiercely.


Under a low muffled sound, Morin's body was thrown out and hit the ground heavily. Pulissen also stepped back several steps in a row, and two red fist marks appeared on his strong chest.

"This human boy..." Pulson was secretly surprised.

He didn't expect that Morin would fight directly head-on, and the power that broke out in Morin's fists had far exceeded Pulson's expectations. Fortunately, Pulissen's body was extremely strong. He resisted Morin's blow and was not knocked down. However, there was a faint pain in the chest.

Kent frowned when he was watching the battle in the distance.

Morin chose the right way to fight head-on, but Molin chose the part to attack, which was Pulson's strongest and strongest chest.

You should know that if it was the part that Morin chose to attack before, it was Pulissen's throat... Now I'm afraid that Pulissen has fallen to the ground!

If you are more ruthless, if you attack the eyes and other key points, you can eliminate Pulson.

But Morin's choice...but it's the chest! Because Maurin believes that attacking the chest is the least lethal. After all, attacking Pulson's throat and eyes is an extremely deadly attack. Careless, it may kill Pulisson. Morin even wanted to save the beast. He couldn't bear to watch the beast being killed, let alone take a heavy attack on Pulissen.

"Hey..." Kent sighed.

Morin's kindness made this fight that would have been easy to win, and there were some variables.


Morin turned over and stood up from the ground.

Pulson's terrible impact force made Morin's arm ache.


Plisson didn't give Morin time to breathe at all, and rushed over again.

Morin still did not dodge and bombarded Pulson's chest head-on. Pulissen had no choice but to attack Morin for a while. Once he attacked Morin when he rushed directly, Morin would dodge to the side to attack Pulison. Orc teenagers like Pulson are extremely slow to react, and the frontal attack can't change the direction. You can only change the direction left and right, and you can't change the direction of the frontal attack.

Therefore, Morin did not dodge, and Pulissen could only collide crazily.



Morin and Pulissen kept bumping into each other. Gradually, Morin's arms were constantly trembling by the impact of Pulissen, and the pain made Morin's forehead full of sweat. Pulson was also uncomfortable. His chest was attacked by Morin one after another, and even his chest was faintly painful when breathing. Pulson realized that once he hit hard like this, he must be the first to fall down.

"I won't fail, I won't!"

Pulson roared like crazy and continued to crash into Morin. Mo Lin still didn't dodge and punched hard.


In this collision, Maurin obviously felt that Pulson's impact force was much smaller. He was not even hit and retreated, but Pulson threw it out like a broken kite, and even spit blood in his mouth.


There were exclamation around.

It is difficult to vomit blood in the fight between these orc teenagers.

"Pulson, are you all right?" Morin subconsciously thought that he was too heavy, and the nature of kindness made him unconsciously come to Pulissen's side.

Pulson, who fell to the ground, suddenly showed a cold smile at the corners of his mouth.

The next moment, Pulson's body suddenly burst out, and his right elbow hit Morin's heart like a cannonball.


Mo Lin flew backwards heavily, and blood spewed out of his mouth.

The heart is the key part of the human body. After being hit so hard, Morin's face turned pale!

"Molin, are you all right?" Kent exclaimed.

"Haha, I won!" Pulson roared excitedly.

"Pulson won!"

"Haha, I said earlier that the human boy was not Pulson's opponent. The previous victory of the human boy was just a fluke!"

"It's really cool to look at that human boy's awkward appearance!"

All the orc teenagers cheered, and it seemed that Morin was their sworn enemy.

Before, Pulson vomited blood and made them exclaim, but now Maureen vomited blood, and was ridiculed by these orc teenagers.

Mo Lin stood up silently from the ground, with a wry smile on the corners of his mouth, and his wound body trembled and walked into the distance. The thin body looks particularly lonely and lonely under the sun shining in the morning sun...


PS: This book is by no means abusive. I hope everyone can read it patiently.