God-eating blood

Chapter 158 Entering the Secret Land

"This, here..."

The scene in front of him made Morin's eyes widened in consters.

Through the transmission array of Palamos of the Holy Alliance, Morin and Bolley suddenly appeared on a seemingly illusory ladder.

The whole ladder is suspended in the clouds, surrounded by floating clouds. The stairs stand diagonally up and lead directly to the huge buildings in the clouds farther above. It was a magnificent and domineering gorgeous building suspended farther and higher, and the whole huge building was suspended there, as if constantly swallowing clouds and fog, giving people a sense of uncertainty.

"This...is this the Holy Heavenly Palace?" Morin was completely stunned.

Looking at the bottom of the eyes, the bottom is completely white. Only endless clouds can be faintly seen, and even a trace of the ground can't be seen.

"This... how high is this in the air?"

You can't even see the ground here, and the height of terror makes Maureen's heart tremble.

You know, even the forbidden black dragon in Morin's spiritual space can't fly so high. The forbidden dragon is the king of birds. Even the forbidden dragon can't fly so high, but there is a magnificent city in the air here?


"This must be the remains left by the powerful saints of the former Orlinger!"

"And the saint who can build this city in the air is afraid that there is an extremely top horror among many saints!"

This magnificent and domineering city in the air can never be built in today's Olingue continent. It would have been hard to say if anyone could come to such a high air if it hadn't been through the ancient transmission array, let alone build such a magnificent building here.

"Molin, let's go in. The teacher is already waiting for us there." Burley was not surprised by Morin's surprise. When he first came here before, his reaction was much greater than Morin's.

Immediately, Morin and Boley walked up the stairs.


When approaching this endless strange building, Molin saw clearly that the whole building was shrouded in an endless sea of clouds. The sea of clouds even contained endless mystery, although Molin could not see through what the mystery was. But you can feel its terrible energy fluctuations.

Today's Oringer continent, even if all forces come together to attack together, it will never shake this city in the air.

"It's no wonder the Holy Heavenly Alliance has so much confidence! Even if all the forces on the Orlinger continent unite, at most, to destroy the thirteen kingdoms of the Holy Heavenly Alliance, this city in the air can't be shaken in any case. And the Holy Heavenly Alliance only needs to gather those important people into this city in the air. With this city in the air, no one can completely destroy them. And the elemental secret place is also in this holy heaven.

When he saw this magnificent and domineering city in the air, Morin realized how unreliable the idea he had given Black was.

If you want to completely destroy the Holy Heavenly Alliance, unless someone can shake this city in the air.

However, those guys of the Holy Heaven Alliance are obviously unwilling to shrink in this city in the air all their lives. Their ambition is the whole vast Olingue continent, otherwise they would not have shared the secret place of elements with many forces.


Under the leadership of Boley, Maurin passed through layers of barriers formed by clouds. These barriers are now deliberately driven by people to pass through. On weekdays, even the strong men of the twelve-star scale cannot forcibly cross these cloud barriers.


It didn't take long for Morin to step into this magnificent Holy Heaven.

"Molin." The giant with flames all over his body had been waiting for Morin there for a long time.

"Lord Black." Mo Lin bowed and said.

Black looked up and down at Morin and naturally saw that Morin was already a twelve-star earth warrior. Even if he had been psychologically prepared for a long time, when he saw it with his own eyes, Black still took a cold breath and set off a terrible wave in his heart.

"Molin, come with me." Blake looked around.

Although the guards of the Holy Heaven around are far away from them, it is always inconvenient to speak here.

At this moment, Black took Morin to an extremely spacious square in the Holy Heaven.

The overall area of the whole Holy Heavenly Hall is quite vast. The size of the square alone is larger than the size of the cities of the Holy Heavenly Alliance.

Today, the square is divided into many areas, each of which is built with some tents and some simple buildings.


Morin looked a little puzzled.

"This time, the Holy Heaven Alliance and the major forces share the secret realm of elements and put forward a requirement that anyone who is at the peak of the twelve-star level cannot enter the secret realm of elements. However, after the twelve-star peak strong men of the major forces bring their respective elites, they will naturally not leave casually. And we don't want to live in the unique architectural rooms of the Holy Heavenly Mansion. Who knows if there is any secrets in those architectural rooms. So we divided the areas of our respective forces here, and built our own tents and buildings to live here. Blake explained.

Morin nodded slightly.

It is necessary to be vigilant here at all times. After all, this Holy Heavenly Palace is really unfathomable.

Following Blake into a huge tent, Black opened his mouth and asked Morin, " By the way, Morin, I didn't have time to ask you before. Is there really no danger in this elemental secret?"

"Does the lord also feel strange?" Morin smiled.

"Yes." Black nodded and said, "Now the people who enter the secret world of elements have not found any crisis in it, but there are a lot of elemental treasures. Nowadays, the deaths and injuries in it are caused by various forces competing for those elemental treasures.

Morin nodded and asked doubtfully, "My lord, I don't know if the people who go in now have ever encountered the elemental indigenous people?"

"Elemental indigenous? Is there an element of indigenous people in it? Blake was surprised.

"I'm not sure about the specific situation." Morin shook his head.

To be honest, Morin's understanding of the secret place of elements is also limited to the King Arlin of the Holy Alliance. Judging from the situation at that time, it was impossible for King Arlin to lie and deceive himself. However, the secret environment of elements is complex and changeable. Maybe there have been some changes during this period, so that those elements do not exist.

Morin did not dare to give a positive answer to this.

"Lord, although I don't know what's going on inside. But I still think you'd better remove half of the elites inside. Morin said solemnly.

"Remove half of it?" Blake was stunned.

You know, the secret place of the whole element is extremely vast. In such a vast area, there are a lot of elemental treasures. Nowadays, every force thinks that there are too few people in it, and they are constantly increasing the number of people in it. If you withdraw half of the elite on your side, it is almost equivalent to giving up many elemental treasures inside.

"Lord, think about it carefully. Nowadays, although there are a lot of elemental treasures in the elemental secret world, there is no danger in them. But what if there is a devastating crisis suddenly one day? Morin looked at Black.

Black's heart jumped, "You mean..."

"If there is a devastating crisis suddenly inside, it will be the destruction of the whole army!" Morin said with a serious face, "How much do the major forces know about the secret place of elements now? Who can be sure that there is no danger inside? The elemental treasures inside are certainly touching, but even if you get these treasures, you will lose all the elites, which is not worth the loss!"

Morin's words made Black sweat coldly.

To be honest, with Black's wisdom, it's not that you can't take this into account.

It's just that now after seeing that there are many elemental treasures in the elemental secret world, all the major forces are crazy to increase their manpower in it.

People are often blind.

One side's forces do that, and the other forces continue to do so.

In this way, the major forces are crazily increasing the number of people in it, without considering some potential hidden dangers.

Morin's words were like a blow to the head, which immediately made Black wake up.

"Belle, you immediately let Marshall enter the secret place of the element to convey my order, and let half of the elites of Blake withdraw, quickly!" Black suddenly shouted sternly.

After entering the secret place of the element, it is to block all the spiritual power of the outside world. That is to say, the outside world cannot transmit sound to the secret realm of elements. Therefore, all major forces have people who send orders back and forth between the two places.

"Yes, teacher!" Boley answered repeatedly.

"Lord, then I will go in with you." Although Morin woke up Black, he planned to go in.

"Well..." Blake nodded and told him, "Although there is no danger in it now, it is inevitable that all forces will fight. You have to be more careful. You can learn more about the situation from Marshall later."

"Hmm." Morin nodded, and then retreated with Boley.

After finding Marshall, Morin followed Marshall to the secret place of elements.


The elemental secret is located on a 100-meter high platform in the Holy Heavenly Mansion, and the whole high platform is surrounded by crisscrossing stairs. Maurin followed Marshall down the stairs to the high platform. The high platform is very wide, and there are many strong people standing on it. Among them, the weakest ones are the strong in the eleven-star level.


Morin suddenly caught a glimpse of an old acquaintance.


Morin sneered.

Now facing the first trainer of the Holy Heaven Alliance, Mo Lin doesn't feel any pressure, and he is not afraid that the other party will recognize him.


The most attractive thing on this high platform is an ancient magic door with a strange shape. The whole magic door is covered with magic runes, and the whole door is suspended there, full of extremely strong elements.

"Let's go."

Marshall immediately took Morin to the Gate of Magic.

And the eyes of those around them also fell on the two people one after another, secretly testing their strength.


When Morin passed by Aubrey, Aubrey frowned slightly. He always felt that Morin's breath seemed to be a little familiar. However, when he found that the other party was a twelve-star earth warrior, Aubrey shook his head and gave up.

Morin followed Marshall and stepped into the magic door one after another. After a flash of light, the two disappeared out of thin air.