God-eating blood

Chapter 384 The disappearance of the town

The perfect meaning exerted by Kui Lin is not uncontrollable, but the soaring speed of this lotus flower is too fast. In less than a second, all the saints were crushed. Then he was hanged on the mysterious strong man who was chasing and killing these saints.

On the contrary, the poisonous snake released by Hyde stopped and rushed forward in time when Morin flew into the air, and then shot into the sky and chased Morin.

And the lotus flower was twisted on the mysterious strong man, as if the rotating gear was stuck by a hard object, and it could not be twisted at all.

"It's not good!"

Kui Lin's face changed dramatically.

Morin obviously had a plan for a long time, but he just wanted her attack to stab the mysterious strong man, the 'hornet'.

It's not true!

After being attacked by Kui Lin, the mysterious strong man's pupilless eyes swept to Kui Lin. At a glance, Kui Lin's scalp couldn't help feeling numb.


The lotus flower, which easily crushed the bodies of many saints, was caught by the mysterious strong man, like an ordinary toy.


The mysterious strong man pinched it with his bare hands, and the whole lotus flower was directly crushed and dissipated in the air.


The mysterious strong man kicked on the ground and turned into a black streamer.


From the mysterious strong man, Kui Lin felt an unprecedented sense of crisis. Since Kulin became the saint of great perfection, no one can bring her this feeling except for those existences above great perfection. And how many existences are there in heaven and earth above the great perfection? One hand can be counted out, and the existence of these great perfections is strange and erratic, and Kui Lin has never seen many.

The sense of crisis brought by the mysterious strong man at present made Kui Lin unable to even feel the desire to resist, so she turned around and fled quickly. Originally, the speed of the mysterious strong man was only average, but with the flight of Quilin, the speed of the mysterious strong man suddenly increased.


The black streamer even burned.

There was a loud sound, and the burning black streamer was so fast that it directly hit Hyde, who was stunned and had not yet reacted. For a moment... Hyde's body was like tofu, and suddenly it burst.


Morin was stunned.

Hyde is the top saint of great perfection. Even when dealing with the most ordinary great perfections such as Kopfei and Caesar, it is like adults bullying children, but now... he is directly hit by the body burst.


As soon as Hyde died, the poisonous snake chasing Morin immediately let out a sad scream, his eyes were full of despair, and his body twitched in mid-air. The vitality passed wildly and fell down softly.

"It's too, it's horrible!"

Morin looked with lingering lingering at the black streamer that had completely disappeared from his sight. Through observation, Molin also discovered the speciality of this mysterious strong man.

It seems that the mysterious strong man has different strengths in the face of different opponents.

When the mysterious strong man faces those low-level saints, the strength displayed is only the level of the middle-level saints, and when the mysterious strong man faces the most terrible great perfect saint such as Quirin, the strength displayed... is far beyond Morin's imagination.

"I really don't know who this mysterious strong man is!"

Mo Lin shook his head and turned his palms, "Hip!"


I saw a pile of treasures on the ground being collected into storage utensils by Molin.

As soon as Hyde died, the storage utensils on his body also burst apart, and all kinds of treasures were immediately scattered on the ground. For these treasures, Morin will not be polite. Even Morin will be moved by the family of a great saint.

"No one is bothering me now. It's a good opportunity for me to refine this mysterious town."


Morin moved and came to the center of the town.

"Let's get started!"


The earth's air in Morin's body penetrated directly into the town.

"Sure enough, this town is indeed the sacred treasure of the earth!"

There was a burst of excitement in Morin's heart. It seemed that his speculation was correct. This mysterious town was the earth treasure that Morin himself felt.


The air of the earth on the surface of Morin burns in an instant, and the burning air of the earth is transmitted directly along the stone ground of the town, as quickly as an electric current flows, entering the core of the bottom of the town.

In the depths of the bottom of the town, there is a black sphere.

When Morin's earth's air penetrated into the black sphere--

"Hmm?" Molin's heart suddenly beat violently, "This breath... is so familiar!"


A dark stone stick appeared beside Molin out of thin air.

"Atonement for the arm?" Morin looked at the atonement arm doubtfully. How did it run out of thin air?


As soon as the atonement arm appeared, he uncontrollably drilled to the bottom of the town and went straight to the black sphere under the bottom of the town. After seeing the atonement arm, the whole black sphere quickly approached the atonement arm as if consciously, and then integrated into the atonement arm.

"Is it..."

"Is this black sphere the power to unlock the atonement arm 'the source of the sealed atoner'?"

Morin was extremely shocked.

Inside the atonement arm, there has always been the source of the sealed atonement arm, which is the source of the power of the atonement arm. And once the seal of the 'source of the atonement' is untied, the power of atonement will really explode. But Molin has never known how to untie the seal.

But I didn't expect...

The black sphere under the bottom of this town is actually the power to unlock the seal of the source of the atonement. And this black sphere is also the core center of the whole town and the core center of the whole earth treasure.

The rumble~

At the moment when the black sphere integrated into the atonement arm, the whole town trembled violently, and even the ground within a hundred miles near the town trembled crazily.


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! ......

In the town, figures were blown out. For a moment, a large number of saints appeared in the air outside the town, and these saints were completely stunned.

"What's going on?"

"I was just looking for the earth treasure in it, and then I was forcibly bombarded out by a force."

"I was also kicked out."

"How did this town drive us out?"

Every saint's face is unimaginable. None of these saints from different forces is fighting at this moment, and they are all stunned.

This is so strange, so weird!

In this saint, Kulin is also in it. At this moment, Kulin's face is ugly, and a heart is still beating violently.

Just now, the mysterious strong man had caught up with her. Seeing that Kui Lin was about to die in the hands of the mysterious strong man, but at this time, the town bombarded Kui Lin out and let Kui Lin escape.

"Look at it!"

A saint suddenly pointed to the town and exclaimed.

Everyone stared at it.

"This... this town is getting smaller!"

"It's getting smaller!"

The town, which originally covered a wide area, is shrinking rapidly at this moment, and the shrinkage speed is amazingly fast. In the blink of an eye, it shrank by only a few hundred meters, and then disappeared out of thin air and disappeared completely.

"The town has disappeared!"

"How can it be!"

A piece of panic.

Even the frightened Quilin was shocked.

"Why... why did it disappear? What about the mysterious strong man? The mysterious strong man is also gone!" Kui Lin looked around, and then frowned tightly. "It's not only the mysterious strong man who disappeared, but also Mo Lin who disappeared!"