God-eating blood

Chapter 18 What is despicable?

Otan Mercenary Association——

Morin waited quietly in the room. Since Coru disappeared three years ago and Tianze Town was razed to the ground by a mysterious man, Morin has made a plan to come to Otan Mercenaries to join Cliff.

From Tianze Town to Black's Territory, there are many dangerous places along the way.

It took Morin three years to forcibly cross these dangerous places. Fortunately, Morin's mental strength has a strong therapeutic effect, and there are elemental notes that can restore the consumption of his mental strength. Even so, Molin's body also left large and small scars.

On Morin's chest, when he fought with a Warcraft a month ago, the ferocious scar almost penetrated the whole chest by the warcraft.

For three years, Morin can be said to have spent every day between life and death. If it were other teenagers, their ambition would have collapsed in such an environment.

But Morin has persisted. In the past three years, he has become extremely calm. At the same time, Mo Lin's mind far exceeds his actual age.

"To find out the mysterious man who destroyed Tianze Town three years ago, the only clue is that the man can use elemental magic!"

"There is no element at all in the current Olingue continent. It can drive elemental magic, and it is also a wide range of extremely destructive elemental magic. This person must not be simple."

"If you want to know who else can drive elemental magic in the Orlinger continent, only those legendary figures on the continent must know."

"And if I just want to get the lead of Black, I will definitely be able to see Blake, the owner of Black's leader!"

"With Black's position on the Oringer continent, he must know who else can drive elemental magic on the Oringer continent today!"

"At that time, the truth will come out!"

Morin's eyes are cold.

For the mysterious man who made Koru disappear and the town of Tianze be razed to the ground, Molin hates it to the bone!

In order to find the truth, even if he has lived a life and death life for the past three years, Morin has persisted. In order to find out the truth!


The door of the box opened, and Gabiri came in.

"Hmm?" Morin frowned and asked doubtfully, "Where's Uncle Cliff?"

Gabirila smiled and said, "Little brother, don't worry. I have given the blue moon seal to Lord Luca. Lord Luca is a student of Lord Cliff. Lord Luca will definitely help you hand over the blue moon seal to Lord Cliff.

"Oh." Morin nodded.

"Little brother, this is your first time to come to Otan City, right?" Gabirila smiled and filled Morin with wine.

"Yes!" Morin didn't hide it. Morin still had a good impression of Gabilar.

"Since it is the first time for the little brother, there must be a limited understanding of our Otan Mercenary Club. If the little brother doesn't dislike it, I'll tell the little brother about our Otan Mercenary Club. Gabirila said with a smile, "The eight outer cities under Black's leadership all have a mercenary association, which are the eight mercenary associations. In our eight mercenary meetings, there is a president and a adjudicator, and the rest are blue armor mercenaries, black armor mercenaries, gray armor mercenaries, and white armor mercenaries.

"The adjudicator? What is the adjudicator? Morin asked doubtfully.

Gabirila smiled and said, "The so-called adjudicator is the strongest mercenary in our eight mercenary associations. Every five years, our eight mercenaries will hold an election of adjudicators, and a total of eight adjudicators will be elected, each of which will hold eight mercenary meetings.

"Lord Cliff is the adjudicator of our Otan Mercenary Association, equipped with the ruling youth armor!"

"In addition to the adjudicator, each of our free mercenary mercenaries is divided into four levels, from high to low: blue armor mercenary, black armor mercenary, gray armor mercenary, white armor mercenary."

"The level of free mercenaries is completely determined by the color of their armor. If free mercenaries want to upgrade their level, in addition to a certain strength, they must also complete a certain number of tasks.

Morin nodded relievedly and asked doubtfully, "Yes, does every mercenary have a stamp?"

"Haha, you can't say that either." Gabirella smiled and said, "The seal is the merit and glory of every mercenary. The seal is divided into yang, moon and star. For example, if a white armor mercenary completes a certain number of ordinary tasks, he can receive a 'white star stamp'. With the 'White Star Badge', you can receive white star-level tasks. White star-level tasks will be much more difficult than ordinary tasks, but the reward is higher. After completing a certain number of white star tasks, you can receive the white moon seal. With the white moon seal, you are qualified to receive white moon-level tasks, and so on!"

Morin was surprised.

To put it this way... At the beginning, Cliff gave the blue moon stamp to himself, which was equivalent to giving all his achievements to himself! You know, upgrading the stamp to the monthly level is a lot of tasks to complete. Each of these tasks is life-threatening.

The blue moon seal represents not only Cliff's achievements, but also the glory that has been endangered countless times!

"Uncle Cliff..."

Morin's heart was moved.

If I had known that the blue moon stamp represented so many things, Mo Lin would not have accepted it anyway.


Morin and Gaby Lala chatted. Through Gaby Lala, Morin also learned a lot of information about free mercenaries.

In the blink of an eye, three hours have passed.

"Uncle Cabillilla, why hasn't Uncle Cliff come yet?" Morin asked doubtfully.

According to reason, Cliff gave himself the Qingyue seal at the beginning. Now if Cliff sees the Qingyue seal, he will definitely come to himself as soon as possible.

Gabirila also felt something was wrong.

"Well, you can go and have a look with me." Gabirila said.

Morin nodded and now walked out of the box with Gabirella.


As soon as she walked out of the box, Gabirila happened to see that Luca was also not far away. Gabirila quickly took Morin and quickly walked to Luca.

At this moment, Luca is sitting on a luxury sofa in the lobby, surrounded by two naked and hot-looking beauties. Luca hugged left and right, looking extremely happy.

Gabirila walked to Luca and asked respectfully, "Lord Luca, I don't know if you have given the Blue Moon Seal to Lord Cliff?"

Luca looked at Gabirilla and smiled harmoniously: "Oh, it's Gabirira. Come on, let's sit down and talk."

"Yes, Lord Luca." Gaby Lila did not dare to disobey and sat aside.

Luca looked at Morin again and said kindly, "Brother, let's sit down together."

"No." Morin said lightly.

I don't know why, although the young man named Luca in front of him seems to be very friendly and has no airs. But Molin was a little disgusted with him.

Morin's indifference made Luca slightly stunned, and then Luca still smiled with a harmonious smile and asked Gabirila, "Gabirira, what are you looking for me for?"

Gabirilla was slightly stunned and said, "Lord Luca, I gave you the blue moon seal before, but I don't know..."

Before Gabirila finished speaking, he was interrupted by Luca: "Green Moon Seal? When did you give me the green moon stamp? Gabirila, are you making a mistake?

Jiabilila was stunned.

Mo Lin was also stunned.

After three seconds of saving, Gabirila woke up and said anxiously to Luca, "Lord Luca, stop playing. I can't afford this kind of thing!"

Luca gently patted Gaby Lara's hand and said understandingly, "Gabi Lala, don't worry, speak slowly and see if I can help you. What the hell is going on?"

Gabiri's face turned red and she was at a loss for a moment.

Morin couldn't help sinking in his heart.

Through his previous relationship with Gabi Lila, Morin can see that Gabi Lala is definitely not the kind of scumbag who secretly tampers. On the contrary, the seemingly harmonious Luca in front of him gave Morin a feeling of disgust.

Morin knew in his heart that Luca must have done something about this!

But now the other party doesn't admit it and pretends that he doesn't know anything. There's nothing he can do about him for a while.

"Lord Luca, you can't do this!" Gabiella was forced to be a little excited, and her voice couldn't help but become louder: "The Green Moon Seal is the painstaking efforts of Lord Cliff. Since Lord Cliff gave the Green Moon Seal to this little brother, it proves that this little brother is the person Lord Cliff attaches great importance to. You... You can't take Qingyue for your own selfish desires. The seal has been embezzled!"

Gabirila's words immediately attracted a crowd of free mercenaries in the lobby.

When they heard that Luca had embezzled the Qingyue seal, they all looked at Luca with surprise.

Luca sat there, his face still unchanged, still with a kind and friendly smile: "Jabi Lila, I really don't know what you're talking about. The Qingyue seal is only available to teachers in our Otan City. You said you gave me the Qingyue seal. May I ask, how can you have a blue moon seal?"

Many free mercenaries around are nodding in agreement.

The blue moon seal, which is a seal that only the adjudicator can have. And Gabirila is just a white armor mercenary at the lowest level. How can there be a blue moon seal with this lowest level?

"The Qingyue seal was given to me by this little brother himself." Gabirira said to Luca.

Everyone's eyes suddenly focused on Morin.

"Oh?" Luca smiled and stood up and asked Morin, "This brother, it seems that your outfit is the first time to come to Otan City, right?"

Morin nodded, which is undeniable.

Luca laughed and said, "Everyone knows that in recent years, my teacher has been in Otan City and has never left Otan City for half a step. May I ask, how can my teacher's Qingyue seal be on this little brother?

Many free mercenaries around are constantly nodding.

They have completely believed in Luca. You know, Luca has always been very popular in the Otan Mercenary Club. Luca is friendly and never puts on airs, and he is also the most promising young talent in the Otan Mercenary Club. In contrast, Gabirella is just a white armored mercenary at the lowest level.

"Cabillilla, you must be jealous of Lord Luca, so you want to put the blame on Lord Luca!"

"Jabi Lila, you are too despicable!"

There are curses all around.

Cabirilla is completely confused!

"Cabillilla, if people like you don't teach you a lesson, it's simply humiliating our Otan Mercenary Association!" A strong white armored mercenary said and suddenly stepped in front of Gaby Lala. His huge fist carried the sound of breaking the wind and hit Gaby Lara's chest fiercely.


Gabirila was directly smashed and thrown out.

"Let Hanna teach you a good lesson today!" The strong mercenary named Hanna said, and his right foot stepped fiercely on the Jiabi Lira who fell to the ground.

Everyone knows that once this foot falls on the Jiabi Lila, it will inevitably be seriously injured. However, no one had a trace of pity. They all thought that Gaby Lira deserved it!

Seeing that Hanna's wild foot was about to step on Gabiri, a powerful big hand abruptly grabbed Hanna's right calf.


Hanna's strong body was directly picked up by Morin holding his calves.